Searching for "cloud computing"

How Cloud Computing Works

How Cloud Computing Works – Practical Example & Characteristics

Malini Shukla

What is Cloud Computing?

Cloud Computing eliminates and reduces the on-site software or hardware usage.

How Cloud Computing Works?

Cloud Computing works by providing permission to the user to upload and download the information which stores. The data can access from anywhere.

cloud computing

The Dangers of Trusting Cloud Computing Over Personal Storage

Security Concerns
Risk of Disruptions
Lack of Standardization
Accessibility Concerns

more on cloud computing in this IMS blog

more on personal storage in this IMS blog:

Quantum computing and blockchain

Quantum Computing: Is it the end of the blockchain?

Ajitesh Abhishek Jan 12, 2019

In simple words, a blockchain is a ledger that records transactions of a certain type. It uses mathematical functions such as integer factorization, which is easy to solve in one direction but hard in the other direction for security.


Quantum entanglement is a phenomenon in which the quantum states of two or more objects have to be described with reference to each other, even though the individual objects may be spatially separated.

What’s the future of blockchain in the world of Quantum computing?

One of the potential solutions is Quantum Blockchain, which uses quantum cryptography. This has been proposed by Del Rajan and Matt Visser of Victoria University of Wellington in New Zealand. The idea is simple — if computers can compute fast, make the puzzle more complex.

more on quantum computing in this IMS blog

and blockchain

Cloud-Native Technologies

Beyond Kubernetes – 5 Promising Cloud-Native Technologies To Watch

  1. Istio

After Kubernetes,Istio is the most popular cloud-native technology. It is a service mesh that securely connects multiple microservices of an application. Think of Istio as an internal and external load balancer with a policy-driven firewall with support for comprehensive metrics. The reason why developers and operators love Istio is the non-intrusive deployment pattern. Almost any Kubernetes service can be seamlessly integrated with Istio without explicit code or configuration changes.

Google recently announced a managed Istio service on GCP.  Apart from Google, IBM, Pivotal, Red Hat, Tigera and Weaveworks are the active contributors and supporters of the project.

Istio presents an excellent opportunity for ISVs to deliver custom solutions and tools to enterprises. This project is bound to become one of the core building blocks of cloud-native platforms. I expect every managed Kubernetes service to have a hosted Istio service.

  1. Prometheus

Prometheus is a cloud-native monitoring tool for workloads deployed on Kubernetes. It plugs a critical gap that exists in the cloud-native world through comprehensive metrics and rich dashboards.

  1. Helm

If Kubernetes is the new OS, Helm is the application installer. Designed on the lines of Debian packages and Red Hat Linux RPMs, Helm brings the ease and power of deploying cloud-native workloads with a single command.

  1. Spinnaker

One of the promises of cloud-native technology is the rapid delivery of software. Spinnaker, an open source project initially built at Netflix delivers that promise. It is a release management tool that adds velocity to deploying cloud-native applications.

  1. Kubeless

Event-driven computing is becoming an integral part of modern application architecture. Functions as a Service (FaaS) is one of the delivery models of serverless computing which complements containers through event-based invocation. Modern applications will have services packaged as containers and functions running within the same environment.

quantum computing

Alibaba puts quantum computing in the public cloud, follows Intel and IBM’s lead

Alibaba has just announced an 11 qubit quantum computer as part of its cloud offerings, making it the second-fastest public quantum computing platform in the world.

Chinese ecommerce giant Alibaba, in partnership with the Chinese Academy of Sciences, has added quantum computing to its cloud service. Alibaba Cloud now hosts a superconducting cloud computer offering 11 quantum bit (qubit) speed, making it the second fastest in the world behind Intel and IBM’s 20-qubit cloud computer.


cloud terminology

Understanding Cloud Terminology: What Does IaaS, Paas, and SaaS Mean?

  • IaaS, Infrastructure-as-a-Service
  • PaaS, Platform-as-a-Service

Linux Server

Apache/nginx web server

MySQL database


  • SaaS, Software-as-a-Service
  • UCaaS, Unified-Communications-as-a-Service
  • GaaS, Gaming-as-a-Service

more on SAAS in this IMS blog

more on cloud computing in this IMS blog


computing devices

Computing Devices to Remain Stagnant as Traditional PCs Slide Ever Downward

By David Nagel 04/06/17

new report from market research firm Gartner, overall device shipments will remain flat in 2017, even as traditional PCs (including laptops) go into a decline that’s forecast to last at least through 2019. Excluding smart phones


more on computing devices in this IMS blog

pop computing

American schools are teaching our kids how to code all wrong

Idit Harel CEO, Globaloria, May 25, 2016

The light and fluffy version of computer science—which is proliferating as a superficial response to the increased need for coders in the workplace—is a phenomenon I refer to as “pop computing.” While calling all policy makers and education leaders to consider “computer science education for all” is a good thing, the coding culture promoted by and its library of movie-branded coding apps provide quick experiences of drag-and-drop code entertainment.

playing with coding apps as compared to learning to design an app using code. Building an app takes time and requires multi-dimensional learning contexts, pathways and projects.

Computing and computer science is the equivalent of immersing in a thicker study of music—its origins, influences, aesthetics, applications, theories, composition, techniques, variations and meanings. In other words, the actual foundations and experiences that change an individual’s mindset.

As noted by MIT’s Marvin Minsky and Alan Kay, computational innovation and literacy have much in common with music literacy. Just as would-be musicians become proficient by listening improvising and composing, and not just by playing other people’s compositions, so would-be programmers become proficient by designing prototypes and models that work for solving real problems, doing critical thinking and analysis, and creative collaboration—none of which can be accomplished in one hour of coding. In other words, just as a kid playing Guitar Hero wouldn’t be considered a musician, someone playing with coding apps isn’t exactly a coder or computer scientist.

more on coding in this IMS blog:

Contemplative Computing

Computers and health: ‘When you’re sitting, you’re one step above being dead’

CES 2016 is packed with health companies offering solutions to desk-based laptop slouch. Our reporter stopped slouching for long enough to try some of them

how to focus in the age of distraction

how to focus in the age of distraction

Taming the wild west of cloud acquisition

Taming the wild west of cloud acquisition

Homeowners and building managers buy water service rather than the water itself, eliminating the need to purify, regulate and distribute the water on their own. Agencies buy cloud computing on the same “as-a-service” model to reduce their need to own and maintain IT equipment and applications.

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