Acer hit by ransomware attack
Computer giant Acer hit by $50 million ransomware attack
more on ransomware in this IMS blog
Digital Literacy for St. Cloud State University
more on ransomware in this IMS blog
How Not to be Hacked
Malware, Phishing, Hacking, Ransomware – oh my! Learn about the threats to you, your users and your library. During this session, we will explore the threats to online security and discuss solutions that can be implemented at any level. Most importantly, we will look at how we can educate our users on current threats and safety
Date: December 5th, 10AM
Presenter: Diana Silveira
Webinar December 5, 2017 10 AM
twitter @Novarelibrary
more on hacking in this IMS blog
By Sri Ravipati 05/12/17
A hacker going by the name “nclay” claims to have stolen more than 77 million user accounts from Edmodo
LeakBase yesterday Tweeted that the top domains for the data breach include:
more on Edmodo in this IMS blog
How to defend against government hackers
By Mark Rockwell Mar 31, 2017
The 188-page “Challenging Government Hacking In Criminal Cases” report, released by the American Civil Liberties Union on March 30, addresses new amendments to Rule 41 of the Federal Rules of Criminal Procedure, which took effect last December.
Under the changes to criminal procedure rules, feds can remotely search computers in multiple jurisdictions with a single warrant. The rules are touted by law enforcement agencies as a way to streamline 100-year-old rules of criminal procedure
more on surveillance in this IMS blog
more on Eastern European hackers in this IMS blog:
The prowess of these three crackers also underscores the need for end users to come up with better password hygiene. Many Fortune 500 companies tightly control the types of passwords employees are allowed to use to access e-mail and company networks, and they go a long way to dampen crackers’ success.