how to create merge cube objects


thinglink $300
Sketchfab  $79 monthly $80 x 12 = ~$900
CoSpaces $74.99 per year
Qlone ($29.99)

ready-to-go resources for merge cube:

apps for merge cube:


Merge cube, the basics”

to create merge cube content in, an paid add-on is needed.

Scan object with Qlone, upload as OBJ file ($29.99) and merge cube it with the object uploader app:

More on Merge Cube in this IMS blog

call for chapters: K12 in virtual learning environments

Call for Chapters: Transforming Teachers’ Online Pedagogical Reasoning for Teaching K-12 Students in Virtual Learning Environments

Call for Chapters

Proposals Submission Deadline: November 16, 2020
Full Chapters Due: February 21, 2021
Submission Date: February 21, 2021


How can students learn safely amid the challenges of the global pandemic? Currently, it is not safe to have them crowded in a classroom engaged in face-to-face learning. The challenge has forced K-12 teachers to think differently about teaching. Unexpectedly, and with little warning, they have been confronted with redesigning their curriculum and instruction from face-to-face to online virtual classrooms to protect students from the COVID-19 virus. The critical questions include: Has this shift assured that students will learn the identified essential content and skills for the 21st century? Will they develop the skills identified through the 4C’s: communication, collaboration, critical thinking, and creativity (Thoughtful Learning Organization, 2016)? The rapid shift of K-12 education to being online left educators and parents lacking in confidence that students will receive an appropriate education through the virtual environments proposed for keeping students safe. The speed with which this transition was made prevented educators from developing the necessary knowledge and skills needed to create engaging learning in the unfamiliar virtual environment. Superficial observations of the online features and organizations for virtual environments suggest these environments lack key elements for guiding students in engaging in the skills such as those identified by the 4 C’s. A more serious question is: Are the bold claims true that students cannot learn online in virtual environments? Some say that teachers lack the knowledge of how to think about online teaching in a virtual environment. This begs the question, are today’s teachers simply applying their classroom strategies as they have done in their face-to-face classrooms, only now in front of a web camera?


The primary objective of this book is to gather and present actual best practices and pedagogical reasoning for designing online strategies that work for K-12 virtual learning. The chapters will provide ways to think about teaching in virtual environments that can be used to guide instructional strategy choices and ultimate decisions. The ideas and frameworks will present effective online pedagogical reasoning for the redesign and implementation of K-12 virtual classrooms.

inside a cell with VR

he software, called vLUME, was created by scientists at the University of Cambridge and 3D image analysis software company Lume VR Ltd. It allows super-resolution microscopy data to be visualised and analysed in virtual reality, and can be used to study everything from individual proteins to entire cells. Details are published in the journal Nature Methods.

Super-resolution microscopy, which was awarded the Nobel Prize for Chemistry in 2014, makes it possible to obtain images at the nanoscale by using clever tricks of physics to get around the limits imposed by light diffraction. This has allowed researchers to observe molecular processes as they happen. However, a problem has been the lack of ways to visualise and analyse this data in three dimensions.

more on VR in this IMS blog

apps for student engagement

Looking for different ways for students to share their knowledge. I’ve done Jamboard, Google Slides, Discussion posts, padlet…I just want something different and am not able to come up with any great ideas here. Anyone come up with anything else fun or interesting? This is for an asynchronous course.


Google Slides jambor




Adobe Spark




Pear Deck

Near Pod



AR on the windshield

Forget AR glasses. Augmented reality is headed to your windshield from r/gadgets

a U.K.-based company called Envisics, believes that he’s found the perfect use case for real-life augmented reality holograms.

However, the biggest reason in-car AR could succeed is this: It solves a problem that actually exists. AR headsets could wind up being the biggest thing since the smartphone.

more on AR in this IMS blog

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