Posts Tagged ‘qanon’


Fake authority

You may see articles by Vernon Coleman, for instance. As a former GP he would seem to have some credentials, yet he has a history of supporting pseudoscientific ideas, including misinformation about the causes of Aids. David Icke, meanwhile, has hosted videos by Barrie Trower, an alleged expert on 5G who is, in reality, a secondary school teacher. And Piers Corbyn cites reports by the Centre for Research on Globalisation, which sounds impressive but was founded by a 9/11 conspiracy theorist.

pre-suasion” – essentially, removing the reflexive mental blocks that might make them reject your arguments.

more on conspiracy theories in this IMS blog

more on fake news in this IMS blog

warped reality

Warped RealityTED Radio Hour

False information on the internet makes it harder and harder to know what’s true, and the consequences have been devastating. This hour, TED speakers explore ideas around technology and deception. Guests include law professor Danielle Citron, journalist Andrew Marantz, and computer scientist Joy Buolamwini.

more on deep fake in this IMS blog

Berlin museums

#conspiracytheories #Qanon

More than 60 artefacts at Berlin museums damaged with mysterious stain

Dozens of artifacts vandalized in three Berlin museums

more on Qanon in this IMS blog

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