Searching for "library"

Positive deviants

‘Positive deviants’: Why rebellious workers spark great ideas

Organisations tend to see rebels as troublemakers – but suppressing these individuals and their ideas could backfire.

There is psychological evidence that rebelliousness is essential for creativity. Harvard psychiatrist Albert Rothenberg spent more than five decades researching individuals who had made ground-breaking contributions to science, literature and the arts, seeking to understand what drove their creativity.

To investigate the benefits of rebelliousness further, a team led by Paraskevas Petrou at the Erasmus University Rotterdam recently surveyed 156 employees from various industries in the Netherlands. They measured rebelliousness via a questionnaire that asked participants to rate their agreement with statements such as:

  • I break rules
  • I know how to get around the rules
  • I use swear words
  • I resist authority

If they are committed to creativity, leaders should take practical steps to ensure that progress is achievable, ensuring that the “rebels” have the available space, funding and time to pursue innovative ideas that may appear crazy, unwarranted or out of place at the time, but that could subsequently save the organisation.

more on disrupt in this IMS blog

accessibility in XR

Regine Gilbert talks about accessibility in XR

What do you think is the current status of XR experiences? Are most of them accessible?

As with all technology, XR is evolving. The current status in terms of accessibility is that more folks need to be educated about accessibility in the VR space. In general, most experiences are not accessible, yet.

Oculus For Developers has some documentation for Designing accessible VR. You can find it here:

My current research with VEIL (Virtual Experience Interaction Lab involves examining Design Patterns in VR. My future work involves research into inclusive and accessible XR. In addition, I am working on a book that will be related to XR and spatial computing.

How can people support you?

You can check out my book that is available online at this link:

more on XR in this IMS blog

AR for Remote Access and Skill Retention

Manufacturers set the pace in the Augmented Reality race

Vuforia® Expert Capture Technology and Microsoft’s HoloLens glasses were used to create a virtual guide hosted in the cloud and then accessed by engineers in a number of factories across the UK

Industry has been searching for some time for an answer to an ageing workforce and the worrying scenario of traditional engineering skills being potentially lost forever.

AR can be used to record skills as engineers are performing them, saving them in the Cloud for generations to come – almost like a virtual technical library.

Importantly, these instructions can be delivered at the point of use, which has been proven to speed up learning.

more on AR in this IMS blog

digitized court cases

Thousands of 16th, 17th and 18th century court cases – including witchcraft, missing children and swan thefts – are coming to light for the first time thanks to a Cambridge University Library archives project from r/books

more on history in this IMS blog

CPSY 262-54 lib services and APA tutorial

Library Instruction delivered by Plamen Miltenoff,

CPSY 262-54 (2PM)

Dr. Rachel Grace,
Community Psychology, Counseling and Family Therapy
320-308-4865 | B243 Education Building

My name is Plamen Miltenoff ( and I am the InforMedia Specialist with the SCSU Library (


LIBRARY INSTRUCTION – Library Services and APA intro

10 min

54 min


How to search?

Copyright Basics for Academia

“CCC Webinar – Copyright Basics for Academia”
Date Time: Mar 4, 2021 01:00 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)

CopyRight Clearance Center

John Savage, not a legal advise, this is a seminar. Client Engagement Manager. License agreements, additional solutions

  • content use today

the velocity of content sharing is on the rise. an average of 9 per week. sharing not only internal, but external sources.

CCC, founded 1978, non profit, reproduction rights organziation, like many other countries (Japan has 3). started as a licensing organization. navigate vast amount of data, make informed decisions. 16.5% possibility for unlicensed sharing of info.
THe COVID situation increased further content sharing.

methods for sharing content are shifting. email remains the preferred method of sharing. Intranet posting remains. MS Teams, Google Meet, Slack and other collaboration tools

  • US copyright basics

purpose of copyright. US Constitution, Article 1, Section B
To promote the progress of science and useful arts, by securing for limited times…”

US copyright law protects the rights of authors of “original works of authorship”

106 exclusive rights of the rights holder. 5 exclusive rights: reproduction; distribution of copies ; create a derivative work; perform publicly; display publicly.

After 1978 (70 years rule, after author’s death), the author has copyrights
Works for hire, anonymous, 95 years from publication, 120 years

public domain: works of the US federal government when used in the US.
works published before 1926; from 1926 to 1963 failed to register or renew copyright registration; prior to 1989 and failed to include copyright notice

OER: logistical nightmare; open doesn’t always mean free; fair use may not apply; copyright permissions may be difficult and expensive

copyright registration : creates a searchable public record; required to sue for infringement
copyright notice: not required but recommended; copyright registration not required to display the copyright symbol (since 1989).

attribution: not a substitute for permission

public domain: does not mean “publicly available”

copyright infringement

  • limitations and exceptions

US Code Title 17, Chapter 1 # 101 #107 3108 #109 #110 #122

Fair Use: it is a legal defense. attempt to balance rights of
4 Fair Use factors considered by courts. it can be slippery slope

#110(1) performance and display in the classroom. in a F2F classroom, copies to help students is allowed. in the course of teaching activities. for non profit ed institutions
#110(2) for online distance education TEACH Technology, Education, and Copyright Harmonization Act of 2002

#108 reproduction by libraries and archives. exemptions ILL and coped for patrons. Digital copies for library’s own use . for preservation and replacement. No more then a single copy per patron. also limitations on types of materials.

  • strategies for success

annual copyright license
campus-wide coverage

get it now service (document delivery service). Augments ILL operation. In cooperatin with Elsevier and more

pay per view services on

Is copyright permission needed for URL use in the classroom? If so, what are the best methods for obtaining copyright permission for URLs?

What solutions does CCC provide for libraries wanting to provide electronic article access to students for their courses for material they don’t subscribe to.

How can one found out if one’s library is covered by a campus-wide license.

I am working with a student who would like to include figures from published academic articles and books in his dissertation. If he is not able to obtain permissions before the due date, does it seem like this would fall under fair use for academic purposes (not publishing or profit)? Thank you.

How does controlled digital lending (CDL) operate in an academic environment. Can you digitize an analog book owned by the library for posting in Moodle to support distance learning?

How can a user know what is and what is not the core of the document? or Book?

What about providing a link to an article or other material that is publicly available when you click on the link? How/why is that different from printing it and distributing it?

Can an author send her article to participants in the journal club? (journal not subscribed to by library or attendees).

more on copyright in this IMS blog

digital primary sources in teaching and research

UKSG webinar – The importance and use of digital primary sources in teaching and research

poll: do scholars in your institution have access to internal support or training for digital primary source research and teaching

primary sources poll

fascilitatorsPeter Foster with Wiley, facilitator
Hugh Murphy, Head of Collections and Content, Maynooth Univesity Library, Ireland

what is a primary source.
Functionality (ability to access)
U collections as part of a larger U ecosystem. Conceptional change for Special Collections
Teaching Learning and Research: “digitally-enabled and technology-supported learning” – strategic planning
Research: digital humanties
Open Access (publishers ARE business). For a small country (university), how much will a publisher pay attention? Will a standard pay attention to OCR a 16th century document.

Sarah Evans, Research and Collections Engagement Manager, Royal Geographical Society with IBG
Collaborative Doctoral Program
WDA Research Fellowships

Kathryin Simpson, Lecturer in Information Studies, U of Glasgow
Hidden Voices: Using the digital archive to critically negotiate histories

digital environment is not just a PDF, but a whole new environment.
record open and accessible by these docs from Africa

Q&A: does the access to primary sources demand different approach to critical thinking.

Media Literacy for GLST 195

Information Media and Digital Literacy for GLST 195: Global Society & Citizenship    

Instructor: Prof. Chuks Ugochukwu   Per Syllabus:

The course meets Liberal Education Program (LEP), Goal Area 8: Global Perspective; and Goal Area 9: Ethical and Civic Responsibility objectives
Goal Area 8: Global Perspective. Objective: Develop a comparative perspective and understanding of one’s place in a global context.

Students will be able to:

  1. Describe and analyze political, economic, and cultural elements which influence relations of states and societies in their historical and contemporary dimensions.
  2. Demonstrate knowledge of cultural, social, religious and linguistic differences.
  3. Analyze specific international problems, illustrating the cultural,economic, and political differences that affect their solution.
  4. Understand the role of a world citizen and the responsibility world citizens share for their common global future.

Goal Area 9: Ethical and Civic Responsibility Objective: Understand and evaluate ethical or civic issues and theories and participate in active citizenship or ethical judgment


Our Husky Compact is a bond shared by St. Cloud State University and its students that a SCSU education will prepare students for a life of growth and fulfillment – intellectually, professionally, and personally. When students graduate with an SCSU education, they will:

  • Think Creatively and Critically
  • Seek and Apply Knowledge
  • Communicate Effectively
  • Integrate Existing and Evolving Technologies
  • Engage as a Member of a Diverse and Multicultural World
  • Act with Personal Integrity and Civic Responsibility


Week ???: Information – Media and Digital Literacy

Most students can’t tell fake news from real news, study shows
Read more:

Module 1
video to introduce students to the readings and expected tasks

  1. Fake News / Misinformation / Disinformation
    1. Definitions
      1. Fake news, alternative facts

Mini-Assignment: After reading the information from the links above, take a minute to write out your own definition of 1. Fake News 2. Alternative Facts

      1. Misinformation vs disinformation

Mini-Assignment: After reading the information from the links above, take a minute to write out your own definition of 1. Misinformation 2. Disinformation. What are their main characteristics? How do they differ?

        1. Propaganda

Mini-Assignment: What is Propaganda? How do misinformation, disinformation, fake news and alternative facts fit into the process of propaganda?

        1. Conspiracy theories

Mini-Assignment:  Using the information from the links above, can you establish the connection between conspiracy theories, propaganda, mis- and disinformation, fake news, alternative news and social media?

          1. Bots, trolls

Mini-Assignment: using the info from the links above and/or information you have collected, can you define the role of bots and trolls in social media in regard to propaganda and conspiracy theories?

        1. Clickbait
          Filter bubbles, echo chambers
          (8 min) video explains filter bubbles

Mini-Assignment:: based on your own information and experience, as well as the information offered in the links, can you define your own resistance to clickbaits?

Assignment: which challenges do you identify with?
The Challenge of Teaching News Literacy:

25 min podcast.

In a short paragraph, identify the issues you see as important to address in order to improve your own news literacy.
time to accomplish the assignment: ~45 min (including listening to the podcast).

  1. Why is it important to understand these processes?

Assignment: why is it important:

In a short paragraph, share your initial feeling about Fake News / Misinformation / Disinformation. 1. Do you think, it is important at all? 2. If yes, why; if not, why. 3. If yes, what is the importance, the impact?
time to accomplish the assignment: ~5-10 min

  1. How to deal with these processes
    1. how do we apply hands-on critical thinking to withstand these processes?
      1. What is critical thinking

disciplined thinking that is clear, rational, open-minded, and informed by evidence:

  1. Ability to research

Ability to find reliable information

  1. Popular media

How to spot fake news:
Can machines create fake news?
Can machines “clean up” fake from real?
What can humans do to distinguish fake from real? Consider these five factors:

Considering the second factor (who published it), here is a scale to consider when evaluating the veracity of your sources:
(can you find your favorite magazine/newspaper on the graphic?)

(can you find your favorite news organization on the graphic?)

Factcheckers/Factchecking Organizations:

  1. Peer-reviewed literature

Similarly to the assessment of popular information sources, academia requires vigorous vetting if the sources you will be using for your academic work. In the 21st century, your ability to find information in peer-reviewed journals might not be sufficient to assure accurate and reliable use of information from those resources for your research and writing. After your selection of peer-reviewed literature, you must be able to evaluate and determine the veracity and reliability of those sources.
How do you evaluate a source of information to determine if it is appropriate for academic/scholarly use. There is no set “checklist” to complete but below are some criteria to consider when you are evaluating a source.

Here is a short (4 min) video introducing you to the well-known basics for evaluation of academic literature:

    1. Does the author cite reliable sources?
    2. How does the information compare with that in other works on the topic?
    3. Can you determine if the information has gone through peer-review?
    4. Are there factual, spelling, typographical, or grammatical errors?
    1. Who do you think the authors are trying to reach?
    2. Is the language, vocabulary, style and tone appropriate for intended audience?
    3. What are the audience demographics? (age, educational level, etc.)
    4. Are the authors targeting a particular group or segment of society?
    1. Who wrote the information found in the article or on the site?
    2. What are the author’s credentials/qualifications for this particular topic?
    3. Is the author affiliated with a particular organization or institution?
    4. What does that affiliation suggest about the author?
    1. Is the content current?
    2. Does the date of the information directly affect the accuracy or usefulness of the information?
    1. What is the author’s or website’s point of view?
    2. Is the point of view subtle or explicit?
    3. Is the information presented as fact or opinion?
    4. If opinion, is the opinion supported by credible data or informed argument?
    5. Is the information one-sided?
    6. Are alternate views represented?
    7. Does the point of view affect how you view the information?
    1. What is the author’s purpose or objective, to explain, provide new information or news, entertain, persuade or sell?
    2. Does the purpose affect how you view the information presented?

In 2021, however, all suggestions above may not be sufficient to distinguish a reliable source of information, even if the article made it through the peer-reviewed process. In time, you should learn to evaluate the research methods of the authors and decide if they are reliable. Same applies for the research findings and conclusions.

Assignment: seeking reliable information

From your syllabus weekly themes: 1. Food; 2. Health; 3. Energy; 4. Environment; 5. Security, chose a topic of your interest.
For example: Food: raising cattle for food contributes to climate changes, because of the methane gas, or Health: COVID is the same (or not the same) as the flu; or Energy: Fossil energy is bad (or good) for the environment; etc.
Please consult with me (email me for a zoom appointment:, if you need to discuss the choice and narrowing down of the topic.
Once you decide on the topic, do the research by collecting four sources of information:

The first couple of sources will be from popular media, whereas each of the two articles will be having an opposite approach, arguments and understanding of the issue. For example, one article will claim fossil energy is bad for the environment and the other one will argue fossil fuel has insignificant impact on climate change. You must be able to evaluate the veracity and the leaning of each source. The source can be a newspaper or magazine article, video (TV or Social Media), audio (podcasts, TV, etc.), presentations (PowerPoint, SlideShare, etc.).
Having troubles finding opposing resources? Feel welcome to search for your topic among these news outlets on the conservative side:
and the
In the same fashion, you will evaluate the second couple of sources from peer-reviewed journals. Each source will have different approach, argument and understanding of the issue and you must evaluate the robustness of the research method.

time to accomplish the assignment: ~30 min

Module 2 (video to introduce students to the readings and expected tasks)

  1. Digital Citizenship, Global Citizenship and Multiculturalism
    1. Definitions
    2. Global Citizenship
      seek global sources:

start reading:
e.g. start following and reading several news outlets from other countries and with time, you should be able to detect differences in opinions and facts presented at those outlets and your current sources for information:
Spiegel International (German, left-leaning)
Le Monde Diplomatique
El Pais (Spanish, left leaning)

Moscow Times (Russian, left leaning)
The Epoch Times (Chinese, far-right)

Start watching (smart phone, laptop) news feeds, live or vlog (video blog):

Africa News
Nigeria Live (you can seek any other country on YouTube by typing the name of the country adding “live”)
Al Jazeera in English

Deutsche Welle


Russia Today

China Today
India News
you can also follow specific people’s vlogs, e.g.
Alexei Navalny’s vlog has English subtitles

France 24 Live


Start listening (smart phone, laptop):
BBC (Android app) (iOS app)

Deutsche Welle (Android app) (iOS app)


Global Citizenship and Multiculturalism and Information and Media Literacy

Study the following tweet feed
If the information from the tweet feed is insufficient, research the issue by seeking reliable sources. (In a short paragraph defend your choice of reliable sources).
What do you see as more important issue: the Facebook stance that it can be a subject of Australian law or the Australian government stance that Facebook is interfering in Australian life with its news delivery? Is Facebook a news outlet or a platform for news outlets? Does Facebook need to be regulated? By who; each country do have to regulate Facebook or Facebook needs to be regulated globally?

time to accomplish the assignment: ~30 min


Module 3 (video to introduce students to the readings and expected tasks)

  1. Assistance for work on the final project / paper



Here a list of additional materials and readings on Fake News

campus wide infrastructure for immersive

Cabada, E., Kurt, E., & Ward, D. (2021). Constructing a campus-wide infrastructure for virtual reality. College & Undergraduate Libraries, 0(0), 1–24.

As an interdisciplinary hub, academic libraries are uniquely positioned to serve the full lifecycle of immersive environment needs, from development through archiving of successful projects. As and informal learning environment that or discipline neutral and high traffic, the academic library can serve as a clearinghouse for experimentation and transmission of best practices across colleges.

these founda­tional questions:
1. What VR infrastructure needs do faculty and researchers have?
2. Where is campus support lagging?
3. What current partnerships exist?
4. What and where is the campus level of interest in VR?
As marketing for workshops and programs can be challenging, particu­larly for large institutions, data was collected on where workshop partici­pants learned about Step Into VR. The responses show that users learned of the workshops from a variety of ways with email ( 41 % ) as the most cited method (Figure 4). These marketing emails were sent through distributed listservs that reached nearly the entire campus population. Facebook was called out specifically and represented the second largest marketing method at 29% with the library website, friends, instructors, and digital signage rep­resenting the remaining marketing channels.
While new needs continue to emerge, the typical categories of consult­ation support observed include:
• Recommendations on hardware selection, such as choosing the best VR headset for viewing class content
• Guidance on developing VR applications that incorporate domain-spe­cific curricular content
• Support for curricular integration of VR
• Recommendations on 360 capture media and equipment for document­ing environments or experiences, such as the GoPro Fusion and Insta360 One X
• Advice on editing workflows, including software for processing and ren­dering of 360 content
Alex Fogarty
p. 9
While many library patrons understand the basic concepts of recording video on a camera, 360 cameras present a large divergence from this pro­cess in several primary ways. The first is a 360 camera captures every direc­tion at once, so there is no inherent “focus,” and no side of a scene that is not recorded. This significantly changes how someone might compose a video recording, and also adds complexity to post-production, including how to orient viewers within a scene. The second area of divergence is that many of these devices, especially the high-end versions, are recording each lens to a separate data file or memory card and these ftles need to be com­bined, or “stitched,” at a later time using software specific to the camera. A final concern is that data ftles for high-resolution 3 D capture can be huge, requiring both large amounts of disk space and high-end processors and graphic cards for detailed editing to occur. For example, the Insta360 Pro 2 has 6 sensors all capable of data recording at 120 Mbps for a grand total of 720 Mbps. This translates into 43.2 gigabytes of data for every minute o

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