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Learning in Metaverse

new study co-authored by Richard Mayer,

The study took place with about 100 middle school students taking a brief “virtual field trip” to learn about climate science. Some students experienced the field trip while wearing a VR headset, while others watched the same material in standard video on a computer screen.

“higher ratings of presence, interest, and enjoyment,”

The paper noted an obvious logistical benefit to virtual field trips over getting on a bus for an in-person outing. “Virtual field trips make it possible to experience things that are too expensive, dangerous, or impossible in the real world,” it says. The experiment did not address the difference in educational value between a real-world field trip and a virtual one.

for programs like nursing, pharmacy and medicine, VR seems promising for teaching some skills, as a piece of a broader curriculum that includes in-person hands-on learning as well.

asynchronous reality

My (his) main research interests are augmented and virtual reality (AR/VR) as well as camera networks. This includes building novel 3D user interfaces (e.g., using projection mapping or VR headsets) that adapt the layout of spatial UI elements based on implicit user input (e.g., gaze data) and building toolkits for room-scale interfaces. More recently, I also investigate different realities afforded by the combination of VR devices and camera networks.

2022 user interface trends

2022 UI design trends guide

Minimalism, Claymorphism, Brutalism and a look into the future of NFT, VR and Metaverse

  1. Minimalism and simplification
  2. Brutalism (and return of the flat)
  3. Glassmorphism and glass inspired elements
  4. Aurora backgrounds
  5. Holographic/Neon
  6. Eco-conscious “cardboard” style
  7. Wild typography
  8. Claymorphism 3D
  9. NFT’s and democratisation of art
  10. A glimpse into VR and Metaverse

more on UI in this IMS blog

metaverse is bad

The Metaverse Is Bad

In the simplest explanation, the metaverse is just a sexy, aspirational name for some kind of virtual or augmented-reality play. Facebook owns a company called Oculus, which manufactures and sells VR computers and headsets. Oculus is also making a 3-D, virtual platform called Horizon—think Minecraft with avatars, but without the blocks. Facebook, Apple, and others have also invested heavily in augmented reality, a kind of computer graphics that uses goggles to overlay interactive elements onto a live view of the world. So far, the most viable applications of VR and AR can be found in medicine, architecture, and manufacturing, but dreams of its widespread consumer appeal persist. If those dreams become realized, you’ll probably end up buying crap and yelling at people through a head-mounted display, instead of through your smartphone.

more on the metaverse in this IMS blog

Socrates Gets Killed in the Metaverse

my annotations here:

some of the implications of people spending significantly more time in immersive 3D environments that provide alternative “realities” to the physical world.

distance learning and immersive tech

Emergent Technology beyond the Pandemic – Preparing for the Future

My annotations here:

So while we know that there are incredible applications for emergent technologies such as VR/AR, the goal for organizations isn’t to look to implement these types of solutions immediately while in the midst of a pandemic, adding layers of training and cost concerns to the already existing uncertainty. Rather, an approach that involves short and long term planning as well as data collection to inform decision making is a much more prudent approach.

“VR Learn: Virtual Reality in Learning”

  • Learners are able to learn more in less time. They are engaged.
  • Learners have a physical and emotional response that is based on empathy.
  • Learners develop mental muscle memory on new tasks and new procedures.
  • Learners show greater retention rates.
  • Learners are able to fail forward without real-world consequences.
  • Learners can do things in VR/AR that they can’t do in real-life.

Spatial metaverse platform NFTs

Spatial to focus on becoming a metaverse platform for cultural events and announces $25M in new funding

Spatial, the former augmented and virtual reality (AR/VR) collaboration platform, has today announced a significant company evolution to become the metaverse for cultural events such as NFT exhibitions, brand experiences, and conferences, whether on web, mobile, or VR.

Hottest Edtech Topics for 2022 by ISTE

The Hottest Topics in Edtech for 2022

8. Augmented, mixed and virtual reality
7. Social-emotional learning
6. Equity and inclusion
5. Online tools and apps
4. Distance, online, blended learning
3. Computer science and computational thinking
2. Instructional design and delivery
1. Project-based learning


5 Emerging Technology Trends Higher Ed Is Watching for in 2022

  1. Increased Adoption of Learning Analytics and Adaptive Learning
  2. Growth of Mobile Learning in Higher Ed
  3. Smarter Artificial Intelligence–Powered Tutors
  4. The Rise of Short-Form, Video-Based Learning
  5. Advanced VR and Immersive Learning Technologies

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