Archive of ‘instructional technology’ category

apps for student engagement

Looking for different ways for students to share their knowledge. I’ve done Jamboard, Google Slides, Discussion posts, padlet…I just want something different and am not able to come up with any great ideas here. Anyone come up with anything else fun or interesting? This is for an asynchronous course.


Google Slides jambor




Adobe Spark




Pear Deck

Near Pod



HaptX Exoskeleton

ForceBot is a four year project to develop an exoskeleton for commercial and enterprise applications using HaptX’s microfluidic touch feedback technology to simulate virtual objects. The NSF grant will be distributed between each company to contribute individual components to ForceBot, and then the resulting IP will be used for commercial products.

Harvard EdCast: Online Learning

Harvard EdCast: Making Online Learning Work

  • Create opportunities online for students to connect with each other as part of the school day. 
  • Keep lines of communication open and constructive between teachers and parents/guardians. 
  • Focus on core skills at home. 

There’s a distinction between online and using technology versus distance learning.

It’s going to become a lot more interactive, a lot more personal, and then teachers are going to be able to zero in a lot more on what the kids need.

A lot of teachers feel a lot of pressure to have these perfectly planned lesson plans that go exactly as intended when you get into the classroom. In this environment, it’s okay to not have the planning perfect. It’s okay if things get a little bit extemporaneous, a little improvisational in the classroom.

If I’m a teacher looking at the pie of time and energy that I have in a given week, I would try to minimize the energy that I have to put into things where I’m not interacting with students …

Teachers putting a lot of time and energy getting a setup like I have with a microphone and a pen tablet and all of that. That takes a lot of work, a lot of energy, and it’s energy that once again gets taken away from time that they could be interacting with students.

more on online learning in this IMS blog

competencies of digital citizenship

The five competencies of digital citizenship


I am open to hearing and respectfully recognizing multiple viewpoints, and I engage with others online with respect and empathy.


I evaluate the accuracy, perspective, and validity of digital media and social posts.


I use technology and digital channels for civic engagement, to solve problems and be a force for good in both physical and virtual communities.


I make informed decisions about how to prioritize my time and activities online and off.


I am aware of my online actions, and know how to be safe and create safe spaces for others online.

more on digital literacy in this IMS blog

Beulr attending Zoom

Beulr is a bot that attends Zoom class on your behalf. Beulr will join your Zoom meetings through a web browser on the cloud, displaying your information. You can schedule weeks in advance, and tell the bot exactly when to arrive and when to leave.


more on Zoom in this IMS blog and Perusall


Perusall :


Assess students online and minimize cheating

  • Break up a big high-stakes exam into small weekly tests.
  • Start and end each test with an honor statement.
  • Ask students to explain their problem-solving process. 
  • Get to know each student’s writing style in low- or no-stakes tasks.
  • Assess learning in online discussion forums.
  • Don’t base grades solely on tests. 
  • Offer students choice in how they demonstrate their knowledge.

As we all work to improve our online teaching, we have the opportunity to rethink practices we’ve relied on for years in our physical classrooms.

more on cheating in this IMS blog

LMS market acceleration

LMS Market Acceleration: An initial view in North America

Chart of new LMS implementations per year in US and Canadian K-12 districts, dropping from peak in 2015 but accelerating in 2020.

  • UCLA is completing its LMS evaluation and migration plans, moving from Moodle to Canvas;
  • SUNY has released its RFP for a systemwide LMS;
  • CUNY is doing an LMS evaluation in preparation for its contract end date in 2021;
  • Tennessee Board of Regents (TBR) is in the final contract stage of its systemwide LMS decision – expect a separate blog post on this one later this fall;
  • NYU is moving from Sakai to D2L Brightspace; and
  • Texas A&M and several CalState campuses are moving to Canvas.

more on LMS in this IMS blog

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