Archive of ‘social media’ category

On social media, privacy, etc.

Twitter, Rape and Privacy on Social Media – The Cut


Three thoughtful and thought-provoking essays about teaching social media use:

“Why students should not be required to publicly participate online” online at

“Notes on Student Privacy and Online Pedagogy” online at

“Why the Loon does not assign public social-media use” online at

I don’t necessarily advocate the point of view expressed in these posts, but I do think they merit both attention and discussion in a course focused on social media.

Keith Ewing

Professor, Library Systems & Digital Projects



9 Ways to Improve Social Media Shares of your Content

9 Ways to Improve Social Media Shares of your Content

1) Choose Topics People Care About

2) Rewrite That Headline!

3) Make Posts More “Skimmable”

4) Don’t Skimp on Pictures or Graphics

5) Improve Ease of Sharing

6) Prime the Pump

7) Build Your Social Foundation

8) Don’t Be Selfish!

9) Connect with Current Events or Memes

What have you done to increase Social Sharing?

29 Social Media Tools Recommended by the Pros

RivalIQ, Pocket, ShareRoot, PowToon, EveryoneSocial, vCita, OptinMonster, smqueue, Nimble, BuzzSumo, Harvest, Calendly, Friends+Me, BuzzFork, Newsle, Piktochart, 22Social, Jelly, NeedTagger, Pushover and IFTTT, Swayy, Circloscope, Songza, Talkwalker,

Hang w/,

Many apps have been used to stream live video to friends and followers, but Hang w/ takes it to the next level by integrating with iOS and Android, as well as delivering the live stream to Facebook’s news feed.

As a broadcaster, you can select 3-, 6- or 9-minute “hang” sessions, and enter a custom title for each live video stream.

Meddle,, Canva, LeadPages


VideoNotes: free web tool that allows students to take notes on a video they are watching.

VideoNotes ( is a free web tool that allows students to take notes on a video they are watching. The notes are synchronized with the video being watched. The good thing about VideoNotes is that it is integrated into Google Drive which means that students will be able to save their notes directly to their Drive account and access, edit, and work on them anytime they want. All the notes are time-stamped.

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