Archive of ‘educational technology’ category

more on badges

Badging: Not Quite the Next Big Thing

While badging and digital credentialing are gaining acceptance in the business world and, to some extent, higher education, K-12 educators — and even students — are slower to see the value.

By Michael Hart 07/20/16

That’s when the MacArthur Foundation highlighted the winning projects of its Badges for Lifelong Learning competition at the Digital Media and Learning Conference in Chicago. The competition, co-sponsored by the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation and the Mozilla Foundation, had attracted nearly 100 competitors a year earlier. The winners shared $2 million worth of development grants.

Evidence of Lifelong Learning

A digital badge or credential is a validation, via technology, that a person has earned an accomplishment, learned a skill or gained command of specific content. Typically, it is an interactive image posted on a web page and connected to a certain body of information that communicates the badge earner’s competency.

Credly is a company that offers off-the-shelf credentialing and badging for organizations, companies and educational institutions. One of its projects, BadgeStack, which has since been renamed BadgeOS, was a winner in the 2013 MacArthur competition. Virtually any individual or organization can use its platform to determine criteria for digital credentials and then award them, often taking advantage of an open-source tool like WordPress. The credential recipient can then use the BadgeOS platform to manage the use of the credential, choosing to display badges on social media profiles or uploading achievements to a digital resume, for instance.

Finkelstein and others see, with the persistently growing interest in competency-based education (CBE), that badging is a way to assess and document competency.

Colorado Education Initiative, (see webinar report in this IMS blog

There are obstacles, though, to universal acceptance of digital credentialing.
For one, not every community, company or organization sees a badge as something of value.

When a player earns points for his or her success in a game, those points have no value outside of the environment in which the game is played. For points, badges, credentials — however you want to define them — to be perceived as evidence of competency, they have to have portability and be viewed with value outside of their own environment.



More on badges in this IMS blog:

tech curriculum design

Dell and Microsoft sponsored.

Register for this complimentary webcast on July 19th to learn how your school or district can design a tech curriculum that matches the future needs of your students today.

During this interactive presentation, you’ll hear how Kennewick School District is giving its students a head start with access to modern tech tools they are likely to use in the real world. Find out how the right tech plan can enable innovative teaching and learning at your school.

Join us as Ron Cone, Kennewick School District CIO, shares:

  • How to design a tech curriculum that matches your students’ future career needs
  • Tips for selecting the right tech to support that curriculum
  • Managing the nuts and bolts of deploying and managing that tech
  • Assessing curriculum and student success

Register »

Thank you,

Linda Briggs
Senior Contributing Editor
THE Journal

CIO position

The Ever-Changing CIO Job Description

operates with agility and responsiveness, recognizing the fast-changing environment
“The individual needs the ability to monitor and react to trends appropriately,” she said, “and to see patterns, connect the dots, explain to others and build consensus in response.”

i fail to see any of those where i work.

“If you can’t deliver quality, robust services, you have no political capital on campus to talk about your vision. If the network keeps crashing or is slow, why are people going to believe that we could do some visionary new activity?”

gamifying tops

12 Tips for Gamifying a Course

Leila Meyer

1) Begin by Defining Goals and Objectives

2) Start Small and Develop Iteratively

3) Network With Other Educators Using Games

4) Use Simple Game-Creation Tools

5) Get Students to Develop Games

6) Take Advantage of Existing Games

7) Use K-12 Games for Remedial Education Courses

8) Make It Fun

9) Don’t Forget About the Pedagogy

10) Collect Data

11) Consider Accessibility

12) Play Games

more on gamification in this IMS blog

ISTE 2016 tech tools

15 Tech Tool Favorites From ISTE 2016

Google Expeditions


Google Science Journal

Google Cast

Google Art Project

World Wonders Project


YouTube – database of YouTube Channels by subject to help educators with discoverability

YouTube Time Machine

Zygote Body


Build With Chrome

Google CS First


posters about Google Apps For Education


virtual reality games and learning

Research Suggests Students Learn More When Collaborating in Virtual Reality Games

By Michael Hart

In the research project led by Ph.D. candidate Gabriel Culbertson, 48 students were recruited to play two versions of the game. In one group, students were connected via a chat interface with another player who could, if they wanted, offer advice on how to play. The second group played a version of the game in which they were definitely required to collaborate on quests.

The research group found the students in the second so-called “high-interdependence” group spent more time communicating and, as a consequence, learned more words.

The research then expanded to a larger group of 186 Reddit users who were learning Japanese. After reviewing gameplay logs, interviews and Reddit posts, they found that those who spent the most time engaged in the game learned more new words and phrases.

The Cornell research team presented its research results at the Association for Computing Machinery Conference on Human-Computer Interaction in May in San Jose, CA.


more on games in this IMS blog:

more on virtual reality in this blog:

google cast

Google Cast for Education Allows Students, Teachers to Share the Projector

By David Nagel

Cast for Education is an app that works on Chrome OS, macOS and Windows. The app is launching in a public beta today and is available as a free download. The difference between Cast and other screen sharing solutions is network-independence.

Google today also launched the full version of its educational virtual reality tool Google Expeditions, along with a new Quiz feature for Google Apps for Education.


more on screen-sharing opportunities in education:

death of game consoles

The death of game consoles is upon us

FAA final rules drones

Press Release – DOT and FAA Finalize Rules for Small Unmanned Aircraft Systems

Here us a short outline from USAToday:

FAA completes landmark rules for commercial drones

U.S. Announces New ‘Ground Rules’ For Use Of Commercial Drones


More on drones in this IMS blog:

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