Archive of ‘YouTube’ category

Video Blogging

Video Blogging: How to Create Consistent YouTube Content

vlog is simply a blog in video form. In a vlog, you can share anything you might do in a blog post, such as a tutorial or a story from your life.

Consistency is best for vlogging. If you post a vlog here and there, you won’t gain much traction.

the purpose of a vlog is to help people discover you. Videos that may be suitable for YouTube but that don’t help people discover you, such as a product commercial or an introduction to your company, don’t make great vlog posts. To be discovered, think of the users who are searching for a concern, a specialty, or the answer to a question. Think about what a potential customer or audience member might want to know, create a video about the topic, and upload it to YouTube.

What It Takes to Vlog

develop a strong message before you begin your video.

the camera is a vehicle delivering your message to people. When you talk to viewers the way you talk to another person, you do much better on camera.

ROI on Vlogging

the return on investment for vlogging, you need to focus on your goals. Don’t worry about vanity metrics such as followers, likes, and subscribers. Instead, measure what actually matters for your goals. For example, if your goal is to get clients, consider how many clients you need to acquire to make the hours you put into vlogging worthwhile.

goals and milestones are important for determining your ROI.

Consistency is another element for raising your channel’s profile on YouTube. If you post a video only here and there, you don’t consistently bring traffic and grow.

Examples of Great Vlogs

Gary Vaynerchuk, Casey Neistat,

more on vlogs in this IMS blog:

more on vodcasting in this IMS blog:

social media research toolkit

thank you, Greg Jorgensen, an excellent list of tools for analytics + excellent background info (price, social media tools served, output format

Social Media Research Toolkit – Peer Tested & Peer Reviewed

Gephi, Hootsuite, NodeXL, Sysomos, Gnip, Issuecrawler, Brandwatch, Netvizz, Datasift, Crimson Hexagon, tweepy, streamR, Twitoxmy, Digmind, Twitris, yourTwapperKeeper, DiscoverText, Webometric Analyst, python-twitter, twurl, Tweet Archivist, vtracker, Netlytic, twython, OutWit Hub, Mozdeh, Affinio, Rfacebook, Facepager, Flocker, 140dev, Sodato,, Textexture, Hosebird, Websta, followthehashtag, Chorus, VOSON/Uberlink, Info Extractor, twarc, iScience Maps, Social Feed Manager, facebook-sdk, Socioviz, Naoyun, Visibrain Focus, TwitterGoogles, DD-CSS, YouTube Data Tools, SocialMediaMineR, tStreamingArchiver, Twitter Stream Downloader

more on social media analytics in this IMS blog
more on social media management in this blog
more on altmetrics in this blog

social media millennials

By January 31, 2017

#1: Millennials Are Digital Shoppers

#2: New Platform Features Spur Millennial Adoption

Facebook –  An RBC Capital Markets social media survey showed that in the last year, an average of 33% of Millennials who took the survey increased the time they spent on Facebook, whereas an average of 23.5% decreased their time on Facebook.

Instagram –
instagram users

Twitter – twitter users

Snapchat – snapchat users

#3: Millennials Prefer Indirect Sales Messages

youtube adds users

These days, the preferred formats are content marketing and influencer marketing.

the old “sell without selling” idea.

In your content marketing, give Millennials something for their time, attention, and (hopefully) loyalty. They’re more likely to trust your brand if you show a genuine interest in educating them with a how-to, for example.

more on social media in this blog:

more on Millennials in this blog

latest in social media

more on social media in this IMS blog

Hangouts On Air replace by YouTube Live

Google is discontinuing Google+ Hangouts On Air on September 12, pushes users to YouTube Live

improvements in social media tools

New features in social media tools

Twitter Improves How Photos Are Displayed

Twitter is “making your timeline more immersive by uncropping photos, so you can experience and present them as they were meant to be viewed.”

Facebook Provides New Admin Tools for Managing Page Communication: Facebook is “giving admins more control over their Page’s responsiveness badge” and rolling out “new features that make it easier than ever for Page admins to manage both the public and private interactions they receive.”

Facebook Improves News Feed for Slower Network Connections: “You can also now compose comments on posts when you are offline. The comments will appear to your friends when you next get a good internet connection.”

YouTube Unveils New Trending Tab: This new tab in the YouTube app delivers the top trending videos directly to Android, iOS and desktop devices.

Google Introduces Shared Albums in Google Photos: Google has introduced shared albums in Google Photos

Social Videos With Your Smartphone

How to Create Social Videos With Your Smartphone

Do you want to create videos without having costly equipment?

#1: Choose Your Channel

Instagram allows you to post videos 3 to 15 seconds in length.

Vine lets you publish videos up to 6 seconds long.

YouTube offers the ability to upload almost any video regardless of length or quality.

#2: Choose a Video Style

stop motion, time-lapse and standard video

#3: Shoot a Stop Motion Video With Vine

#4: Shoot a Time-Lapse Video With Hyperlapse

My note: Time-Lapse Video is available on the new “Camera” feature of iPAD and iTouch

#5: Shoot a Regular Video

#6: Edit Your Video

Tech In 2015 and flops in 2014

What To Look Out For In Tech In 2015

Venmo, the peer-to-peer payments app, will offer a solution for in-store merchants.

By year-end 2015, more people will have used a smartphone to unlock their doors than will have used a mobile wallet. 

The Amazon Echo will succeed

YouTube will get a ‘social’ make-over

The Top Technology Failures of 2014

Google Glass

(See “Google Glass Is Dead; Long Live Smart Glasses.”)

Brazil’s EEG Exoskeleton

(See “World Cup Mind-Control Demo Faces Deadlines, Critics.”)


(See “Marginally Useful.”)

STAP Cells

(See coverage by the Los Angeles Times and by Nature.)

Sapphire iPhone Screens

(See “Why Apple Failed to Make Sapphire iPhones.”)

Aereo’s Tiny Antennas

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