Archive of ‘instructional technology’ category

Snobal VR collaboration app

Snobal co-founder and chief executive officer Murray James says, “Over the last 18 months we have seen a huge shift in where and how people work and study.

“The shift to a distributed workforce, along with the growth of hybrid and remote working, means business leaders are focussed on what digital tools they can best use to foster more effective workplace collaboration.”

more on VR collaborartion in this IMS blog

Online learning communities and acitivities

Are you creating an online course, event or conference? If you’re not a programmer, and if you don’t have a lot of money to spend, this guide will get you started. Read it from top to bottom to get a step-by-step guide to what you can do to set up your course or event. Then check the links to find free or cheap and easy tools that will get the job done for you.
more on online learning in this IMS blog

Обърната Класна Стая

Иновационни стратегии и подходи за подобряване на  педагогическите процеси в училищната организация
Същност и особености на образователните иновации

  • Основни направления на иновационна дейност в образованието
  • Модели за осъществяване на иновационния процес в училище – МОДЕЛИ НА ХИБРИДНО ОБУЧЕНИЕ
  • Обърната класна стая като разновидност на ротационния модел

o   Дефиниция

o   Организация

–       планиране и внедряване

–       оценяване – формативно, обобщаващо

–       процесът на създаване на видео

–       участници и тяхната подготовка

–       отстраняване на проблеми

o   Внедряване -от ОКС към обърнато обучение

  • Въпроси, идеи, пректи, решения

за контакти:
Галин Цоков <>


  • Какво знаете за ОКС?

Интернет търсене:

  • Какво според вас треява да знаем за ОКС?
    Какво според вас трябеа да разберем още за ОКС?

    • Дефиниция
    • Оргаянизация
      • планиране и внедряване
      • оценяване
        • формативно
        • обобщаващо
      • процесът на създаване на видео
      • участници и тяхната подготовка
      • отстраняване на проблеми
    • Понтатъшно внедряване
    • Въпроси, идеи, пректи, решения

за контакти:
Пламен Мклтенов:,

повече материали в класа на ППС Управление на иновациите в образователната система: Class code d53kkz3

Mind maps tools

GitMind  more than one hundred templates

Forky is simple but effective a free mind mapping tool

Whimsical is a good tool for creating flowcharts, mind maps, Venn diagrams, and a variety of other charts and diagrams.

Transno is a service that lets you write notes and outlines that can then be turned into mind maps and flowcharts with just one click. is a mind mapping and flowchart tool

MindMup is a mind mapping tool that can be used online, with Google Drive, and on your desktop.

Coggle is a collaborative mind-mapping service

Spider Scribe is an online mind map creation service.


more on mind maps in this IMS blog

students and edtech

Are College Students Comfortable Using Edtech? Maybe Not

The survey from the College Innovation Network asked nearly 700 students enrolled at four higher ed institutions to answer questions about what online learning has been like for them during the 2020-21 academic year.

While some students haven’t had full access to computers or the internet, others have discovered that their laptops are too old or too slow to adequately handle the tools they’ve been assigned.

four key ways that people develop self-efficacy

college students were less likely to use and trust edtech tools that they don’t consider relevant, accurate or easy to use.


3 types of instructional design

3 types of instructional design on the example of an egg cooking recipe
1. Manual.
“Add salt to the water, boil for 8 minutes, immerse in cold water,” that’s all—a simple sequence of steps.
Manual is the simplest, cheapest, and, unfortunately, the most common type of educational program. Yes, the automatic repetition of actions can lead to something, but any deviation will cause difficulties.
2. Manual with context.
Now imagine this recipe: “During cooking, the shell may crack, and the protein will leak out. To avoid this, add salt to the water. The salt will make the protein curdle.”
The context is added, it is explained why it is necessary to do things in that specific way. This is very important because it provides tools for working with real-life situations.
3. Abstraction.
In fact, this is a context twisted to the maximum. For example: “Salt will make the protein curdle. That is why in the old days, people bandaged purulent wounds with bandages soaked in saltwater.” Two completely different phenomena are taken, and a comparison is made based on a common abstract form.
This type is not always appropriate, but it can ignite the student with unexpected facts and comparisons.

more on instructional design this IMS blog

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