June 2016 archive

virtual reality games and learning

Research Suggests Students Learn More When Collaborating in Virtual Reality Games

By Michael Hart


In the research project led by Ph.D. candidate Gabriel Culbertson, 48 students were recruited to play two versions of the game. In one group, students were connected via a chat interface with another player who could, if they wanted, offer advice on how to play. The second group played a version of the game in which they were definitely required to collaborate on quests.

The research group found the students in the second so-called “high-interdependence” group spent more time communicating and, as a consequence, learned more words.

The research then expanded to a larger group of 186 Reddit users who were learning Japanese. After reviewing gameplay logs, interviews and Reddit posts, they found that those who spent the most time engaged in the game learned more new words and phrases.

The Cornell research team presented its research results at the Association for Computing Machinery Conference on Human-Computer Interaction in May in San Jose, CA.


more on games in this IMS blog:


more on virtual reality in this blog:


google cast

Google Cast for Education Allows Students, Teachers to Share the Projector

By David Nagel


Cast for Education is an app that works on Chrome OS, macOS and Windows. The app is launching in a public beta today and is available as a free download. The difference between Cast and other screen sharing solutions is network-independence.

Google today also launched the full version of its educational virtual reality tool Google Expeditions, along with a new Quiz feature for Google Apps for Education.


more on screen-sharing opportunities in education:


Softchalk for MnSCU

training session 10:30AM July 7

firefox is preferable to chrome and IE

in chrome, audio plays automatically. if students are using Chromes, need to have the audio file on the top, so students can stop it. NAPI is not supported by Google. So Softchalk must start local launch.

this is SO complex and SO many side steps that it will be a miracle to get the middle 50-60% of faculty into buying the SoftChalk idea.

local launch is client based and allows creating content without Internet connection

edit in Create Online allows creation on mobile devices such as tablet

have to have rights on the computer to install the local launch. Ha…

I am behind David, since my java is not up to date. i have to update now that. I wonder how many faculty will endure the initial process

Microsoft Edge is different the IE, but will act the same

SoftChalk is the same elitist ideas as LMS. It will require an extensive training of faculty, which they have no time and energy to invest in. The idea of Learning Objects will require years of compiling materials, sufficiently enough to be recycled by other faculty. In most disciplines, these learning objects will age by the time they reach the critical mass.


training session 1PM July 6, 2016

David Evans  from SoftChalk is doing the training session.

If we want to share with students, do they have to have a user account in softchalk?
Аnswer: No. The instructor can share the content by embedding the URL to the Softchalk content, but not allow students to participate in the creation
the answer defies the constructivist principles of learning

MnSCU site Educational Innovations -> MnSCU SoftChalk Pilot

  1. Part 1: Trainer David Evans – SoftChalk’s cloud management (creating lessons, folders, sharing, uploading files and more) – 1 hour 5 min


  1. Part 2: – 21 min https://mnscu.webex.com/mnscu/ldr.php?RCID=2e0612ead1c04836ab614ebafe4607ed
    1. Lesley Blicker – MnSCU’s pilot project and web resources (7 min)
    2. Jon Werth – integrating SoftChalk with the D2L Brightspace gradebook, plus browsers to use or avoid


MnSCU pilot. How to do the LT integration for the gradebook, including browsers constrains.


SoftChalk Session for CSAs and CTs

Java applet is essential, until HMTL5 is functional. IT and the System Office have things locked down and not much can be done. Java Application cannot be blocked.


Integrating Softchalk Cloud w D2L. SCORM – don’t use it. Tool Provider.

SoftChalk (SC) can be used as an external link within D2L, internal integration only when used with the gradebook. The LTI link is ONLY needed if the instructor plans to use the gradebook. Otherwise, it’s a simple embed in content.

if recently installed Java 8.91, will not install the jar file and one have to go and manually delete it.


Firefox and IE will allow to launch the Java applet. Chrome and Safari will block it. it will require a local launch. The install will create an icon in the lower right corner.

I cannot believe such structure, in the times of drag and drop. Whoever came up w it, is DEFINITELY not a faculty and does not care about faculty time and effort.

the process is lengthy and cumbersome, not to mentioned repetitive. If this work is shifted toward faculty, i seriously doubt that the adoption rate will be in the double digits.

verdict: much ado about nothing: the work that faculty have to put toward such content versus the return on the Bloom’s taxonomy scale is so low that in my opinion is just squandering of efforts. If there is a LOR, where faculty can draw preset clusters of similar activities, I would be more willing to accept.

a license for SoftChalk Cloud is needed. Who is in charge of this? John and TLTR? Tom as faculty president?


more on Softchalk in this IMS blog


Game-Based Learning GBL


Marie Olsson and Peter Mozeliu
authors have been subject matter experts and content developers as well as teachers and facilitators.

A clear trend at universities in the 21st century has been the transformation of traditional face-to-face rostrum teaching to blended learning or pure distance education in virtual learning environments (Graham, 2006; Lim & Morris, 2009; Park & Choi, 2009).


more on GBL in this blog:


Facebook virus

CNET has an educational movie (4:21 min) how to recognize, avoid and clean up:

here are some categories of intrusion, which you might face with your use of Facebook:

I accepted a fake Facebook friend request, should I be afraid?

  • Stalker.
  • Identity thief. Your bogus Facebook friend may be interested in your profile because of the information you might be sharing up there
  • Spammer/Malware author.
  • Scammer.

If you want to learn more about threats on Facebook, join the Sophos Facebook page where more than 100,000 people are benefiting from early warnings about the latest attacks.

here some general idea of the different types of Facebook viruses:

Remove Facebook virus, removal guide – 2-Spyware.com

Facebook Child Porn virus

Facebook Change Color virus

Facebook Friend Request virus

Facebook Automatic Wall Post virus

Facebook Message virus 

Invitation Facebook virus

Facebook Stalker virus 

Facebook “hahaha” virus

Facebook video virus

here are steps, which you can take to clean up the damage:

How to Clean up a Facebook Virus

Remove Facebook virus, removal guide – 2-Spyware.com

How to remove Facebook virus?

If you want to avoid Facebook virus, you MUST avoid clicking on links that are not legitimate. If you are not expecting a message from your friend, you should simply ignore it or send him/her a message FIRST and ask if he/she has sent something to you. Additionally, avoid accessing every game or other app on Facebook because it may be hacked by cyber criminals. If you have been tricked by any of these types of Facebook virus, you should change your Facebook’s password ASAP in order to avoid identity theft in the future. Additionally, conatct your friends and warn then that your account has been hacked. Finally, download Reimage or Malwarebytes Anti Malware, update it and run a full system scan in order to make sure that your PC is free of viruses…

death of game consoles

The death of game consoles is upon us



Map: InfoLit in Ibero-America and the World


On this map, you can find more than 600 websites of libraries or academic programs, especially at a university level, located in Ibero-American countries and around the world (more than 60 countries) that are developing Information Literacy programs or support the inclusion of information literacy in different curricula.

Cases have been found, after reviewing literature and content in different databases, repositories and specialized websites (Web of Science, Scopus, EBSCO, E-lis, RedALyC, Scielo, Wiki ALFIN / Iberoamérica, Information Literacy Weblog).

Steps to build the Map:

Stage 1: Ibero-America (2010-2015)

See papers: http://eprints.rclis.org/16522/ – http://eprints.rclis.org/20803/

Stage 2: Every World (2015-2016)

This map was collaboration in updating for Ibero-America, and its extension for every world of students and future librarians: Daniel Mejía Ushima (2015-2) and María Isabel Flórez (2016-1).

Don’t hesitate to contact us if you have a link to suggest at: alfiniberoamerica@gmail.com


Note: Apologies for the duplicate messages.

–Alejandro Uribe Tirado
PhD en Documentación Científica
Profesor / Investigador – Escuela Interamericana de Bibliotecología
Sublíneas ALFIN, Altmetrics, Open Access, TIC, E-learning y G.del Conocimiento
Coord. Grupo de Investigación “Información, Conocimiento y Sociedad”
Universidad de Antioquia
http://bit.ly/1ngD9Oi (Currículo)
http://bit.ly/1EuYvyG (Grupo de Investigación)
http://bit.ly/mfvCdc (Cursos curriculares en Moodle)
http://bit.ly/12VWYgS (Publicaciones en acceso abierto)
http://bit.ly/1HffALS (Índice de citación G. Scholar)
http://bit.ly/1I4NNPl (Research Gate)
http://orcid.org/0000-0002-0381-1269 (ORCID / ResearcherID)
http://www.redalyc.org/autor.oa?id=597 (Autores RedAlyc)
http://papers.ssrn.com/sol3/cf_dev/AbsByAuth.cfm?per_id=2532947 (SSRN Repository)

FAA final rules drones

Press Release – DOT and FAA Finalize Rules for Small Unmanned Aircraft Systems


Here us a short outline from USAToday:

FAA completes landmark rules for commercial drones

U.S. Announces New ‘Ground Rules’ For Use Of Commercial Drones



More on drones in this IMS blog:


digital humanities resources

more on digital humanities in this IMS blog:


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