Searching for "maps"

Apple Maps in 3D

Apple Maps introduces new ways to explore major cities in 3D

With iOS 15, Apple Maps introduces step-by-step walking guidance in augmented reality. Users can simply raise their iPhone to scan buildings in the area, and Maps generates a highly accurate position to deliver detailed directions that can be viewed in the context of the real world.

iPhone shows step-by-step walking guidance in augmented reality in Apple Maps in iOS 15.

Mind maps tools

GitMind  more than one hundred templates

Forky is simple but effective a free mind mapping tool

Whimsical is a good tool for creating flowcharts, mind maps, Venn diagrams, and a variety of other charts and diagrams.

Transno is a service that lets you write notes and outlines that can then be turned into mind maps and flowcharts with just one click. is a mind mapping and flowchart tool

MindMup is a mind mapping tool that can be used online, with Google Drive, and on your desktop.

Coggle is a collaborative mind-mapping service

Spider Scribe is an online mind map creation service.


more on mind maps in this IMS blog

Mind concept maps

I’m planning on having students build a concept map throughout the semester. This is my first time doing this without them being able to just do it on paper and hand in random pieces of paper taped together to make it able to grow as much as they need throughout the semester in any direction. A google search for “free concept map generator” reveals that there seem to be about a gazillion options out there. Does anyone have any experience with any that they would recommend using or not? (Trying to avoid the time sink of sifting through the options and/or unnecessarily burdening my students with this decision.) Thanks in advance!


Creately Concept Map Maker:



Lucid chart:

google draw , Google Jamboard

more on mind maps in this IMS blog

history maps

more on history and maps in this IMS blog

geo spatiality in this IMS blog
9th min of on

apps for world history

timeline tools for history in education


Two Ways to Explore the News Through Maps

Two Ways to Explore the News Through Maps

Newspaper Map is a neat tool for locating and reading newspapers from locations all around the world.

Breaking News presents a constant stream of headlines from around the world.

Getting the most out of Wikibase4Lib

Getting the most out of Wikibase4Lib

Jim Hahn, Timothy Ryan Mendenhall, Esther Jackson

Monday May 23, 2022 | 9am-12pm EDT | Hayes Hall, University at Buffalo | Conference Website

Workshop Summary

This three hour session will provide an introduction to getting Wikibase, the software that powers Wikidata, configured on your local machine by way of Docker Desktop. The session includes an accessible and newbie friendly introduction to using Docker on your laptop, followed by a necessary (though not overly technical) delineation of the unique technology stack that makes up the Wikibase linked data system.

The Metaverse Could Help Us Better Understand Reality

The Metaverse Could Help Us Better Understand Reality

William Gibson’s award-winning 1984 science fiction classic Neuromancer popularized the word cyberspace, a meaningless portmanteau that went viral and eventually became a shorthand expression describing the totality of the online world.

something similar happen with the word metaverse, coined in Neal Stephenson’s 1992 novel Snow Crash where it referred to the successor of our two-dimensional Internet. The word resurfaced a short time later in the product road maps of a hundred failed startups and is returning now as the plaything of Big Tech


Amazon Ring and surveillance

since Amazon bought Ring in 2018, it has brokered more than 1,800 partnerships with local law enforcement agencies. These partnerships are growing at an alarming rate.

more on surveillance in this IMS blog

Poland History House: a Virtual Museum

more on virtual worlds in this IMS blog


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