Archive of ‘Library and information science’ category

Social Media news usage
more on SM News in this IMS blog

OER Learn to Learn Online

Learning to Learn Online was created by students to help ease the shift from a traditional classroom setting to an online environment. You will explore a total of six unique chapters that will help you successfully prepare for online learning.

more on learning in this IMS blog

free fast broadband in UK

Thousands of families struggling with home learning are being offered free high-speed broadband following a partnership between internet provider Hyperoptic and dozens of local authorities across the UK.

more on netneutrality in this IMS blog

archiving presidential materials

My note: Both “The Guardian” and “Outside the Beltway” are left-leaning and these publications may be perceived as “political.”
The significance of preserving documents, however, is well presented in both publications.
The Guardian, however, present a well-done overview of the history and mechanics for preservation of documents, in this case, presidential.

Historians having to tape together records that Trump tore up

Trump Routinely Shreds Documents He’s Required to Preserve

more on archiving in this IMS blog

academia in the times of riots

Jeremi Suri, a professor of public affairs and history at the University of Texas at Austin, outlined that argument in an article published this week in the nonpartisan publication The Constitutionalist.

Our universities just in my own lifetime, since I was an undergrad in the 1990s, have become more professionalized, more corporate and more driven by money than ever before…  what’s happened is that has crowded out the discussions about civic responsibility, about serving the public… Most people running universities today spend very little time thinking about civic responsibility. They spend much more time thinking about budgets, thinking about the politics of their university and quite frankly, thinking about athletics…. our institutions infused a certain culture and they incentivize certain kinds of behavior.


Comast data cap

Comcast data cap blasted by lawmakers as it expands into 12 more states from r/technology

Comcast data cap blasted by lawmakers as it expands into 12 more states

Data cap harms poor people and isn’t needed to manage network, Mass. reps say.

Comcast charges an extra $30 per month for unlimited data, or $25 for the “xFi Complete” add-on package that includes the Comcast gateway device and unlimited data. Customers who don’t upgrade to unlimited data and exceed the 1.2TB cap must pay $10 for each additional block of 50GB, up to a maximum of $100 each month. Comcast is phasing in the charges gradually, so customers in newly capped areas could start getting overage charges for their April 2021 usage.

more on netneutrality in this IMS blog

APA 7th

“As I create and modify my course syllabi, I want to make sure my students use APA 7th ed. when writing their formal assignments. For those of you who also use APA, what do you say in your syllabi? What matters to you with your students giving proper credit to sources, images, or videos? I’m trying to do better and expect better”

There’s a new OER that I used with my students in the fall that introduces them to APA and has examples to work through.

In case this is helpful, my university has a video on using APA. (I haven’t watched it yet.)

Julie Herskovitz

I never assume the they learned the format, and I build in an APA workshop. I use OWL Purdue and go over a sample paper first, then the APA PowerPoint. Then I give them a low stakes assignment (like a discussion post) to practice.

I talk about documentation more as a convention of their discourse community, not just citations. There is a certain structure and way of writing in APA, that along with citations, represent the values of a particular discourse community. Those are the things that matter to me. (I also get more buy in from students.)

I was happy to discover that APA now has decent examples online, free, at their website. So in my instructions to students, I linked to the main page and also 3 specific pages with commonly used items, such as newspaper articles online, and YouTube videos. So step 1 is providing tools. Step 2 is clearly expressed grade penalties.

I actually don’t say anything my syllabus. What I do is in my LMS: give them a template and links to the Purdue OWL and other relevant websites. I have also written a “Dr. Kaminski’s APA 7th Ed Guide”. It’s more of my pet peeves and what they should be focusing on that students often miss. I give a lot of grace on the first (low stakes) written assignment, with more focus on the APA portion than the actual content. After that, I’m expecting them to have it down.

I say it (and link to resources) in my assignment sheets and have a spot in my rubric to reflect what I am asking of my students.

I post resources to our LMS. Mostly the usual subjects (APA, Purdue OWL, etc). I often add a short video on the bias-free writing chapter because that’s often not covered in their intro to research writing courses. For citations, I’m more a stickler for complete information than semicolons and whatnot. I don’t feel good about deducting points for anything that students were taught with APA 6 that is different in 7 since we changed the rules on them.

I provide a free workshop at the beginning of the semester to explain the ‘why’ and provide practice. It carries a rather high weighting in our rubrics so…some understanding and ‘free points’ if they use it appropriately.

I have a different document I refer to in the syllabus titled “Writing Expectations”. I briefly explain the importance of using APA and the characteristics of academic writing (e.g. paraphrasing, avoiding over usage of direct quotes, and other things I see in student writing). The second page is an APA job aid that shows the basics for citations, reference lists, and leveled headings.


more on APA 7th edition in this IMS blog

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