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Future Trends Karl Kapp Instructional Design

On education, instructional design, gaming, and technological possibilities

May 6, 1:00 – 2:20 PM (CDT)

How can we best design learning experiences with technology?  What are the possibilities of gaming and education?

The Future Trends Forum will explore these questions with professor Karl Kapp of Bloomsburg University.


The Future Trends Forum

Designing XR into Higher Education

Immersive Learning Environments: Designing XR into Higher Education

Heather Elizabeth Dodds

The terms ‘extended reality’ or ‘cross reality’ refer to “technologies and applications that involve combinations of mixed reality (MR), augmented reality (AR), virtual reality (VR), and virtual worlds (VWs)” (Ziker, Truman, & Dodds, 2021, p. 56). Immersive learning definitions draw from Milgram and Kishino’s key taxonomy (1994) emphasizing the continuum of experiences that range from where a computer adds to a learner’s reality with overlays of information, or a computer experientially transports a learner to a different place and time by manipulating sight and sound.

VR Design Model

three different design models (see Figure 3): the ADDIE Design Model (Branson, 1978), Design Thinking (Brown & Wyatt, 2010) from user experience (UX), and the 3D Learning Experience Design Model (Kapp & O’Driscoll, 2009).

Serrat (2008) defines storytelling as “the vivid description of ideas, beliefs, personal experiences, and life-lessons through stories or narratives that evoke powerful emotions and insights” (p.1).

The foundational theory for most XR experiences is experiential learning theory. In cases where users create within XR, constructivist learning theory also applies.

XR experiences can include a story arc (See Appendix D), a tutorial of user affordances, intentional user actions, and place the user into first or third person experiences (Spillers, 2020).

more on immersive in this IMS blog
more on ID in this IMS blog

D2L gamification webinar

Gamification Network: Exploring Gamification through the Octalysis Lens

Mary Nunaley

Karl Kapp The Gamification of Learning and Instruction

Kevin Werbach, Dan Hunter How Game Thinking Can Revolutionize Your Business

Yu-Kai Chou gamification design. Octalysis.

8 core drives: 





Social Influence. social media, instagram influencers

Scarcity: scarcity with homework deadlines, coupons at the store

Unpredictability and curiosity. scavenger hunt in courses. careful when teaching.




The Octalysis Framework for Gamification & Behavioral Design


black hat white hat








Lavender Dragon | Online Courses and Gamification


Actionable Gamification: Beyond Points, Badges, and Leaderboards

more on gamification in this IMS blog

survey teachers consider quitting

A new report from Phi Delta Kappa International, a professional association for educators, finds that half of teachers have “seriously considered” leaving teaching in the last few years.

stress burnout


more on mindfulness in this IMS blog

calming strategies against stress

researchers from Penn State say can be as stress-inducing as an emergency room. Teachers enter such an an environment every day, which sometimes feels like life-or-death.

nonprofit program Cultivating Awareness and Resilience in Education (CARE)

half of the students in schools across America have experienced some form of trauma, violence or chronic stress.

After collecting data on those educators’ well-being, observations of classrooms and student behavioral reports over the course of a year, we found that teachers who received emotional regulation training were more emotionally supportive, demonstrated greater sensitivity to student needs, and provided more positive and productive classroom environments. Furthermore, when assessing teachers’ stress levels, those teachers noted considerably less distress, and an improved ability to manage their emotions.

In the face of stressful situations, I instead used techniques like deep breathing and mindful walking to calm my body and mind, gaining that heightened self-awareness to thoughtfully respond to the issue at hand.


more on stress in this IMS blog

eliminate librarians

Washington district latest to eliminate librarians

April 18, 2019

As school districts prioritize their budget needs for the coming year, there is a temptation to cut school librarian positions or reduce them to part-time status as some school districts are doing. The decision in SPS also comes as President Donald Trump, for a third time, has proposed to cut federal funding for the Institute for Museum and Library Services, which provides grants to both public and school libraries.

Research supports the impact that school librarians make on academic achievement, especially with regard to reading and writing scores. For instance, a Pennsylvania study cited in the Spokesman-Review article notes that 1.6% fewer students tested at the below basic level in reading when they had access to full-time librarians. The difference was even greater for minority students and those with disabilities, averaging at about a 5% improvement for those populations. Other research also supports the academic benefit of school librarians and demonstrates how they contribute to learning gains.

But modern school librarians offer so much more. They also teach digital literacy and digital citizenship in a day of easy access to misleading information and fake news. Many oversee makerspaces in libraries and learning centers that have been updated to meet a host of student needs. And they support teachers and administrators by researching information, helping with lesson plans, culling websites to create links that provide the most relevant information, and assisting with technology needs.

more on school librarians in this IMS blog

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