Posts Tagged ‘EDAD 646’

big data and higher ed

Higher Ed Can Be a One-Two Punch

According to a recent survey, many colleges lack critical analytics skills to effectively leverage data.

More on analytics and big data in this IMS blog:

BYOD School five issues to consider

5 Things to Consider in Your BYOD School

1. Can you find apps and sites suitable for all students’ devices?
2. Can your network handle the number of devices that will be added to it?
3. Are you going BYOD to save money by not providing computers to students?
4. How are your students going to share files and or print files?
5. How will you handle inappropriate use of mobile phones?

Gamification, personalization and continued education

Gamification, personalization and continued education are trending in edtech

students and technology

2015 Student and Faculty Technology Research Studies


Infographic: ECAR_2015


Study of Students and Information Technology, 2014


Infographic: ECAR_2014


Higher Ed: EDUCAUSE Releases ECAR Study of Undergraduate Students and Information Technology 2013

Direct to Full Text Report (49 pages; PDF)

students and technology 2013


ECAR 2011

students and technology 2011

digital literacy

Laura Devaney (@eSN_Laura).  4/12/16, 9:32 AM This is exactly why we need digital literacy: #DigitalLiteracy #assessments #edtech

Online Testing Highlights the Need for Digital Literacy

Online Testing Highlights the Need for Digital Literacy

Daily Exposure to Digital Devices

the Consortium for School Networking’s “Becoming Assessment Ready” initiative

Because online exams require students to have functional literacy with computing devices, such as switching between screens, opening drop-down menus and highlighting words, students should be using technology in their day-to-day classroom experience so they are building these digital literacy skills, he explains.

“The more often students use digital devices in their day-to-day learning, the more comfortable with those devices they become,” says Ribble, who has written a book about digital literacy and citizenship for the International Society for Technology in Education.

Younger Students Perform Better in Online Formats

More on digital literacy in this IMS blog:

digital badges in education

Digital Badges in Education: Trends, Issues, and Cases.

In recent years, digital badging systems have become a credible means through which learners can establish portfolios and articulate knowledge and skills for both academic and professional settings. Digital Badges in Education provides the first comprehensive overview of this emerging tool. A digital badge is an online-based visual representation that uses detailed metadata to signify learners’ specific achievements and credentials in a variety of subjects across K-12 classrooms, higher education, and workplace learning. Focusing on learning design, assessment, and concrete cases in various contexts, this book explores the necessary components of badging systems, their functions and value, and the possible problems they face. These twenty-five chapters illustrate a range of successful applications of digital badges to address a broad spectrum of learning challenges and to help readers formulate solutions during the development of their digital badges learning projects.

digital badges


Badges and Leaderboards: Professional Developments for Teachers in K12

digital badges

Why should I bother earning badges?


Canvas Badges:


Edmodo Badges:


issues to consider:

digital badges: issues to consider


More on badges and gaming in education in this IMS blog:

agility and leadership

Meyers, P. (2015). The Agility Shift: Creating Agile and Effective Leaders, Teams, and Organizations. Retrieved from
book review:
Joiner, W., & Josephs, S. (2007). Leadership Agility: Five Levels of Mastery for Anticipating and Initiating Change. San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass.
book review:

augmented reality by ISTE

4 AR tools to build executive function and engagement

Luis Perez and Kendra Grant 7/23/2015
Topics: Assistive and adaptive technologies, Augmented reality, Learning spaces, Mobile learning, Tools

the Universal Design for Learning (UDL) framework, which aims to develop expert learners. In addition to removing barriers and making learning accessible to the widest varied of learners possible, UDL addresses many of the metacognitive and self-efficacy skills associated with becoming an expert learner, including:

Executive functions. These cognitive processes include initiation, goal setting, attention, planning and organization.

Comprehension skills. This skillset encompasses knowledge construction, making connections, developing strategies and monitoring understanding.

Engagement principles. These soft skills include coping, focus, resilience, effort, persistence, self-assessment and reflection.

QR codes

AR apps : two types of AR apps: those for experience and for creation. Experience AR apps, such as Star Walk, are designed to provide the user with an AR experience within a specific content or context. Creation AR apps, such as BlippAR and Aurasma, allow users to create their own AR experiences.

Posters : To support comprehension and metacognitive skills, images related to classroom topics, or posters related to a process could serve as the trigger image.

iBeacons : Beacon technology, such as iBeacon, shares some similarities with QR codes and AR, as it is a way to call up digital content from a specific spot in the physical world. However, unlike QR codes and AR, you do not have to point your device at a code or use a trigger image to call up content with iBeacon. Your device will automatically sync when it is near a beacon, a small device that emits a low-power Bluetooth signal, if you have an iBeacon-enabled app. The beacon then automatically launches digital content, such as a video, audio file or webpage. Beacon technology is well suited for center-based activities, as you can set up the app to trigger instructions for each center, exemplars of what the finished work will look like and/or prompts for the reflection when the center’s activity has been completed.

More on QR codes in this IMS blog:

Regulations for Distance Education

It is proposed that a college’s program could fall short in ONE state and lose the right to offer TEACH grants to distance students in ANY state. That might work if every state used the same criteria, but that’s not required. The “Discussion of Costs, Benefits, and Transfers” is a baffling attempt at measuring activity for which there is no good data.

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