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Cook, M., & Lischer-Katz, Z. (2021). Practical steps for an effective virtual reality course integration.
College & Undergraduate Libraries, 1–17.
compelling precedents for the use of VR in the classroom, including from disciplines like architecture (Angulo 2 M. COOK AND Z. LISCHER-KATZ 2013; Milovanovic et al. 2017; Kuliga et al. 2015), anthropology (Lischer- Katz, Cook, and Boulden 2018), and medicine (Jang et al. 2017; Bharathan et al. 2013; Trelease and Rosset 2008). Relatedly, several projects have also created immersive VR environments that replicate historical places, includ-
ing the Virtual Harlem Project at the University of Arizona (Johnson et al. 2002; Park et al. 2001); Rohwer Rising project by the Center for Advanced Spatial Technology at the University of Arkansas; the Virtual Blockson pro- ject at Temple University Libraries (Clark and Wermer-Colan 2018); and a virtual reality experience of the May Massee Collection at Emporia State University (Lund and Scribner 2019). These projects offer exciting examples
of how VR has new storytelling potential that can enhance the impact of teaching for educators and librarians in both technical and humanistic fields of study.
Benefits of Virtual Reality Training
According to a 2021 report, 75% of business leaders anticipate using Augmented or Virtual Reality by 2023. VR Training solutions have become a powerful way to revamp traditional training methods, and it’s as cost-effective
A Baylor study took 20 subjects and taught them a fire safety procedure. Half with traditional methods (video presentation and reading) and half with a VR training experience. A week after their training they were all given a memory test with mock scenarios, and 70% of the VR group performed the right sequence of steps compared to 20% of the video group.
With VR, virtual environments can house as many pieces of hardware at whatever scale you’d like all at the same cost. Especially once a framework has been developed, adding new procedures, objects, or environments to your training can be designed and deployed within a few days.
Another one of the benefits of VR training is the ability for trainees to learn what they need to at their pace. If a certain training scenario is a challenge, it’s easy to reset a scenario from the beginning. If a trainee is confident in a process, they can jump to a final procedure test.
Virtual Reality allows for a risk-free environment, allowing learners to prepare themselves and train in these stressful situations without the possibility of danger.
During a VR experience, trainees can be exposed to stressful situations in safe conditions. Over time, these experiences reduce the stress or fear response of that stimuli, allowing learners to gain confidence in real scenarios. The increased multi-sensory aspect of an immersive experience can be incredibly similar to real-life stressors. In addition, there exists the ability to have controlled exposure of these situations based on the learner’s own limits.
As more sophisticated data collecting methods are being developed, such as eye or facial tracking, more metrics can be used to understand how people are reacting to VR training. This is probably most sought after in soft skills training, where emotional input plays a larger role.
VR headsets can be implemented remotely, greatly reducing the requirement for in-person training.
More on virtual reality training in this IMS blog
Fegely, A., & S Cherner, T. (2021). A Comprehensive Rubric for Evaluating EduVR.
Journal of Information Technology Education: Research,
20, 137–171.
a gap in the literature by presenting a criterion-referenced, research–supported rubric for evaluating the quality of educational virtual reality for mobile devices.
SuppoRting viRtual Reality anD 3D in acaDemic libRaRieS
link to MS Teams Sharepoint document (request access from David Anderson)
link to the notes and highlight in (request access from Plamen Miltenoff)
Link to the the PDF document:
an interdisciplinary group of librarians and researchers from Virginia Tech, Indiana University,
and the University of Oklahoma convened to develop a series of three national forums on this topic, funded by the Institute for Museum and Library Services (IMLS), as a project titled Developing Library Strategy for 3D and Virtual Reality Collection Development and Reuse (LIB3DVR) [8]
in addition to these ethical and legal concerns, there are also intellectual property issues identified that could impact how VR content is used in the future.
3. Participants identified a range of possible preservation strategies for dealing with these challenges and preservation considerations. Selection and documentation were seen as important activities for ensuring the long-term preservation of 3D/VR content.
Ziker, C., Truman, B., & Dodds, H. (2021). Cross Reality (XR): Challenges and Opportunities Across the Spectrum.
Innovative Learning Environments in STEM Higher Education, 55–77.
For the purpose of this chapter, Cross Reality or XR refers to technologies and applications that involve combinations of mixed reality (MR), augmented reality (AR), virtual reality (VR), and virtual worlds (VWs). These are technologies that connect computer technology (such as informational overlays) to the physical world for the purposes of augmenting or extending experiences beyond the real. Especially relevant to the definition of XR is the fact that this term encompasses a wide range of options for delivering learning experiences, from minimal technology and episodic experiences to deep immersion and persistent platforms. The preponderance of different terms for slightly different technologies indicate that this is a growth area within the field. Here we provide a few definitions of these technologies.
MR—Mixed reality refers to a blend of technologies used to influence the human perception of an experience. Motion sensors, body tracking, and eye tracking interplay with overlaid technology to give a rich and full version of reality displayed to the user. For example, technology could add sound or additional graphics to an experience in real time. Examples include the Magic Leap One and Microsoft HoloLens 2.0. MR and XR are often used interchangeably.
AR—Augmented reality refers to technology systems that overlay information onto the real world, but the technology might not allow for real-time feedback. As such, AR experiences can move or animate, but they might not interact with changes in depth of view or external light conditions. Currently, AR is considered the first generation of the newer and more interactive MR experiences.
VR—Virtual reality, as a technological product, traces its history to approximately 1960 and tends to encompass user experiences that are visually and auditorily different from the real world. Indeed, the real world is often blocked from interacting with the virtual one. Headsets, headphones, haptics, and haptic clothing might purposely cut off all input except that which is virtual. In general, VR is a widely recognizable term, often found in gaming and workplace training, where learners need to be transported to a different time and place. VR experiences in STEM often consist of virtual labs or short virtual field trips.
VW—Virtual worlds are frequently considered a subset of VR with the difference that VWs are inherently social and collaborative; VWs frequently contain multiple simultaneous users, while VRs are often solo experiences. Another discrimination between virtual reality and virtual worlds is the persistence of the virtual space. VR tends to be episodic, with the learner in the virtual experience for a few minutes and the reality created within the experience ends when the learner experience ends. VWs are persistent in that the worlds continue to exist on computer servers whether or not there are active avatars within the virtual space (Bell 2008). This discrimination between VR and VW, however, is dissolving. VR experiences can be created to exist for days, and some users have been known to wear headsets for extended periods of time. Additionally, more and more VR experiences are being designed to be for game play, socialization, or mental relaxation. The IEEE VR 2020 online conference and the Educators in VR International Summit 2020 offered participants opportunities to experience conference presentations in virtual rooms as avatars while interacting with presenters and conference attendees (see Sect. 2.5 for more information).
CVEs—Collaborative virtual environments are communication systems in which multiple interactants share the same three-dimensional digital space despite occupying remote physical locations (Yee and Bailenson 2006).
Embodiment—Embodiment is defined by Lindgren and Johnson-Glenberg (2013) as the enactment of knowledge and concepts through the activity of our bodies within an MR (mixed reality) and physical environment
Human-Centered Design philosophy that involves putting human needs, capabilities, and behavior first (Jerald 2018: 15). XR provides the opportunity to experience just-in-time immersive, experiential learning that uses concrete yet exploratory experiences involving senses that result in lasting memories. Here we discuss opportunities for social applications with XR.
XR learner activities are usually created for individual use, which may or may not need to be simultaneously experienced as a class together at the same time or place with the instructor. Activities can be designed into instruction with VR headsets, high-resolution screens, smartphones, or other solo technological devices for use inside and outside of the classroom.
Ready to go relationship between STEM courses and XR. In bullet points!
Do we address the challenges in the grant proposal?
some learners will be held back from full XR activity by visual, physical, and social abilities such as stroke, vertigo, epilepsy, or age-related reaction time. It should also be noted that the encompassing nature of VR headsets might create some discomfort or danger for any learners as they can no longer fully see and control their body and body space.
Study: Gamification Techniques Can Improve Online Teaching
A new study out of MIT‘s Sloan School of Management explores the use of ideas and tools from the gaming community to improve online teaching and student learning outcomes.
four key elements for maximizing student engagement in online learning:
- Narrative — a specific storyline or overarching theme. For instance, study co-author Brian Stevens, senior lecturer at the University of Tennessee‘s Haslam College of Business, created a video game theme for his statistics class, incorporating “Boss Battles,” “Speed Runs” and wacky characters to spice up his lectures.
- Continuous flow of action in sight and sound, even before class starts. For example, Lo uses a countdown timer and upbeat music on his course page about 30 minutes before the start of a synchronous lecture, to build anticipation for class. He also switches tasks and/or scenes every 15 minutes to help maintain students’ attention and interest levels.
- Opportunities for two-way communication. To help turn students from viewers into participants, Lo uses a combination of the “Raise Hand” function in Zoom, polls, breakout sessions, surveys and the chat window.
- High production quality. Lo built a home studio with various input devices, professional lighting, a green screen and more to create richer, more engaging presentations for students.
The full study, “The World of EdCraft: Challenges and Opportunities in Synchronous Online Teaching,” is openly available online
serious gamers and gamification experts on that panel. More here on the initiative:
more on gamification in this IMS blog
Storytelling and Content presentation with the Virtual Showcase in a museum context
This paper gives an overview of the Virtual Showcase as an augmented reality display system for museums. It explains about different hardware prototypes, interaction tools as well as several software techniques to utilize the features of the Virtual Showcase. It also presents two case studies, one from paleontology and one from archeology.
Alternative Augmented Reality Approaches: Concepts,Techniques, and Applications
more on Digital Storytelling in this IMS blog
on AR in education in this IMS blog
Spring 2021 series of presentations by Fulbright Students at SCSU:
Souleymane Kassoum
Bilingual Education in Niger
French language has been officially used in Niger since colonial rule as the only language for instruction. This monolingual instruction on the detriment of National languages negatively impacts the teaching and learning quality in public schools due to the linguistic barrier students in public school are facing. The purpose of this discussion is to shed light on the learning crisis caused by French monolingual instruction which could be solved by the introduction of national languages as languages of instruction in elementary education and French as the language of subject. The challenges of a successful implementation and generalization of French-National language education (bilingual education) are also pointed out and the discussion ends with some recommendations for applicable situations in the United States, e.g. schooling of Native American students.
Tiana Aprianti
Indonesia Education Equality and Equity
Indonesia as an archipelago country experiences difficulties in regard to equality in education due to its geography. Lack of infrastructure leaves numerous areas isolated. Such isolation results in poor education quality to the students in remote areas. This poor quality ranges from the school infrastructure to education technology. Furthermore, the low-quality teachers also have been a concern. 94.8% of teachers in remote areas do not have a Bachelor’s degree, a legacy from the past when the teacher profession was not held in high esteem. Aging teachers and having the society respect the teaching profession, like in the United States, are issues debated in the country.
March 24, 4PM
Ksenia Maksimova
Students at Russian vs. American Colleges and Universities. Exploring the Process of Learning and Collaboration through a Cultural len
Please join a discussion on interaction and collaboration among students from educational systems in two different countries, the U.S. and Russia. A comparison of the specifics of Russian and American mentalities, cultures, and styles of communication, will focus on Russian and American students’ collaboration styles. The discussion will present the facilitator’s own experience and perspective to engage attendants to share their feelings and impressions.
Link to Zoom recording:
- April 21, 4PM
Aminata Phoray-Musa
Sierra Leone’s School System: Does the school culture represent the culture of the people
Please join a discussion about the educational system and culture of a West African country, Sierra Leone. The discussion will seek a comparison of the country’s culture and school structure and values compared to the ones in the United States.
Library Instruction for:
EM 663: Engineering Management
Instructor: Gary Nierengarten, MBA
Tel: (320) 308-6000, E-mail:
Library Instruction facilitated by: Plamen Miltenoff
320 308 3072,
From syllabus:
Engineering Management Project (30%)
This purpose of this second group project is to relate the concepts of the text to present organizations. Each Team will select an organization or create an organization and present on that organization. The focus of this project is sustainability, and accounts for 30% of the grade. The presentation will consist of 20 to 30 minutes, a presentation of 10 to slides 20 slides, complete with a 10-15-page paper. The presentation and paper will be due electronically prior to class. Members will be graded on 50% contribution and 50 % presentation. The objective of this exercise is to develop skills in working as a team as well as developing your presentation skills.
The paper shall address the following analysis to the selected organization:
- The firm may a service or manufacturing firm, or one that you create.
- Relate each Chapter of the book (minimum twelve chapter relationships)
- The relationship could be made from a topic within that chapter.
- All projects must be uploaded in D2L/Brightspace by start of class, 9:30 AM, March 30, 2021
Library Instruction delivered by Plamen Miltenoff,
My name is Plamen Miltenoff ( and I am the InforMedia Specialist with the SCSU Library (
- Developing Your Research Topic/Question
Why Keyword Searching?
Why not just type in a phrase or sentence like you do in Google or Yahoo!?
- Because most electronic databases store and retrieve information differently than Internet search engines.
- A databases searches fields within a collection of records. These fields include the information commonly found in a citation plus an abstract (if available) and subject headings. Search engines search web content which is typically the full text of sources.
- The bottom line: you get better results in a database by using effective keyword search strategies.
- To develop an effective search strategy, you need to:
- determine the key concepts in your topic and
- develop a good list of keyword synonyms.
- Why use synonyms?
Because there is more than one way to express a concept or idea. You don’t know if the article you’re looking for uses the same expression for a key concept that you are using.
- Consider: Will an author use:
- Hypertension or High Blood Pressure?
- Teach or Instruct?
- Therapy or Treatment?
Class assignment (5-10 Min)
Share keywords related to the Engineering Management Project
- Getting Ready for Research (15-20 min)
Library Resources vs. the Internet (do we need to discuss?)
Library Databases:
Journals’ subscription:
Government Publications:,contains,%22government%20publications%22,AND&query=any,contains,%22Engineering%20Management%22,AND&tab=Everything&search_scope=MyInst_and_CI&sortby=rank&vid=01MNPALS_SCS:SCS&lang=en&mode=advanced&offset=0
eBooks (15-20 min)
walk together through the eBooks dbases to figure out logins and search techniques.
- Personal work with the librarian (5 min each student)
using the list of keywords and the information sources, collaborate with the librarian to find 3-5 references for your project
Plamen Miltenoff, Ph.D., MLIS
schedule a meeting:
find my office: