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multimedia on the cloud and mobile
The Connections Between Computer Use and Learning Outcomes in Students
Last fall, the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development published its first-ever, and one of the largest-ever, international analyses of student access to computers and how that relates to student learning. (The OECD administers the PISA test, the world-famous international academic ranking.)
“Students who use computers very frequently at school do a lot worse in most learning outcomes, even after controlling for social background and student demographics.”
In April, the research firm SRI published a report at the behest of the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation (which is a supporter of NPR Ed). It looked at college courses that are using so-called “adaptive learning” software as an enhancement to blended courses.
Finally, a study published in July looked at high-achieving eighth-graders across North Carolina who had the opportunity to take Algebra I online. The study found that they did much worse than students who took the course face-to-face — about a third of a letter grade worse, in fact.
Implementation is really important, yet it’s often ignored.
Imperfect data and inadequate evaluation make it hard to understand or improve the use of ed-tech.
Computers are enhancing access. There’s less evidence that they’re enhancing learning.
more on the relationship between technology and learning in this IMS blog
information research
Information Research
An International Electronic Journal
digital portfolio
MindTap Offers Users Free Access to Digital Portfolio Tool
By Sri Ravipati 08/03/16
MindTap, an online learning platform from Cengage Learning, will be able to build digital portfolios of their work for free and keep them for life.
mobile app version is available on the Apple Store and Google Play.
more on e-portfolio in this IMS blog:
Deploying Lecture Capture
7 Best Practices for Deploying Lecture Capture Campuswide
Technology leaders from universities with large lecture capture implementations share their advice for rolling out the technology at scale.
By Leila Meyer 08/03/16
1) Automate the Recording Process to Make It Effortless
The Department of Instructional Technology
Echo360 lecture capture appliances and some Sonic Foundry Mediasite appliances. While lecture capture appliances are “not cheap,” according to Lucas, they reduce the complexity for faculty and staff.
Sonic Foundry Mediasite appliances with CollegeNET 25Live scheduling software to automate the lecture capture process.
2) Focus on Implementation in Large-Capacity Classrooms
installing lecture capture appliances and high-definition cameras in the large lecture halls at UMass Lowell has helped reduce DFWs (drop, fail, withdrawal rate) in high-enrollment classes such as Calculus 1.
3) Establish Relationships with Leadership and Early Adopters
4) Ensure High-Quality Audio Recording
“You might be able to get by if you don’t see the instructor, of if they step outside the viewing angle of the camera, but if you can’t hear them, the capture is wasted. It’s critical that they pay attention to audio.”
5) Offer Flexibility for Instructors to Record Lectures Anywhere/Anytime
6) Ensure Adequate Storage and Processing on Servers
7) Engage with Other Colleges and Universities
more on lecture capture in this blog:
Pokemon for students
Penn State Program Intros Teens to Software Behind Pokémon Go
By Dian Schaffhauser 08/04/16
A summer-time enrichment experience for high schoolers at Penn State has taken on a heightened level of excitement with the use of the same development toolset behind the global phenom Pokémon Go.
Besides Unity, the platform used by Niantic to create Pokémon Go and other popular games, the course also introduces students to AutoDesk’s Maya, a program used for 3D animation, modeling, simulation and rendering.
problem-based learning, which brings the students together for team problem-solving.
More on Pokemon Go in this IMS blog
IOLUG Fall 2016 Conference
IOLUG – Indiana Online Users Group
IOLUG Fall 2016 Conference – Let Our Powers Combine: Engage. Partner. Inspire
Friday, October 21, 2016
Indiana Wesleyan University North Campus
3777 Priority Way, Indianapolis, IN 46240
How can we join together to increase awareness of the value, impact and services provided by libraries and library professionals in the academic, public and online settings? The IOLUG Program Committee is inviting proposals around the theme of proving the value and worth of the library. Specifically, how are you demonstrating the value of your library? What emerging technologies are you using to display your contribution to your institution or community either online or in person? How can we work together to inspire a spirit of advocacy?
We encourage presentations that are practical, hands-on, and include take-awayable tools, techniques, and/or strategies that librarians can implement to improve their resources and services for students, patrons, faculty, etc. Consider the following topics:
- Promoting open educational resources (OER) and affordable learning materials
- Analytics and metrics
- Supporting diversity
- Improved service delivery and job performance
- Digital media implementation
- New library initiatives
- Innovation and community engagement
- Leadership
Please specify in your proposal whether users will be expected to bring their own devices, or if you will need the use of a computer lab.
Submit your proposal today!
Deadline is Friday, September 2
Get ideas from previous conferences at the IOLUG site.
D2L video conferencing
my note: Finally
Increase engagement and improve collaboration with two-way video – explore the new Virtual Classroom tool in Brightspace.
Chief Learning Officer, YouSeeU Laura Brick Senior Partner Marketing Manager, D2L
ALA Games and Gaming Roundtable
The Games and Gaming Roundtable is now accepting conference presentation proposals on games and gaming in libraries for the American Library Association Midwinter Conference, January 20-24, 2017 in Atlanta, Georgia. Presenters will be required to provide either a twenty-minute presentation with Q & A or an hour-long hands on workshop.
Proposals are due September 9th, 2016.
Please include the names and email addresses of the presenters, and the title, a short description, and 200 word abstract of your proposal.
If you have any questions please don’t hesitate to contact me at
Please pass this message on to any people you feel may find it relevant.
Matthew Murray
Chair, GameRT Program Planning Committee
Twitter: @MidniteLibrary
MLIS 2015, School of Library, Archival & Information Studies (SLAIS), UBC
Webmaster, ASIS&T Digital Libraries Special Interest Group
Digital Services Chair, BCLA Readers’ Advisory Interest Group
Blogs and other projects: