Archive of ‘AR’ category
sources to intro VR
Set Your Goals
Collaborate Effectively
a few apps below to begin.
- Merge Cubes.
- CoSpaces EDU.
- Nearpod.
- AR Portal (iOS only).
more on VR in this IMS blog
VR in British Journal of Educational Technology
The British Journal of Educational Technology (Impact Factor 2.588) has an upcoming special section on Immersive Virtual Reality in Education. For details see:
VR health system
more on VR and nursing in this IMS blog
Immersive Scholarship and Technologies in Academic Libraries
We define immersive scholarship as any scholarly work developed through or implemented utilizing technologies including Virtual Reality, Augmented Reality, Mixed Reality, Visualization (i.e., large format displays and visualization walls, GIS, Tableau), and any related hardware, programs or software.
We are seeking survey participants who are employed in an academic library and who currently support immersive scholarship and technologies at their institution.
how your academic library has developed tools, implemented third party hardware/software, and in what barriers you have identified at your institution in supporting immersive scholarship.
VR Antarctica
Kate Pound, a professor with St. Cloud State U did research in Antarctica:
more on VR in this IMS blog
virtual reality reactions
nursing training with virtual reality
More on nursing and VR in this IMS blog