February 2020 archive

immersive reality and instructional design

please use this D2L discussion thread to log your thoughts regarding the readings below

Instructional Design in Virtual Reality Experiences

reading this short article, what are the questions, VR poses to IDs (e.g. SCORM for things like learner picked up the correct tool.)
why do you think creating higher order thinking learning objectives for a virtual reality training

Instructional Design in VR Training

In this conversation between Monica Price and David Cleverdon, what is the most striking idea, you gathered?
Do you think Monica is right when she says that only “see and hear” is not that potent to let us learn?
Can you elaborate on Monica’s thoughts regrading the connection between simulation and retention (e.g. Imo’s group final project can argue that their project for new employees training is superior to the current training with the ability for the employee to repeat the simulation until they think, it is retained)

The Future of Instructional Design: Experience Design

A glimpse inside the role of instructional design for Immersive Learning

Allen claims that traditional ID does not translate to VR ID. Do you agree and why?
VR is supposed to be more engaging then 2D. Why?
Which of the six steps do you find important and why?


3 Instructional Design Strategies For Virtual Reality Learning


which of the three instructional design strategies you find most appealing and why?


Virtual Reality | VR in Education | Instructional Design for VR from Hugh Seaton

lockdown drills

About 95% of American public schools conduct some form of regular active shooter safety drill — sometimes called a lockdown or active threat drill — according to the National Center for Education Statistics. But concerns are growing that these drills have not been proven effective in preventing violence and that they may even traumatize some students.

In a 2019 research paper, James H. Price and Jagdish Khubchandani found a lack of empirical evidence in favor of active shooter drills and other “hardening” measures used in schools. Partly this is because gun violence in school remains very rare.

And yet, the school security industry is worth a reported $3 billion. Guy Grace with the Partner Alliance for Safer Schools, an educator and industry partnership, insists that twice a year active shooter drills for students are an important piece of violence prevention.

startups and Silicon Valley


Life in Silicon Valley during the dawn of the unicorns.

“Ask forgiveness, not permission.”

Startups in New York were eager to create services for media and finance; software engineers in the Bay Area were building tools for other software engineers.

By the time I started looking for other jobs, I considered my blind faith in ambitious, aggressive, arrogant young men from America’s soft suburbs a personal pathology. But it wasn’t personal at all; it had become a global affliction.

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