AI is being used to monitor students and their work. The most prominent uses of AI in higher education are attached to applications designed to protect or preserve academic integrity through the use of plagiarism-detection software (60%) and proctoring applications (42%) (see figure 1).
The chatbots are coming! A sizable percentage (36%) of respondents reported that chatbots and digital assistants are in use at least somewhat on their campuses, with another 17% reporting that their institutions are in the planning, piloting, and initial stages of use (see figure 2). The use of chatbots in higher education by admissions, student affairs, career services, and other student success and support units is not entirely new, but the pandemic has likely contributed to an increase in their use as they help students get efficient, relevant, and correct answers to their questions without long waits.Footnote10 Chatbots may also liberate staff from repeatedly responding to the same questions and reduce errors by deploying updates immediately and universally.
AI is being used for student success tools such as identifying students who are at-risk academically (22%) and sending early academic warnings (16%); another 14% reported that their institutions are in the stage of planning, piloting, and initial usage of AI for these tasks.
Nearly three-quarters of respondents said that ineffective data management and integration (72%) and insufficient technical expertise (71%) present at least a moderate challenge to AI implementation. Financial concerns (67%) and immature data governance (66%) also pose challenges. Insufficient leadership support (56%) is a foundational challenge that is related to each of the previous listed challenges in this group.
Current use of AI
Chatbots for informational and technical support, HR benefits questions, parking questions, service desk questions, and student tutoring
Research applications, conducting systematic reviews and meta-analyses, and data science research (my italics)
Library services (my italics)
Recruitment of prospective students
Providing individual instructional material pathways, assessment feedback, and adaptive learning software
Proctoring and plagiarism detection
Student engagement support and nudging, monitoring well-being, and predicting likelihood of disengaging the institution
Former German Foreign Minister Sigmar Gabriel‘The World Is Changing Dramatically’
Former German Foreign Minister Sigmar Gabriel speaks to DER SPIEGEL about his call for the country to take on a new global role and why Germans are underestimating the dangers posed by the current geopolitical situation.
Interview Conducted by Mathieu von Rohr and Britta Sandberg September 24, 2018 04:32 PM
Now Trump is criticizing us for not spending enough money on our military. Part of the truth, however, is that the U.S. wanted exactly that for a very long time. They were worried that too much military power in Germany could provoke the next world war. I once told Tillerson, I don’t know what you are complaining about, you raised us for 70 years to be peaceniks. Now that’s what we are and you’re surprised. He laughed.
Some people want Germany to be something like a large Switzerland, but we are simply too big. We can’t just stand on the sidelines. Because of the Assad regime’s bombs, almost a million refugees were standing in front of our door. It’s not just about military operations, but about crisis prevention, diplomacy, economic development. Germany shouldn’t transform from a geopolitical abstainer to an influential geo-strategist. I wish that we would return to once again having strategic debates — no matter the result. It is important to prepare the public for the fact that the world has changed.
After surveying more than 4,650 educators, we learned that teachers are essentially trying to do three things with data—each of which technology can dramatically improve:
The U.S. Department of Education has increasingly encouraged and funded states to collect and analyze information about students: grades, state test scores, attendance, behavior, lateness, graduation rates and school climate measures like surveys of student engagement.
The argument in favor of all this is that the more we know about how students are doing, the better we can target instruction and other interventions. And sharing that information with parents and the community at large is crucial. It can motivate big changes.
what might be lost when schools focus too much on data. Here are five arguments against the excesses of data-driven instruction.
The National Education Policy Center releases annual reports on commercialization and marketing in public schools. In its most recent report in May, researchers there raised concerns about targeted marketing to students using computers for schoolwork and homework. Companies like Google pledge not to track the content of schoolwork for the purposes of advertising. But in reality these boundaries can be a lot more porous. For example, a high school student profiled in the NEPC report often consulted commercial programs like and Sparknotes: “Once when she had been looking at shoes, she mentioned, an ad for shoes appeared in the middle of a Sparknotes chapter summary.”
4) Missing What Data Can’t Capture
Computer systems are most comfortable recording and analyzing quantifiable, structured data. The number of absences in a semester, say; or a three-digit score on a multiple-choice test that can be graded by machine, where every question has just one right answer.
5) Exposing Students’ “Permanent Records”
In the past few years several states have passed laws banning employers from looking at the credit reports of job applicants. Employers want people who are reliable and responsible. But privacy advocates argue that a past medical issue or even a bankruptcy shouldn’t unfairly dun a person who needs a fresh start.
This session will present results from an evaluation of the integration of RealizeIT adaptive learning technology into three fully online courses: General Psychology, Pathophysiology for Nursing Practice, and College Algebra. Presenters will discuss the impact on students, faculty, and the university.
Adaptive learning systems provide each student with a personalized learning experience, adapting the presentation of the content, and possibly the assessment to the individual ability of the student
Co-developed by Learning Technologies and the Faculty Colloquium on Excellence in Teaching and Learning at Indiana University, a digital badge pilot ( was launched to support faculty professional development and growth. This session will cover the competency levels, topics of study, and the badging platform to document levels of achievement. Outcomes: Understand the basics of a three-tiered framework for digital badges * Review the online badging platform * Explore topics for faculty development
Mozilla Open Badges 101: Digging into Badges (a webinar)
personalized learning or competency-based does not resolve it. GPA does not respond to employers search
regimenting credentials. digital representation of of skill or achievement. represent achievements on the web. social status (foursquare). granular, evidence-based and transferable. badge ecosystem (across multiple areas), this is why open badges; open system. Open Badge Standard: issuer information; earner information; criteria URL; evidence URL; Standards Alignment; Taxonomy Tags
Data Visualization: The What, the Who, and the How
Data visualization tools are becoming much stronger and are now targeted at a much wider audience. This panel will explore what we should be trying to do with data visualization, who will be doing it, and how we might support and steer it. OUTCOMES: Identify multiple opportunities for use of data visualization * Learn about multiple user communities, including those not centrally managed * Explore ways to support users and steer them toward good practices 7: What works well for technically savvy developers may not work for faculty or staff without those same credentials.
Data Wrapper
Oracle suite of OBIEE (Oracle Business Intelligence Enterprise Edition) has been very successful for CSU
Cognos (IBM) is another tool that is very popular for developers and has been used by USG central office
D3 (For Data Driven Documents)
Fusion Charts
Chart js
Google Charts
slide 11: Two primary design goals supported through Data Visualization:
Discovery and Exploration
–What story is the data telling you
–Identify patterns and exceptions
–Compare, contrast, choose
–Explain, make a point, decide
slide 15:
qTo communicate
qPresent more clearly or more forcefully than would be accomplished with text or tables
qReports, dashboards, infographics, etc.
qTo discover
qAllow us to see what would be difficult or impossible to see if not presented in a useful visualization
qRealm of research but moving into the mainstream
qCan same visualization serve both purposes?
iPad, You Pad, We All Pad: Transforming Teaching and Learning
California State University Northridge, Lynn University, and Jackson State University have all deployed one-to-one iPad tablet initiatives, with the objectives to increase student engagement and learning, improve the quality of teaching materials, and decrease student costs. This session will discuss the transformational educational opportunities afforded by the iPad and highlight technology and pedagogical lessons learned. Outcomes: Learn about the transformational impact of one-to-one iPad initiatives in the classroom * Understand the need for extensive faculty development and faculty adoption strategies * Appreciate deployment and support challenges====================
The Avalon Video and Audio Repository for Libraries and Beyond
The Avalon Media System provides an open-source streaming media solution, based on Hydra/Fedora repository technologies, focused on delivery of library media collections, but it is finding other uses, including support for publication, teaching and learning content, and digital scholarship. As a result, new features enhance support for additional research and instructional use cases. Outcomes: Understand the problems Avalon solves * Understand the extended use cases addressed with Avalon, both present and intended future * Learn how best to engage with the Avalon project.========================
The Karuta Open Source Portfolio, currently under incubation by the Apereo Foundation, offers dramatic flexibility for designing portfolio workflows with rubrics to assess learning outcomes. Karuta is LTI enabled for integration with the LMS for easy access and transfer of evidence of learning. Subsequent releases will add functionality for showcasing as well as reporting. Outcome: Learn how Karuta can flexibly support your programs and institution through leveraging its functionality
Supporting the Discovery and Adoption of Open E-Textbooks
The California Open Education Resources Council comprises faculty from the three CA higher education systems working together to identify open textbooks for high impact courses. The selected open textbooks are in the process of being peer reviewed and curated in the CA Open Online Library. Outcomes: Identify quality open textbooks for general education, high-impact courses * Learn how to interpret textbook peer reviews with a faculty-created rubric * Understand how to reference these resources for the discovery of quality no- or low-cost materials
Seminar 12P – Six Secrets for Evaluating Online Teaching (separate registration is required)
What makes online teaching different from face-to-face teaching? How can we tell when it’s done well? Faculty members, administrators, and IT leaders will learn six evaluation “secrets” from the authors of the new book Evaluating Online Teaching. You will leave this seminar with use-them-now strategies, tools, and templates to take back to your campus. OUTCOMES: Distinguish online content and practices that “count” as teaching behaviors * Design self-, peer-, and administrative-evaluation analytic tools * Develop a 6-stage, campus-wide program for evaluating online teaching
Learn how the University of Pittsburgh is creating a scalable classroom model for active learning on a traditional campus. Administrators, faculty, and instructional technologists and designers recently collaborated to reimagine legacy large-enrollment lecture halls. The focus of this session is on the learning space design process across the disciplines. Outcomes: Identify and apply the principles of active learning associated with learning space deign * Understand the design process * Assemble an effective learning space design team
Thinking Digitally: Advancing Digital Literacy with Personalized Learning Tools
The session will outline a scalable framework for integrating digital literacy in higher education curriculum, supported by tools that allow for active and personalized learning. Research and examples from Georgia State University’s experience implementing a pilot program will be used as a catalyst for interactive discussion and idea generation. Outcomes: Understand the value of incorporating digital literacy into curriculum * Select from emerging personalized learning technologies to support digital literacy across diverse academic scenarios * Adapt a methodology for developing partnerships to advance digital literacy across the organization
A discussion of unmanned aerial vehicles (drones) and drone activities that either take place on campus or impact a campus from the outside. The state of federal aviation regulations and guidelines for drones will be covered. Attendees can share their experiences with official and rogue drone activities at their institutions. Outcomes: Learn about the drone devices in use, from miniature to massive * Understand the impact of drones on academic institutions, for better or worse * Learn what drone activities are legally allowable, banned, or discouraged
Resources – Higher Ed Drone Policies
The Ohio State University
Iowa State University
Indiana University
University of Kansas
Penn State University
University of New Mexico
The Association of College and University Policy
Administrators (ACUPA,
Join this lively discussion and discovery of innovative and functional uses and support for mobile computing. We will explore creative ideas for projects using mobile devices in teaching, learning, and administration. Topics may include hardware, applications, tools, special uses, wireless and mobile connectivity, web services, support issues, and security.
“CCC Webinar – Copyright Basics for Academia”
Date Time: Mar 4, 2021 01:00 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)
CopyRight Clearance Center
John Savage, not a legal advise, this is a seminar. Client Engagement Manager. License agreements, additional solutions
content use today
the velocity of content sharing is on the rise. an average of 9 per week. sharing not only internal, but external sources.
CCC, founded 1978, non profit, reproduction rights organziation, like many other countries (Japan has 3). started as a licensing organization. navigate vast amount of data, make informed decisions. 16.5% possibility for unlicensed sharing of info.
THe COVID situation increased further content sharing.
methods for sharing content are shifting. email remains the preferred method of sharing. Intranet posting remains. MS Teams, Google Meet, Slack and other collaboration tools
US copyright basics
purpose of copyright. US Constitution, Article 1, Section B
To promote the progress of science and useful arts, by securing for limited times…”
US copyright law protects the rights of authors of “original works of authorship”
106 exclusive rights of the rights holder. 5 exclusive rights: reproduction; distribution of copies ; create a derivative work; perform publicly; display publicly.
After 1978 (70 years rule, after author’s death), the author has copyrights
Works for hire, anonymous, 95 years from publication, 120 years
public domain: works of the US federal government when used in the US.
works published before 1926; from 1926 to 1963 failed to register or renew copyright registration; prior to 1989 and failed to include copyright notice
OER: logistical nightmare; open doesn’t always mean free; fair use may not apply; copyright permissions may be difficult and expensive
copyright registration : creates a searchable public record; required to sue for infringement
copyright notice: not required but recommended; copyright registration not required to display the copyright symbol (since 1989).
attribution: not a substitute for permission
public domain: does not mean “publicly available”
copyright infringement
limitations and exceptions
US Code Title 17, Chapter 1 # 101 #107 3108 #109 #110 #122
Fair Use: it is a legal defense. attempt to balance rights of
4 Fair Use factors considered by courts. it can be slippery slope
#110(1) performance and display in the classroom. in a F2F classroom, copies to help students is allowed. in the course of teaching activities. for non profit ed institutions
#110(2) for online distance education TEACH Technology, Education, and Copyright Harmonization Act of 2002
#108 reproduction by libraries and archives. exemptions ILL and coped for patrons. Digital copies for library’s own use . for preservation and replacement. No more then a single copy per patron. also limitations on types of materials.
strategies for success
annual copyright license
campus-wide coverage
get it now service (document delivery service). Augments ILL operation. In cooperatin with Elsevier and more
Is copyright permission needed for URL use in the classroom? If so, what are the best methods for obtaining copyright permission for URLs?
What solutions does CCC provide for libraries wanting to provide electronic article access to students for their courses for material they don’t subscribe to.
How can one found out if one’s library is covered by a campus-wide license.
I am working with a student who would like to include figures from published academic articles and books in his dissertation. If he is not able to obtain permissions before the due date, does it seem like this would fall under fair use for academic purposes (not publishing or profit)? Thank you.
How does controlled digital lending (CDL) operate in an academic environment. Can you digitize an analog book owned by the library for posting in Moodle to support distance learning?
How can a user know what is and what is not the core of the document? or Book?
What about providing a link to an article or other material that is publicly available when you click on the link? How/why is that different from printing it and distributing it?
Can an author send her article to participants in the journal club? (journal not subscribed to by library or attendees).