facial recognition unlawfully used

Facial recognition has been used unlawfully and violated human rights, UK Court of Appeal rules in landmark case from r/technology

A British police force violated human rights by unlawfully using facial recognition technology, the Court of Appeal has ruled in a landmark case.


more on facial recognition in this IMS blog

against cameras on


how to increase engagement without relying on “cameras on” and asks instructors to be open to different “shapes” of what engagement can look like: “Many teachers have a shape that they think attention and engagement look like, and they work very hard to get students into that shape.” She also has written about forcing students to turn on their cameras from a trauma-informed perspective.

more on online teaching in this IMS blog

EU sanctions hackers

EU sanctions China, Russia, and North Korea for past hacks

The EU has imposed today its first-ever economical sanctions following cyber-attacks from foreign adversaries.



EU sanctions Russian intelligence, North Korean, Chinese firms over alleged cyberattacks



Pompeo praises EU over sanctions targeting cyberattacks from China, Russia


more on hackers in this IMS blog

for teachers against stress

Teachers Are Living in a Tinderbox of Stressful Conditions. These Scientific Approaches Can Help.

By Sheila Ohlsson Walker     Jul 1, 2020


Other essential elements include meditation, breathwork, yoga, cultivating and maintaining high-quality relationships, and intentional reinforcement of mindsets that promote human connection, such as gratitude, altruism and collective efficacy. What’s real in the mind is real is real in the body, and it is our perceptions—not “objective” reality—that drive our biochemistry. Accordingly, finding a silver lining—even under the most dire of circumstances—instigates a biochemical “upward spiral” which fosters constructive thinking in a demanding moment and, over the long-term, protects health and psychological well-being.

Academia communication in pandemic


Even before the pandemic, texting and school communication apps—like Remind or ClassDojo—had given students and families new ways to contact teachers 24/7. But teachers like Davis say that school closures have increased the pressure to be “always on” for students and parents, as remote instruction has blurred the boundaries between work life and home life.

Teachers want to be available to their students, to clarify their questions and calm their fears. But it’s also crucial that teachers set time aside for themselves, and that schools and districts respect—and even help create—these boundaries

Developing systems that protect teacher well-being should be a priority for schools in the fall, …, as the demands of remote learning aren’t likely to disappear.

An ‘Internal Battle’ Over Boundaries

administration set a policy that teachers didn’t have to respond to messages sent after 5 p.m. until the next day.


distributing responsibility. Grade-level teams could take turns having “on” hours

social media and conspiracy theories

Study: U.S. adults who mostly rely on social media for news are less informed, exposed to more conspiracies from r/technology

Study: US adults who mostly rely on social media for news are less informed, exposed to more conspiracies

new report from Pew Research makes an attempt to better understand U.S. adults who get their news largely from social media platforms, and compare their understanding of current events and political knowledge to those who use other sources, like TV, radio and news publications.

Apple Glass

‘Apple Glass’ users may be able to manipulate AR images with any real object from r/gadgets


With AR and especially with what Apple refers to as Mixed Reality (MR), it’s great to be able to see an iPad Pro in front of you, but you need to be able to use it. You have to be able to pick up a virtual object and use it, or otherwise AR is no better than a 3D movie.

Apple’s proposed solution is described in “Manipulation of Virtual Objects using a Tracked Physical Object,” a patent application filed in January 2020 but only revealed this week. It suggests that truly mixing realities, in that the virtual object could be mapped onto an actual object in the real world.

more on Apple Glass in this IMS blog

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