Posts Tagged ‘history’

Ancient Greek pedagogues

Artwork for GMoL S2E12 Greeks with Donald Clark
GREAT MINDS ON LEARNINGGMoL S2E12 Greeks with Donald Clark
00:01:13 / 01:14:51
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At the very origin of our ideas of about learning, as well so much else that defines our culture, lies the extraordinary flowering of thought and discovery centred on Athens from the fifth to the second century BC. This episode takes us back to the very earliest group of thinkers this series will cover, the ancient Greeks.
  • 1:02 – Introducing the Greeks
  • 11:36 – Socrates  (c. 470–399 BC)
  • 23:34 -Plato (428/427 or 424/423 – 348/347 BC)
  • 34:06 – Aristotle (384–322 BC)
  • 47:25 – Pythagoras (c. 570 – c. 495 BC)
  • 53:57 – Euclid (c. 325 – c. 270 BC)
  • 57:46 – Archimedes (c. 287 – c. 212 BC)
  • 1:05:41 – Summing Up
  • Socrates
  • Plato
  • Aristotle
  • Pythagoras, Euclid, Archimedes

History Eastern Europe

Plokhy, S. (2011). The “New Eastern Europe”: What to Do with the Histories of Ukraine, Belarus, and Moldova? East European Politics and Societies, 25(4), 763-769.

my note: this 2011 article, suddenly becomes relevant, considering the current situation in Ukraine. My opinion as a historian is that further “decentralization” of the 20th century definition of “Eastern Europe,” as contested as it is (e.g., are Poland, the Czech R, Slovakia, and Hungary “Central Europe” or “Eastern Europe?” Are the Balkans In EE?), will further exacerbate the debate around the definition.
on the other hand, the author may have a point, by claiming Central European and Balkan countries are now generally referred as the “European Union,” but that also is not as simple, considering the exclusion of some former Yugoslav/Balkan countries.

other complexities (similarly to the downfall of Yugoslavia): religion[s], ethnicity, geopolitical issues.

“Thus, the NEE is not just a figment of current geopolitical imagination. There are geographic, cultural, ethnic, and historical factors that set it apart from its neighbors. But can history as a discipline and we as its practitioners benefit from this new conceptualization of the old Eastern Europe?”





Russia’s collective memory

Opinion: The Kremlin is trying to erase Russia’s collective memory. It won’t succeed.

Unlike in other post-communist countries, where atrocities committed by former regimes are being documented by government institutions — such as the Stasi Records Archive in Germany or the Institute of National Remembrance in Poland — in Russia this mammoth task was left to volunteers.

X-Ray Technology Reveals Censored Secret Correspondence

X-Ray Technology Reveals Marie Antoinette’s Censored Secret Correspondence

A combination of the chemical analysis and advanced data processing used could reveal many more lost writings or drawings

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