How Social Media Is Being Used In Education
good graph on the bottom of the article (
- The level of personal use of social media among faculty (70.3 percent) mirrors that of the general population
- 55 percent of faculty use social media in a professional context (any aspect of their profession outside of teaching), up from 44.7 percent last year
- Only 41 percent of faculty use social media in the classroom, but this use continues to experience steady year-to-year growth
- Faculty are sophisticated consumers of social media. They match different sites to their varying personal, professional, and teaching needs
- Concerns remain about privacy, maintaining the class as a private space for free and open discussion, and the integrity of student submissions
- Most faculty agree that “the interactive nature of online and mobile technologies create better learning environments” and that digital communication has increased communication with students
- Faculty believe that online and mobile technologies can be distracting, and that they have resulted in longer working hours and more stress
1 Use TweetDeck
2 The more you give, the more you get
3 The power of the hashtag
4 Join the #edchatNZ club
5 Focus on following not followers
6 Make use of lists
7 Saving tweets for a rainy day
8 Don’t be a boring tweeter
9 Teaching with Twitter
10 The art of pithiness
Qustion: Why won’t the calendar view stay maximized in D2L? |
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Technology Instruction Week: Social Media
March 25 – March 29
MC 205 | 1:00pm – 2:00pm
o Monday
Facebook: does it belong in the classroom? Why, how and when…
o Tuesday
Apps for collaboration and creativity
o Wednesday
I found a job on Twitter….
o Thursday
LinkedIn is my resume…
o Friday
Is social media a nuance or perfect opportunity for school?
Register for the 1:00pm session at (not required):
Follow us
on Twitter: @SCSUtechInstruc | #techworkshop
link to article
Branding messages do three things: 1) create awareness, 2) try to convince consumers that a product or service is a solution to their problem, and 3) create a feeling of familiarity and relationship with the consumer, commonly known as “brand affinity.” That’s why most SMB TV commercials show the owner, staff, and premises onscreen or are narrated by the owner. Twenty years ago, advertising provided the same kind of social edge that good social media reviews do today. A typical broadcast media pitch to an advertiser would suggest that commercial messaging was subliminally greeted by consumers as if it was a referral from friends. (My first job was selling radio time, and frankly this pitch was well-enough accepted to justify repetitive spot buys.)
Instead of commercials, develop a content marketing strategy that reinforces the brand message without being pushy. Get customers and allies to define their brands for and with them via social media, and supplement call to action media buys with online loyalty and deals programs that drive immediate business.
Are you using Twitter in your course?
Did you know that D2L has a widget, which allows you to loop the last tweets?
Please let us know, if you would like to learn how to do it