Archive of ‘mobile devices’ category

SPOC, swarm and MOOC

SPOC as the cousin of smartmobs ( and swarming (… as per Bryan Alexander

Bryan Alexander forwarded the idea of swarming in education some 10 years go: synchronous online communication will break the brick-and-mortar classroom and must lead to offering a f2f class on a specific subject to “swarming” of interested students all around the globe around the specific subject. It was in an Educause article, which, of course, I cannot find now. The term comes from the 1999 riots in Seattle when protesters where calling each other on cells after the police hits them and were “swarming” to a different rally point.

Ah, there it is:


Plamen Miltenoff, Ph.D., MLIS


From: Ewing, M Keith
Sent: Friday, September 27, 2013 11:55 AM
Subject: First MOOCs, now SPOCs


“Harvard plans to boldly go with ‘Spocs’”

SPOC = Small Private Online Course

Well, not so small and private—still large, but not thousands.

“The smaller class size will allow “much more rigorous assessment and greater validation of identity and that will be more closely tied to what kind of certification might be possible,” he [Prof Robert Lue] says.”


Keith Ewing

conferences and related events regarding technology in education

Looking to attend and/or present at appropriate event regarding technology in education?
Please have a tentative list below.
Do you know an event, which is worth presenting/attending? Please contribute!

by Barry Dahl (Greg Jorgensen) - link to a list of conferences regarding e-learning:

campus technology conf. - boston -
educause - anaheim – October -
devlearn las vegas – October -
dist. learning - ann arbor -- ??
iste (intl soc. tech ed)  july – Atlanta -
aect (assoc education communications and tech) - oct 29 - 2 nov, Anaheim -
ascd (assoc of supervision and curricular dev) - november 1 - 3, las vegas -
salt (soc. of applied learning and tech) - august 14 - 16, reston, VA -
National Forum on Active Learning Classrooms  - august - u of m -
D2L Fusion - july – Nashville –
Sloan c - november disney world, florida -
QM - october 1-4, Nashville -
distance teaching and learning - madison - august 7 – 9 -
LERN  - san fran. - nov. 21 – 23 -

CCUMC – october 9-13 – Chicago –

The United States Distance Learning Association (USDLA)

BYOD kids-want, parents-want, teachers-?

Grunwald Associates and the Learning First Alliance with support from AT&T, found that, according to data from a representative nationwide sample of nearly 2,400 parents, more than four in five K-12 students at least occasionally use some sort of computing device, including mobile devices like tablets or smartphones, or laptop computers.


Should Schools Subsidize Mobile Phones for Kids?

Cell Phones in Schools Get Thumbs Up By the Department of Ed

Mobile Devices for Teaching and Learning: A Discussion

For those of you, who missed the discussion on the use of Mobile Devices today, Thursday, Feb. 21, please have links to the presentations of Laurie Crane and Annette Lee.

Here is link to the information presented by Annette Lee:

Here is a link to the information presented by Laurie Crane:

Please contact if you need more information  

Follow us on Twitter: @scsutechinstruc #techworkshop

Social Media for Learning: Feb 19, 2PM MC 205 discussion

social media on mobile devices (Twitter and Facebook) to accommodate and enhance learning – and audio and video applications to enhance your presentations and projects.

–          What is social media

–          What are mobile devices

–          Why social media on mobile devices?

–          How they intersect in learning and teaching


–          Describe your mobile device and determine its OS
what is OS and what kinds there are. Why is it important

–          What social media applications are you familiar with

mobile technology, badges, flipped classrooms, and learning analytics according to Bryan Alexander

Very short video of Bryan Alexander, senior fellow at the National Institute for Technology in Liberal Education, discussing the issues and opportunities facing mobile technology, badges, flipped classrooms, and learning analytics:

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