LMS market
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Digital Literacy for St. Cloud State University
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25 US Congress members urge President Donald Trump to follow India’s lead and ban TikTok from r/technology
25 US Congressmen and Congresswomen have urged President Donald Trump… In a letter to the US President, dated July 15, they also pointed out that India took the “extraordinary step” of banning several “Chinese affiliated mobile apps including TikTok due to national security concerns”.
India had recently banned 59 Chinese mobile applications including the widely-used social media platforms such as TikTok, WeChat, and Helo within view of the threat to the nation’s sovereignty and security.
more on Tik Tok in this IMS blog
LITA listserv exchange on “Raspberry PI Counter for Library Users”
On 7/10/20, 10:05 AM, “lita-l-request@lists.ala.org on behalf of Hammer, Erich F” <lita-l-request@lists.ala.org on behalf of erich@albany.edu> wrote:
I think that is a very interesting project. If I understand how it works (comparing reference images to live images), it should still work if a “fuzzy” or translucent filter were placed on the lens as a privacy measure, correct? You could even make the fuzzy video publicly accessible to prove to folks that privacy is protected.
If that’s the case, IMHO, it really is a commercially viable idea and it would have a market far beyond libraries. Open source code and hardware designs and sales of pre-packaged hardware and support. Time for some crowdsource funding! 🙂
On Friday, July 10, 2020 at 10:14, Jason Griffey eloquently inscribed:
I ran a multi-year project to do counting (as well as attention measurement)
called Measure the Future (http://.measurethefuture.net). That project is i
desperate need of updating….there has been some work done on it at the
> University of OK libraries, but we haven’t seen their code push et. As the
> code stands on GitHub, it isn’t usable….the installation is broken based on
> some underlying dependencies. The Univ of OK code fixes the issue, but it
> hasn’t been pushed yet. But if you want to see the general code and way we
> approached it, that is all available. > Jason
> On Jul 8, 2020, 1:37 PM -0500, Mitchell, James Ray
> <jmitchell20@una.edu>, wrote:
> Hi Kun,
> I don’t know if this will be useful to you or not, but Code4Lib journal
> had an article a couple years ago that might be helpful. It’s called
> “Testing Three Type of Raspberry Pi People Counters.” The link to the
> article is https://nam02.safelinks.protection.outlook.com/?url=https%3A%2F%2Fjournal.code4lib.org%2Farticles%2F12947&data=02%7C01%7Cpmiltenoff%40stcloudstate.edu%7C8d2342df6f3d4d83766508d824e29f23%7C5011c7c60ab446ab9ef4fae74a921a7f%7C0%7C1%7C637299903041974052&sdata=f9qeftEvktqHakDqWY%2BxHTj3kei7idOFAJnROp%2FiOCU%3D&reserved=0
> Regards > James
My note:
In 2018, following the university president’s call for ANY possible savings, the library administrator was send a proposal requesting information regarding the license for the current library counters and proposing the save the money for the license by creating an in-house Arduino counter. The blueprints for such counter were share (as per another LITA listserv exchange). SCSU Physics professor agreement to lead the project was secured as well as the opportunity for SCSU Physics students to develop the project as part of their individual study plan. The proposal was never addressed neither by the middle nor the upper management.
more on raspberry pi in this IMS blog
more on arduino in this IMS blog
College student finds privacy flaw in many security and doorbell cameras. from r/gadgets
more on security in this IMS blog
other languages — the top players being Julia, Go, and Rust. Julia is great for mathematical and technical tasks, while Go is awesome for modular programs, and Rust is the top choice for systems programming.
Since data scientists and AI specialists deal with lots of mathematical problems, Julia is the winner for them.
more on Python in this IMS blog
my note: what does Ajit Pai and his war against #netneutrality have to say about it: https://www.nytimes.com/2017/12/14/technology/net-neutrality-repeal-vote.html
US Falls Out of Top 10 Average Internet Speeds Globally in 2020 While Global Speeds Faster Than Ever from r/technology
more on Internet speed in this IMS blog
with Dr. Kannan Sivaprakasam. Accumulate resources:
To support the needs of our amazing students, #CACommunityColleges pls invest in hiring instructional designers, accessibility support & more professional development to support high-touch, humanized online teaching. #SupportCCCEducation #HumanizeOL
— Michelle Pacansky-Brock (@brocansky) April 22, 2020
more on instructional design in this IMS blog