Searching for "360 degrees"

360 degrees virtual tours

This websites allows you to take thousands of fully interactive 360 degree virtual tours in locations across Ireland, including famous tourist destinations and towns. from r/InternetIsBeautiful

more on 360 degrees in this IMS blog
more on virtual tours in this IMS blog

360 degree images definition

  • 360-degree video
    360-degree videos, also known as immersive videos[1] or spherical videos,[2] are video recordings where a view in every direction is recorded at the same time, shot using an omnidirectional camera or a collection of cameras. During playback on normal flat display the viewer has control of the viewing direction like a panorama. It can also be played on a displays or projectors arranged in a sphere or some part of a sphere.360 Degree Video is an immersive video format consisting of a video – or series of images – mapped to a portion of a sphere that allows viewing in multiple directions from a fixed central point.
    The mapping is usually carried out using equirectangular projection, where the horizontal coordinate is simply longitude, and the vertical coordinate is simply latitude, with no transformation or scaling applied. Other possible projections are Cube Map (that uses the six faces of a cube as the map shape), Equi-Angular Cubemap – EAC (detailed by Google in 2017 to distribute pixels as evenly as possible across the sphere so that the density of information is consistent, regardless of which direction the viewer is looking), and Pyramid (defined by Facebook in 2016).
    This type of video content is typically viewable through a head-mounted display, mobile device, or personal computer and allows for three degrees of freedom (see section 4.2 for an explanation of the concept of degrees of freedom).
  • 360 Degree Video is Not Virtual Reality
    “In layman’s terms, 360 means it surrounds you. 3D means it has depth, like looking at a landscape, you’ll notice that there are objects closer to you, and objects that are further away. An image can be 360 and not 3D, or 3D and not 360, but keep in mind the distinction.”

  • for more advanced definition of 360-degree videos and in conjunction with virtual experience (VX) and immersive reality in
    Engberg, M., & Bolter, J. D. (2020). The aesthetics of reality media. Journal of Visual Culture, 19(1), 81–95.

IM 690 Gear 360 tutorial

IM 690 Virtual Reality and Augmented Reality

Jan. 21, MC 205 (how to get to the PDR room:

Plan: learn to create, edit and use still 360 degrees images and videos.


  1. What is 360 degrees video and how does it fit in the Virtual Reality concept?
  2. Video 360: existing materials versus materials we create
    1. how to find existing materials
    2. how to decide if we need to create materials
  3. Tools and apps for Video 360
    1. Cameras:
      1. Samsung Gear 360:
        1. 2016
        2. 2017
      2. alternatives:
      3. Vuze: 
        Video 360 3D
    2. Samsung Android (Galaxy) phones app
    3. Editing
      1. Gear 360 Action Director
      2. Photoshop CC



      1. Premiere CC
      2. Others
  1. Issues and solutions
    1. issues connected to Windows and Apple
      (explains all the quirks between the 2016 & 2017 cameras)
    2. issues connected to Gear 360 camera
    3. issues connected to Gear 360 ActionDirector
      in version 2.0, drag and drop, export etc.
  2. Upload
    1. local
    2. social media
      1. Facebook
      2. YouTube
        1. resolution
        2. live stream
  3. Viewing, goggles
    1. Google Cardboard
      1. why do we still consider it?
    2. Low-end goggles (examples)
      1. Pansonite 3D VR Headset
      2. Gearsone G1 VR Headset
      3. Utopia 360 VR Headset
      4. TaoTronics 3D VR Headset
      5. Destek V4 VR Headset
    3. Hi-end goggles
      1. Oculus
        1. Go
        2. Rift
        3. Quest
          1. haptic devices
      2. HTC Vive:
      3. Daydream Lenovo:
  4. Creating content
    1. Polly Google Tour Creator:
      (turn ambient audio on)

Error messages working with Action Director

Gear 360 Action Director Error Msg

Gear 360 Action Director Error MsgNVIDIA error msg



More on VR in this IMS blog:


(from Virbela Labs)

Directions: and

“Frame” is the “classroom,” generates its own URL.

To enter my classroom, you just need use that URL, hit enter.

up to 3 free frames.

MNimmersive team, I created a room for us:

Constraints: while it seems free, the cap for the “inventory” (360 degrees photos and videos included) is 500MB

It is available for PC/Mac, mobile devices and goggles (best on Oculus)

Help is in Discord:

more on virtual worlds in this IMS blog

Metaverse for XR COP

Discussion on low-end AR (Metaverse)

  1. What is AR (how is it different from VR or MR)
    p. 225
    “augmented reality: Bringing artificial objects into the real world-these can be as simple as a ” heads-up display,” like a speedometer project it onto your car’s windshield, or as complex as seen to be virtual creature woke across your real world leaving room, casting a realistic shadow on the floor”
    p. 12
    Augmented reality provides an “overlay” of some type over the real world through
    the use of a headset or even a smartphone.
    There is no necessary distinction between AR and VR; indeed, much research
    on the subject is based on a conception of a “virtuality continuum” from entirely
    real to entirely virtual, where AR lies somewhere between those ends of the
    spectrum. Paul Milgram and Fumio Kishino, “A Taxonomy of Mixed Reality Visual Displays,

Augmented Reality

Augmented reality superimposes a digital layer on the world around us, often activated by scanning a trigger image or via GPS (think Pokemon Go!). Virtual reality takes users away from the real world, fully immersing students in a digital experience that replaces reality. Mixed reality takes augmented a step further by allowing the digital and real worlds to interact and the digital components to change based on the user’s environment.

  1. Low-end and hi-end AR
    1. Hi-end: Hololens, Google Glass, Apple Glass
      1. Unity-driven content
    2. Low-end: Metaverse
  2. What is Metaverse
        1. Metaverse studio

        2. Metaverse app
          1. iOS:
          2. Android:
        3. Gamifying Library orientation using Metaverse:

          (the gateway to the Library orientation project)
          Metaverse experience through the user’s phone:

    1. Student projects using Metaverse
    2. Behind the scene, or how does it work
      YouTube materials:
  3. Discussion
    1. Low-end vs hi-end AR
      1. advantages
      2. disadvantages
    2. gamify learning content with Metaverse
    3. Discuss the following statement:
      low-end AR (Metaverse), like low-end VR (360 degrees) has strong potential to introduce students, faculty and staff to immersive teaching and learning
  4. Alternatives
    1. Merge Cube:
    2. Aero, GamAR:

more on Metavere in this IMS blog

Measuring Learning Outcomes of New Library Initiatives

International Conference on Qualitative and Quantitative Methods in Libraries 2018 (QQML2018)

Where: Cultural Centre Of Chania

also live broadcast at

When: May 24, 12:30AM-2:30PM (local time; 4:40AM-6:30AM, Chicago Central)

Programme QQML2018-23pgopv

Live broadcasts from some of the sessions:

Here is a link to Sebastian Bock’s presentation:

Information literacy skills and college students from Jade Geary, MLIS

Session 1:

Session Title: Measuring Learning Outcomes of New Library Initiatives Coordinator: Professor Plamen Miltenoff, Ph.D., MLIS, St. Cloud State University, USA Contact: Scope & rationale: The advent of new technologies, such as virtual/augmented/mixed reality, and new pedagogical concepts, such as gaming and gamification, steers academic libraries in uncharted territories. There is not yet sufficiently compiled research and, respectively, proof to justify financial and workforce investment in such endeavors. On the other hand, dwindling resources for education presses administration to demand justification for new endeavors. As it has been established already, technology does not teach; teachers do; a growing body of literature questions the impact of educational technology on educational outcomes. This session seeks to bring together presentations and discussion, both qualitative and quantitative research, related to new pedagogical and technological endeavors in academic libraries as part of education on campus. By experimenting with new technologies such as Video 360 degrees and new pedagogical approaches such as gaming and gamification, does the library improve learning? By experimenting with new technologies and pedagogical approaches, does the library help campus faculty to adopt these methods and improve their teaching? How can results be measured, demonstrated?

Conference program

More information and bibliography:

Social Media:




IM 554 discussion on GBL 2018

Course title: IM 554 Developing Skills for Online Teaching and Learning

Topic for this week: Game-based learning, Virtual Reliability, and Augmented Reality
Audience: IM Graduate students working for K12 schools or in business

7:20 to 8:20 PM, Thursday, March 29.  Instructor: Yun Claire Park

  1. What did we learn from last year:
    1. definitions and delineation of gaming and gamification
    2. the connection to BYOD
  2. What do we want to learn this year/today?
    1. more on gaming and gamification
    2. more on realities
      1. what is VR – virtual reality

Virtual reality (VR) is “a computer technology that uses virtual reality headsets or multi-
projected environments, sometimes in combination with physical environments or props, to
generate realistic images, sounds and other sensations that simulate a user's physical presence in a virtual or imaginary environment” (“Virtual Reality” n.d.) VR is accomplished by using headsets, such as HTC Vive, Oculus Rift, PlayStation VR, and Samsung Gear VR. The use of the headsets creates (and enhances) digitally constructed “reality,” thus providing excellent opportunities for simulations and learning through training and practice. Among a myriad of other definitions, Noor (2016, 34) describes Virtual Reality (VR) as “a computer-generated environment that can simulate physical presence in places in the real world or imagined worlds. The user wears a headset and through specialized software and sensors is immersed in 360- degree views of simulated worlds.”

from our book chapter: Video 360: The new type of visualization to help patrons enter the era of VR, AR and Mixed Reality (under review).

what is AR – augmented reality

“Augmented Reality (AR) supplements the physical environment with computer-generated sensory input such as sound, video, graphics, or other useful information – essentially overlaying the digital information on top of the physical world. Some consider the smartphone popular game “Pokemon Go” a form of consumer AR.”

from my book Chapter 12: VR, AR and Video 360: A Case Study Towards New Realities in Education by Plamen Miltenoff (under review)

what is MR – mixed reality

mixed reality

  1. Video 360
    1. how to create non-expensive VR = Video 360 degrees

A two-dimensional flat frame




A two-dimensional flat frame

Consumer types of cameras

Consumer types of cameras

More information on GBL in this IMS blog:

more on VR in education in this IMS blog:

more on AE in this IMS blog

Stanford VR Project

Stanford VR Project Shows Students Oceans of the Future

By Dian Schaffhauser 10/19/16

A new, free virtual reality program allows users to explore just what happens as climate change kills off coral reefs. The Stanford Ocean Acidification Experience is a free science education tool that takes students to the bottom of the sea and then fast-forwards their experience to the end of this century, when, as scientists predict, many coral reefs are expected to corrode through ocean acidification. By putting the experience in VR, the collaborators say they are hoping to change people’s behavior in the real world.

The project came out of Stanford’s Virtual Human Interaction Lab, which created a related 360-degree video project that also examines the problem of global warming and its impact on the ocean’s life forms. But it’s the VR version that allows the viewer to deep-sea dive and collect samples off of the ocean floor.

The lab created the software in partnership with marine biologists Fiorenza Micheli from Stanford and Kristy Kroeker, formerly at Stanford and now at the University of California, Santa Cruz, as well as Roy Pea, a professor at Stanford’s Graduate School of Education. The development process took two years to recreate a virtual replica of an actual rocky reef around the Italian island of Ischia

A related video, “The Crystal Reef,” filmed in 360 degrees and developed as part of a master’s degree project by a lab member, premiered during the Tribeca Film Festival earlier this year. There, people could watch the film on VR headgear. “We had a line of dozens of people for 11 hours a day, six days straight,” said Bailenson, in a Stanford article about the project.

The VR project has also gone to Washington, where lawmakers and staffers tried it out during a Capitol Hill event organized by non-profit Ocean Conservancy.


more on virtual reality in this IMS blog

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