Analog Video Digitization

Reconsidering Technical Labor in Information Institutions: The Case of Analog Video Digitization
Zack Lischer-Katz
Library Trends, Volume 68, Number 2, Fall 2019, pp. 213-251 (Article)

empirical study conducted by the author from 2015–2017 that used qualitative-interpretive methods to study the discursive and material practices of professional media preservationists as they worked to digitize analog video recordings in small-scale, high-quality (“artisanal”) digitization projects

p. 215 Furthermore, understanding technical work in li-braries can contribute to ongoing debates in information studies and the digital humanities on the relationship between “doing” and “signifying” in terms of scholarly production (Cecire 2011)


CMI5: A Call to Action

Robert “Bob” Bilyk Robert “Bob” Bilyk

SCORM still remains the standard for how we describe, package, and report on eLearning.

CMI5 can generate a statement on virtually any kind of learner experience as well as the traditional data elements such as score, time on task, quiz questions and student answers. In this sense, CMI5 supports both openness and structure.

With CMI5, you can place a learning activity in a repository, in GitHub, on a web server, in a Site44 drop box site, in SharePoint, in a distributed network, wherever….without restricting its ability to connect with a learning management system. CMI5 content does not need to be imported. A CMI5 package can contain as little as one XML file, which among other things, tells the LMS where to find the content.


Online cheating

Online Cheating Isn’t Going Away. Use It as a Teachable Moment for Students and Educators

By Wade Tyler Millward     Jul 27, 2020

my note:
Nothing new in this article. It has been wildly known for a long time that the larger part of students commit academic dishonesty because they are not educated on that issue.

More on Online cheating the same as blog

changes in DRM

More on copyright in this blog

Digital Native Means Digitally Literate?

Think Digital Native Means Digitally Literate? Think Again.

By Nadia Tamez-Robledo     Oct 21, 2021

students do have digital skills, but not necessarily the digital literacy they need to do their schoolwork.

There’s a difference in the way students use a device to scroll through YouTube videos versus understanding the information delivered in a lesson. The first is passive, and the other requires careful engagement.

n the International Literacy Association’s “What’s Hot in Literacy” report published in 2020, 49 percent of literacy professionals said they wanted more professional development on “using digital resources to support literacy instruction.” That surprised the researchers, who also reported that professionals were split over whether digital literacy was receiving the appropriate amount of attention: 26 percent felt it deserved less attention, while 25 percent felt it should get more.

More on digital he need to find his blog

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