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Apple augmented reality

Apple Considers Wearables Expansion With Digital Glasses

In 2013, Apple bought PrimeSense, which developed motion-sensing technology in Microsoft Corp.’s Kinect gaming system. Purchases of software startups in the field, Metaio Inc. and Flyby Media Inc., followed in 2015 and 2016.

“AR can be really great, and we have been and continue to invest a lot in this,” Cook said in a July 26 conference call with analysts. “We are high on AR for the long run. We think there are great things for customers and a great commercial opportunity.”

more on immersive reality and augmented reality in this IMS blog:

reading fine print

Practical advice to read fine print

from informal Facebook Discussion: with age and / or feeble eyes, how one can read fine print

6 Must-Have Magnifier Apps to Use for Free on Your Android Device 


Wearable Technology: How Teachers Could Use it with Students

Wearable Technology: How Teachers Could Use it with Students – See more at:

Wearable Technology: How Teachers Could Use it with Students

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