college and universities are unable to offer the right training to faculty, staff and students. IT officials’ evaluations of their own institutions’ IT infrastructure present almost a mirror image of their list of priorities. While 81.4 percent of respondents listed faculty development as their top priority, only 27.9 percent rated their existing training offerings as excellent (or a seven on a seven-point scale). At 12.8 percent, IT training for students drew the second-lowest share of respondents giving it an excellent rating.
Why Aren’t Teens Reading Like They Used To?
Is it the digital devices? Not so simple. What can we do to promote back reading?
Do Digital Natives Really Exist?
it’s an accurate depiction of the current generation of students? No one is born with knowledge. Everything is learned through environment and practice, so maybe it’s time to reexamine long held assumptions about students’ relationships to technology.
Is it appropriate for schools to require that parents buy expensive electronics as school supplies? #edtech #edchat
Around 100 students wait for the library to open before the start of classes each day so that they can get on a computer, he said, and Framingham High is purchasing 400 inexpensive Chromebook laptop computers this year to help give kids more access to technology.
Some school districts have “bring-your-own-device” programs, which encourage students to bring tablets, laptops, or smartphones to school. In those programs, students are typically allowed to work on whatever device they happen to have.