Net Neutrality

Net Neutrality Just Got Sucker-Punched. Will Madison Avenue Get the Bill?

Why You Should Be Freaking Out About The End Of Net Neutrality:
Feds Can’t Enforce Net Neutrality: What This Means For You:
Internet has been the most democratic tool in the last two decades. Trough the Arab Spring, anti-Putin blogs, Erdogan’s Turkey, my home country Bulgaria: people have had a viable voice to speak, hear and share, despite government-own, Goebbels-like mass media, who thus looses the opportunity to control public opinion. .
That era is only logical to wind down. In my home country, the Murdock-like media owner, as well as ruling-parties’ apparatchiks pay “trolls” to go and muddle the blog sections under online articles and the social media field.
In the U.S., the same process takes different “democratic” way: the big companies are lobbying and buying their way of silencing the Internet right of people to be able to voice, speak and share their opinion.

D2L Document Viewing Issue

Per MnSCU System Office:

A few schools have reported a spinning “Loading” status when trying to view some documents in Content and in the Dropbox.  A temporary workaround is to click “Download” and view the document that way, rather than trying to view it from within Content or Dropbox. 

 If you are experiencing similar issues, please contact us.  

Further questions and inquiries? Please address to:

Follow us on Twitter: @scsutechinstruc #d2l

Follow the IMS blog:

CMS (Course Management System/Software) alternatives

Desire2Learn (D2L) is the MnSCU purchased commercial product of CMS.

Prior to D2L, MnSCU paid license to WebCT. WebCT merged with Blackboard, which at the moment is the largest CMS.

in the first decade of the 21st century, dozens of commercial CMS products appeared on the market, but they were gradually absorbed mostly by Blackboard (BB).

The advent of Web 2.0 tools, such as blogs and wikis offered viable alternative to the commercial CMS. Further, open source products such as Drupal and Sakai posed additional competition to commercial CRS.

Last but not least, with the advent of cloud computing, a new generation of products are competing with BB and D2L

Alternatives to D2L:
Moodle, Drupal, Sakai
Edmodo, Sophia (, Piazza, Prulu

Mukurtu CMS ( is a free and open source community archive platform and content management system built on Drupal 7

Google Classroom

technology instruction sessions for Spring 2014 on SCSU campus available

A Microsoft Word document with the list of technology instructions sessions for spring 2015 on the SCSU campus is available for download:

The list is a copy of the sessions retrieved from the MnSCU database:

The database is searchable and also allows you to register for any of the available instruction sessions and workshops.

If you have proposals and/or requests for instruction sessions and workshops, which are not reflected in the list, please feel welcome to contact us:

Twitter: @techinstruc |

Three Good Tools for Building Flipped Lessons That Include Assessment Tools

Three Good Tools for Building Flipped Lessons That Include Assessment Tools

eduCanon is a free service for creating, assigning, and tracking your students’ progress on flipped lessons. eduCanon allows teachers to build flipped lessons using YouTube and Vimeo videos, create questions about the videos, then assign lessons to their students. Teachers can track the progress of their students within eduCanon.

Teachem is a service that uses the TED Ed model of creating lessons based on video. On Teachem teachers can build courses that are composed of a series of videos hosted on YouTube. Teachers can write questions and comments in “flashcards” that are tied to specific parts of each video and display next to each video. Students can take notes while watching the videos using the Teachem SmartNote system.

Knowmia is a website and a free iPad app for creating, sharing, and viewing video lessons. One of the best features of Knowia is a tool that they call the Assignment Wizard. The Knowmia Assignment Wizard allows teachers to design assignments that their students have to complete after watching a video. Students can check their own Knowmia accounts to see the assignments that their teachers have distributed. To aid teachers in assessing their students, Knowmia offers an automatic scoring option. Knowmia’s automatic scoring function works for multiple choice questions and numeric questions.

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