Archive of ‘information technology’ category
eskills Europe
storytelling and virtual reality
Is storytelling the key to VR’s future?
Virtual reality may be the closest to teleportation we will ever have in our lifetime.
More on virtual reality in this IMS blog:
more on storytelling in this IMS blog:
Flipped Classrooms, Blended Learning, and Integrating Technology
PLANNING MEETING – Flipped Classrooms, Blended Learning, and Integrating Technology
Date: Thursday, May 26, 2016
Time: 3:00 – 4:00 PM ET
Presenters: Steve Gilbert and many more
In this session we will finalize the design of the May 27th & June 24th events. Link to planning document.
Here is a history of our work on this topic:
- During our March 11th FridayLive! event, Irene Knokh helped us explore the flipped classroom. There was interest expressed in building a flipped classroom toolkit.
- On March 17th TLT Members were invited to start this work.
- On March 24th TLT Members met and decided to create a Flipped/Blended Learning Series.
- On March 31st the planning continued and the 3 part series has begun to take shape.
- In April we decided to focus on 2 events.
- On April 27th we finalized the dates (May 27 and June 24th) and began to design the first session.
- On May 5th the design work continued
- On May 11th the design work continued
- On May 19th the design work continued
social bookmarking
more about bookmarking in this IMS blog:
big data and the government
What can the government do about big data fairness?
At a Ford Foundation conference dubbed Fairness by Design, officials, academics and advocates discussed how to address the problem of encoding human bias in algorithmic analysis. The White House recently issued a report on the topic to accelerate research into the issue.
The FTC released two studies on how big data is used to segment consumers into profiles and interests.
U.S. CTO Megan Smith said the government has been “creating a seat for these techies,” but that training future generations of data scientists to tackle these issues depends on what we do today. “It’s how did we teach our children?” she said. “Why don’t we teach math and science the way we teach P.E. and art and music and make it fun?”
“Ethics is not just an elective, but some portion of the main core curriculum.”
more on big data in this IMS blog:
virtual scatchnoting sharing
confluence as a service.
notability versus evernote
Virtual Reality
put the horse before the cart.
immersive augmented (elements 4D, comes with iPAD) reality. MS Hololens
HTC Vive (comes with two handheld controllers), Oculus (special relation in front of user), OSVR, laser towers, spacial awareness in the room,
what is available now and what will be available.
how do you distinguish VR from gaming and gamification: when the latter lets us be in control and try again and again
and when it is digital storytelling.
hearts and minds. immersive environment. based on PTSD ethnography
virtual reality as recreating lost reality. whereas CL is more of creating new reality.
MS Hololens incorporates Skype
Rise of the Videogame Zinesters: How Freaks … – Seven Stories Press
Agisoft PhotoScan
cheating in virtual environment versus cheating in real environment.
computer archaeology. just a tool, but not something will solve all problems.
Re-conceptualizing Librarianship as a Design Discipline
Re-conceptualizing Librarianship as a Design Discipline
From ‘Design Thinking’ to ‘Design Knowing’
Rachel Ivy Clarke, Ph.D. (@archivy) discussed the theoretical underpinnings that distinguish design knowledge from scientific knowledge and how it is relevant to research, teaching and practice in librarianship.
Recent years have seen an upsurge of interest in applying “design thinking” to library work, but librarianship also aligns with “design knowing”—foundations of knowledge in design that differentiate it from science.
The Blended Librarians Online Community for the webcast of the session
problem solving – who is doing and how.
how the problem is framed. e.g. is the classification system for the librarians or for the students. or both; a wicked problem
design is not an end product, but an ongoing
iteration. a procedure in which repetition of a sequence of operations yields results successively closer to a desired result
and reflection
in design, reflection is going throughout the entire process.
repertoire is the accumulation but not acknowledged.
rationale – why; critique, constructive, so what – research and education and practice
individual use of Internet and cloud services
Internet and cloud services – statistics on the use by individuals. Half of Europeans used the internet on the go and a fifth saved files on internet storage space in 2014
Use of internet and other means for sharing files electronically, EU-28, 2014 (% of individuals)4
curation tools
4 Great Curation Tools Created by Teachers for Teachers
April 28, 2016
Edshelf is ‘a socially curated discovery engine of websites, mobile apps, desktop programs, and electronic products for teaching and learning. You can search and filter for specific tools, create shelves of tools you use for various purposes, rate and review tools you’ve used, and receive a newsletter of tools recommended by other educators.
a free service from nonprofit Common Sense Education designed to help preK-12 educators discover, use, and share the best apps, games, websites, and digital curricula for their students by providing unbiased, rigorous ratings and practical insights from our active community of teachers
find out content related to your topics by ‘reviewing your suggestion lists and the topics from other curators
social learning platform that allows teachers to curate and share educational content. Some of the interesting features it provides include: ‘Explore top quality education resources for K-12, create clips from the web, Drive, Dropbox, use your camera to capture awesome work that you create in and out of the classroom, create whiteboard recordings, create differentiated groups and share content with them, create Personal Learning Portfolios, create Class Portfolios as a teacher and share Assignments with students, provide quality feedback through video, audio, text, badges, or grades, collaborate with other users on eduClipboards for class projects or personal interests