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disruptive technologies: from swarming to mesh networking

How Hong Kong Protesters Are Connecting, Without Cell Or Wi-Fi Networks

messaging one another through a network that doesn’t require cell towers or Wi-Fi nodes. They’re using an app called FireChat that launched in March and is underpinned by mesh networking, which lets phones unite to form a temporary Internet.

My note: seems that civil disobedience provides excellent innovations in using technology; examples are-

  1. the 1999 World Trade Organization Protests in Seattle, where the “swarming” idea was implemented and later transformed by Bryan Alexander into “swarming for education” (  and depicted on this blog in September 2013
    to be continued by Britt in Learning Swarms? ( and Howard Rheingold in his interview with Bryn Alexander in 2004 ( and as Howard calls it “moblogging” and lately is becoming finally popular (at least in K12 if not in higher ed) as “backchanneling.”
  2. In a very similar scenario as the 1999 Seattle unrest, people in Venezuela (#venezuelalibre – Zello)  and Ukraine (Ukrainian roots shine through at WhatsApp) are turning to mobile apps to organize themselves and defy governments blocking of traditional social media (Protesters in Venezuela, Ukraine turn to peer-to  – ideas using Zello and WhatsApp in education poured in:WhatsApp for education?, How to use Whatsapp Chat Messenger for Education

Mesh networking is still only an IT term. Internet and dbase search has no returns on mesh networking as a tool for education and/or civil disobedience. Will it be the continuation of moblogging, backchanneling and swarming?

related IMS blog post:


lib instruction revisited

Rethinking Library Instruction: Libraries as Social Learning Centers

eCourse outline

Part 1: Introduction and Engagement—Getting Users through the Door

  • A brief overview of how library instruction has developed for more than 100 years
  • A brief review of how library instructions is evolving to meet users’ changing needs
  • Identifying what must be learned and how we can encourage effective learning (needs assessment)

Part 2: Preparing for Delivery—Thinking from a User-Centric Point of View

  • A brief overview of instructional design techniques
  • Thinking about the audience and how to create learning opportunities that stick
  • The importance of preparation

Part 3: Delivering Learning for Positive Results—Providing Learning that Lasts

  • Creating learning environments that facilitate success
  • Keeping learners awake and engaged
  • Encouraging learning through facilitation of discussion and exploration
  • Setting learners up for success

Part 4: The End is The Beginning: Libraries as Onsite-Online Social Learning Centers

  • What to do when formal learning ends and learners leave the learning face-to-face or online learning space
  • Providing a place where learners can succeed
  • Evaluating for success
  • Returning to the beginning with new and improved learning opportunities


30+ QR Code Resources

30+ QR Code Resources

1. A Dummies Guide to QR Codes
2. QR Code Implementation Guide
3. Using QR Codes in the Classroom
4. QR Code Scavenger Hunt- Part Deux
5. QR Code Quest
6. Transliteracy- QR Codes and Art
7. QR Codes Help Paint a Deeper Picture Behind Art
8. Interactive Physical Education QR Skill Posters
9. QR Codes-Lesson and Resources
10. QR Codes in Higher Education
11. QR Treasure Hunt Generator
12. 40 Interesting Ways to Use QR Codes in the Classroom
13. QR Code Lessons and Activities
14. All About QR Codes in Your Classroom
15. 44 QR Code Resources for Teaching and Learning
16. Your Quick-Guide to Using QR Codes in Education
17. Learning in Hand #25: QR Codes
18. Reflection Facilitated by QR Codes
19. Crazy for QR Codes
20. 18 Innovative Uses of QR Codes
21. How QR Codes In the Classroom Can Empower Student Voice
22. 7 Fun Ways to Use QR Codes in Education
23. 3 Fun Ways to Use QR Codes for Language Learning
24. 51 Interesting Ways to Use QR Codes to Support Learning
25. QR Codes and Student Centered Learning
26. QR Code Roundup
27. QR Codes Explained and Ideas for Classroom Use
28. How to Incorporate QR Codes in the Classroom
29. QR Codes in the Classroom
30. QR Codes for Differentiated Instruction
31. Twelve Ideas for Teaching with QR Codes
32. Have You Started Using QR Codes in Your Classroom Yet?
33. Cybraryman’s QR Code Page
34. QR Codes in Education- Livebinder by Steven Anderson

Full Spectrum Lights in Miller Center

From: [] On Behalf Of Hubbs, Susan
Sent: Sunday, September 14, 2014 5:38 PM
To: Northenscold, Melissa A.;
Subject: [LRS_l] Re: Full Spectrum Lights in MC – Brainstorm Session Monday

Dear Colleagues,

I have started a bibliography beginning with books and articles that LRS owns or has access. I have not prettied it up. I will send a copy to Missy. Missy, I also went and pulled the 3 books LRS owns off the shelf. They are on a chair in my office. I will also look for some good websites and add those.

Dr. Norman E. Rosenthal, MD is one of the leaders in this field.  LRS owns his Winter Blues book, 1998 but he now has a newer edition.
Winter Blues, Fourth Edition: Everything You Need to Know to Beat Seasonal Affective Disorder., Sept. 2012. I would like to suggest that LRS purchases a copy.  In the older edition, chapter 7 is entirely about light therapy.

Because light therapy is used as part, or sometimes all, treatment for seasonal affective disorder (SAD) which can also be part of a larger concern of depression, there should be a large sign encouraging people to seek out help from the SCSU counseling center, suicide prevention hotline, other depression URLs, etc.

Yours thinking of Robin Williams.


Susan Hubbs


Miller Center Library




From: [] on behalf of Northenscold, Melissa A.
Sent: Friday, September 12, 2014 10:59 AM
Subject: [LRS_l] Full Spectrum Lights in MC – Brainstorm Session Monday

In partnership with the Counseling and Psychological Services department, we will have full spectrum lights in the Miller Center (in the space to the south to the Dean’s Office) from roughly October 1 thru roughly May 1.


You are invited to join a brainstorming session at 1 p.m. on Monday in MC 135G.  We will discuss ideas regarding placement of lights, layout of space, promotion/marketing, and assessment.  Please feel free to send ideas via email as well.  If you’re not available to attend on Monday, but interested in getting involved, I will send notes after the meeting that include the next meeting date.



Missy Northenscold

Administrative Director

Learning Resources Services

St. Cloud State University

720 4th Ave S., MC 135E

St. Cloud, MN 56301

(320) 308-2022

Library; what should be…

Amidst discussions at LRS and forthcoming strategic planning –

The LinkedIn Higher Education Teaching and Learning group has a discussion started:

“The library as space is becoming more important, even as students are able to log on to databases from wherever.”

based on the the article

Spikes, Stacks, and Spaces

from Inside Higher Ed blog:

  • Julie Steward

    Julie Steward

    Instructional Designer

    University libraries are increasingly the ONLY place on campus that has quiet spaces, since cell-phone conversations are ubiquitous. I think a professional shushher would be a nice touch to any library. Either that, or zero-talking floors and okay-with-some-noise-floors alternating.

  • Andrea KiralyAndrea

    Andrea Kiraly

    Information Specialist, Visiting Lecturer at University of Szeged

    Today university/academic libraries have “all-inclusive services” and they are places for social life, too. In my point of view it is very important for libraries to be always ready for changes, to be regenerative, and to find new ways including the needs of next (Y, Z?) generation. A library is a third place, “a place to be”. And study. With librarians behind the scenes.

    Russ B. likes this

  • Russ BarclayRuss

    Russ Barclay

    Visiting Professor at Campbellsville University

    I note many university libraries have become bistros complete with internet access and quiet rooms for students and student teams to meet and work.

    …And, of course, there are books and databases. Whether students attend to those assets is an open question for me.

  • Sharon BlantonSharon

    Sharon Blanton

    Vice President and Chief Information Officer at Hawaii Pacific University

    I had the opportunity to spend some time in a local high school library yesterday. It was a hub of activity with a class in session, students browsing stacks, small group activities, and numerous meetings. I thought it was great to see so many students collaborating and having fun. The students were very engaged.

    Stephen L. likes this

  • Laura GabigerLaura

    Laura Gabiger

    Professor at Johnson & Wales University

    Top Contributor

    It seems important that Matt Reed mentions both the group study areas and the individual quiet spaces in a library. In the past, university libraries tended to be places for individual quiet work. But as Russ and Sharon mention, students have meetings in libraries to work on group activities. If we pay attention to developments in higher education, student work will be increasingly collaborative rather than individual, interdisciplinary rather than narrowly focused in one disciplinary area. In the USA we can find these values set forth in places such as the AAC&U list of high-impact practices, where collaborative assignments and projects are recommended:

    Some experts recommend that the most valuable things students can learn to do is work on problem-solving with other people who come from diverse backgrounds.

    Libraries may need less space for stacks as printed books and periodicals are replaced with digital storage, but the need for meeting rooms and collaborative study areas may increase. And of course a coffee shop on the premises definitely helps.

    Stephen L. likes this

  • Dr..Myrna FernandoDr..Myrna

    Dr..Myrna Fernando

    Professor 1 at Technological University of the Philippines

    What is the bearing of a library as a Learning Resource Center if not significant to the students. I think it speaks so much on the learning impact not only by the students together with the faculty. This is also the reason why the area of Library is included in institutional/programs accreditation.

The Four Stages of Moving from Traditional to Online Teaching

The Four Stages of Moving from Traditional to Online Teaching

1.      Sage on the Stage:

In this stage the teacher takes on traditional lecture-style teaching and hasn’t yet implemented any online or blended learning strategies.

2.      Stranger in a Strange Land:

Next, the teacher becomes a Stranger in a Strange Land, as instruction moves to the computer, and the computer becomes the primary instructional tool. At this stage, the teacher is still unsure of how they fit in but is experimenting with and utilizing online tools to enhance instruction.

3.      Resource:

As the teacher continues to evolve, they enter the Resource stage, and while the computer is still the primary instructional tool, the teacher is comfortable being a resource, answering questions and re-teaching when asked.

4.      Facilitator and Initiator of Interventions:

MediaSpace Error while uploading: XPath expression exception evaluating result”

getting an error message when uploading a recording on MediaSpace that says “Error while uploading: XPath expression exception evaluating result” and then gives you a choice to “Retry” or “Exit”. 

From: “Timothy P. VanLoon” <tvanloon@SOUTHEASTMN.EDU>
Date: September 5, 2014 at 9:29:59 AM CDT
To: Desire2Learn Campus Trainers <>
Subject: RE: MediaSpace error meaning
Reply-To: “Timothy P. VanLoon” <tvanloon@SOUTHEASTMN.EDU>

Thanks Kathy.  I agree it is a great system and seems to be very reliable and I like working with it as it is very user friendly.  However, in this last week now I have seen this error message come up twice for faculty and I would like answers and I haven’t gotten any so that is why I sent it out on the listserve today to see if anybody else has seen the error and find out what they know.


We have been using Tegrity for the last 6-8 years and it can be a real pain to work with (as well as very expensive) so I am trying to wean the faculty off of Tegrity on onto MediaSpace, but if word gets out that MediaSpace is throwing them error messages it just make the hill that much steeper for me in this uphill battle to get faculty to try something new.




Timothy VanLoonInstructional Technologist/D2L System Administrator

Southeast Technical

507.453.2722 phone

507.453.1422 fax


From: Kathy Grady []
Sent: Friday, September 05, 2014 8:24 AM
To: Timothy P. VanLoon; Desire2Learn Campus Trainers
Subject: RE: MediaSpace error meaning

Hi Tim – I have not seen this error – I just tried a couple videos, one an mp4 and the other an mov file and they uploaded and processed just fine. We have several people using MediaSpace with very little issues so I guess when you run into these issues – is to email Todd Digby and turn in a HD ticket as soon as you get notice of the issue.


Even with these strange things that periodically happen – I am thankful for this system, it has been a long time in coming. Please take it from me, who managed media streaming servers locally for five years, it was a royal pain and not an easy service to keep functioning at all times.




Kathy Grady
Learning Systems & Services Manager

North Hennepin Community College
7411 85th Ave N
Brooklyn Park, Mn 55445





From: Timothy P. VanLoon [mailto:tvanloon@SOUTHEASTMN.EDU]
Sent: Friday, September 5, 2014 7:57 AM
To: Desire2Learn Campus Trainers
Subject: MediaSpace error meaning


Has anyone else experienced getting an error message when uploading a recording on MediaSpace that says “Error while uploading: XPath expression exception evaluating result” and then gives you a choice to “Retry” or “Exit”.  Hitting “Retry” seems to do nothing and I have not selected “Exit”.  The recording does finish uploading and the message comes up saying it finished uploading and then the recording seems to play normally but the message box does not go away unless you close it out.  I would like to know what this message is about and what I am supposed to tell faculty when this happens and will the recording continue to upload properly and playback properly every time.  I any pushing hard to get faculty moved over to using MediaSpace and this is a little unsettling when I tell them it is a reliable recording/playback tool and then they get this message and I don’t know what to tell them except wait and it should end up fine.






Timothy VanLoonInstructional Technologist/D2L System Administrator

Southeast Technical

507.453.2722 phone

507.453.1422 fax






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Gamification: It’s Easier than You Think!

Gamification: It’s Easier than You Think!

BONUS: several cool infographics on gamification of education:

this is a recording of a webinar, which took place yesterday, September 3, 2014. The presenter is Canadian. Sean Isles

Gamification versus game based education

Gamification is application of typical elements of game play to unconventional areas

Game based is learning that takes place withing a game simulated environment itself

D2L offers options for gamified education

Leveling / Gating: turn off/on content modules by weekly increments.

Bosses/Challenges – simple quiz at the end of each module (training quizzes, open to take unlimited times)

Celebration of successes – emails from intelligent agents, short funny video, etc.

Intelligent agent send an email not only to student, but to an office, where top scoring students can get a gift.


simulator. used Unity to create the game

Shaun Iles: and Brian Gould:

Leaderboard – – Brightspace by D2L. needs to be purchased, but allows modify and customize with HTML and CSS

Badges: meaningless if the entire institution is not on board. google and mozilla badges platforms. D2L is about to roll out badges, only if the entire institution and the business recognize them. otherwise, the badges are dead upon exit from class.

make discussion interactive through upvote:

Scavenger hunt mentioned. Bluetooth info beacons used across campus to enable scavenger hunt. Across mobile devices.

Librarians and instructional designers mentioned.

His D2L home page has twitter widget and skype widget. He says the Skype widget enormously used. When will my proposal for Adobe Connect Widget will be addressed, am asking I for years?

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