Posts Tagged ‘mindfulness’
How social media is socially stunting our society: An anthropologist and acclaimed journalist shares his warnings
Monday, November 20, 2017 by: Rita Winters
One of the founders of Facebook, Sean Parker, explains that these social media devices exploit the vulnerability of the human essence. The dopamine that is social media only creates a narcissistic, self-validating loops that consume valuable time and conscious attention. “Liking”, “commenting”, and “sharing” (which are virtually useless in reality) causes us to run around an endless cycle of insignificant information documentation in hopes of acknowledgment, which later on propels us to create more of the same.
Social media platform owners and creators are aware of this weakness in human psychology, and are taking advantage of it. Parker is just one of the many individuals who regret having a hand in creating these life-stagnating technologies. The mental health of the global population is deteriorating and is mostly due to anxieties produced by social media.
more on contemplative computing in this IMS blog
Free Webinar: Mindfulness for Librarians
Friday, June 16, 2017 12 p.m. Central
Do you ever find yourself feeling overwhelmed at work? Increasingly, professionals are turning to the practice of mindfulness as a tool to help staff members and themselves manage stress. In our next episode of American Libraries Live, we’ll discuss how to use mindfulness to better handle stress and become more mindful in the workplace. We will also discuss burnout theory and the overall impact it has on you, your library users, and your organization as a whole. You’ll be introduced to mindfulness as we discuss its significance and how it relates to the library profession. |
Please join us for this free hour-long webcast on Friday, June 16 at 1:00 p.m. Eastern.
Don’t miss out! Register today. |
more about mindfulness in this IMS blog
Yes, Quitting Facebook May Make You Happier
By Drake Baer, November 18, 2016 4:14 p.m.
Published in Cyberpsychology, Behavior, and Social Networking and highlighted by the canny and pseudonymous Neuroskeptic, Danish researcher Morten Tromholt recruited 1,095 participants (by way of Facebook, naturally) and put them into two groups. One pledged to not sign onto the social network for a full week (87 percent made it) and a control group used the platform the same way as they always did.
more on mindfulness, contemplative practices, contemplative computing, disconnect in this IMS blog
with the hope that you keep that Facebook account, so you can view the video:
more on contemplative practices in this IMS blog
Research shows different activities have quite specific mental effects – here’s how moving your body could sharpen your ideas
Just 10 minutes of playful coordination skills, like bouncing two balls at the same time, improved the attention of a large group of German teenagers.
oga teaches the deliberate command of movement and breathing, with the aim of turning on the body’s “relaxation response”. Science increasingly backs this claim. For example, a 2010 study put participants through eight weeks of daily yoga and meditation practice. In parallel with self-reported stress-reduction, brain scans showed shrinkage of part of their amygdala, a deep-brain structure strongly implicated in processing stress, fear and anxiety.
Walking, either on a treadmill or around Stanford’s leafy campus, bolstered divergent thinking: the free-roaming, idea-generating component of creative thought. It didn’t help convergent thinking, though.
more on mindfulness in this IMS blog:
Research: Social media has negative impact on academic performance
By Denny Carter, Managing Editor
April 17th, 2013
study released by researchers at
The Miriam Hospital’s Centers for Behavioral and Preventive Medicine shows a link between social media use and poor academic performance
My note: weak arguments by the managing editor
- first: link to the Hospital Center, but not to the study; difficult to check the facts, which are discussed in the editorial.
- title talks about “social media,” but it is not about social media, it is about texting. danah boyd and Eszter Hargittai are apparently not household names in the house of the managing editor
- then the author jumps from one issue to another: mindfulness or contemplative computing, but h/she has no clue about these issues also.
the research, which claims that social media (which is not social media, but more like BYOD + texting) has a negative impact on academic performance is no different the research that shows very positive impact of learning with social media. It is NOT about social media, it is about how it is used (methodology).
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Also on the connection of mobile devices and sleep:
Sleep Deprived: We’re Recharging Our Phones, But Not Ourselves
Arianna Huffington, co-founder and editor in chief of The Huffington Post
NPR’s Scott Simon talked with her about her new book, The Sleep Revolution: Transforming Your Life, One Night at a Time.
More about sleep, rest, mindfulness in this IMS blog:
Calming the teenage mind in the classroom
More on mindfulness in education in this IMS blog:
What Changes When a School Embraces Mindfulness?
The program is a blend of neuroscience, social and emotional tenets like empathy and perspective taking, and mindfulness, a practice which many schools have already started exploring. Several programs teach mindfulness in schools, including Mindful Schools.
More on mindfulness in education in this IMS blog
Calming the teenage mind in the classroom
Why More Western Doctors Are Now Prescribing Yoga Therapy
More on contemplative practices and mindfulness in this IMS blog: