7 Fantastic Free Social Media Tools for Teachers
EDU 2.0 is a lot like online course management systems Blackboard and Moodle, but with a couple of distinct advantages. First, teachers can share their lesson plans, quizzes, videos, experiments and other resources in a shared library that currently hosts more than 15,000 pieces of content. Second, a community section allows teachers and students to network and collaborate with other members who share the same educational interests. And third, everything is hosted in the cloud for free.
The popular visual organizing and sharing tool Symbaloo launched its “EDU” version last month. According to the company, 50,000 teachers are already using Symbaloo to organize classroom resources. The new EDU version comes with academic subject-specific resource pages or “webmixes” and top tools like TeacherTube, Slideshare, Google Docs, Flickr and more are fully embeddable. Teachers with a “Free Plus” account can add their school logo and customize the links. The site also allows students to easily share their Symbaloo pages and projects with classmates.
This app gives teachers four discussion format choices. Students can either agree or disagree with a statement, answer a multiple choice question, post responses, or have the choice between adding a new response or voting for someone else’s response. Teachers can add photos or videos to their prompts and all of the discussions take place on one class page.
This WordPress-like blogging platform only supports educational content and thus, unlike WordPress, usually isn’t blocked by school filters. Since 2005, it has hosted more than a million blogs from students and teachers.
Kidblog is a bit more specific than Edublogs. There are fewer options to adjust the appearance of the main page, and it’s hard to use the platform for anything other than as a system for managing individual class blogs. The homepage serves as a catalog of student blogs on the right with a recent post feed on the left.
Teachers can also control how private they want the blogs to be. They can keep them student-and-teacher only, allow parents to log in with a password, or make them open to the public.
Edmodo looks and functions much like Facebook. But unlike Facebook, it’s a controlled environment that teachers can effectively leverage to encourage class engagement. The platform allows teachers and students to share ideas, files and assignments on a communal wall. Teachers can organize different groups of students and monitor them from the same dashboard. Once they’ve organized classes, they can post assignments to the wall and grade them online. They can then archive the class groups and begin new ones.
7. TeacherTube and SchoolTube and YouTube
As the name implies, TeacherTube is YouTube for teachers. It’s a great resource for lesson ideas but videos can also be used during class to supplement a lecture. For instance, you can let Mrs. Burk rap about perimeters if you like her idea but lack the rhyming skills to pull it off yourself. This site also has a crowdsourced stock of documents, audio and photos that can be added to your lesson plans. Unfortunately, every video is preceded by an ad.
SchoolTube is another YouTube alternative. Unlike other video sharing sites, it is not generally blocked by school filters because all of its content is moderated.
The original, generic YouTube also has a bevy of teacher resources, though it’s often blocked in schools. Khan Academy consistently puts out high-quality lessons for every subject, but a general search on any topic usually yields a handful of lesson approaches. Some of the better ones are indexed onWatchKnow.
Venmo Is The ‘Killer App’ That The Mobile Payments Industry Has Been Waiting For
Venmo, owned by eBay’s PayPal unit, already channels as much volume in total dollar value of transactions as Starbucks’ successful mobile payment app, according to BI Intelligence’s estimates.
Venmo allows users to easily send money back-and-forth to one another for expenses like rent, restaurant and bar checks, and event tickets. Venmo is free to use and appears to be gaining the most traction with U.S. smartphone users in their late teens and twenties. It’s very popular on college campuses.
How to Use the Free YouTube Video Editor
The YouTube Editor is not the most powerful editor you will ever use. However, it is free, and it includes all the basic editing tools you need to make a professional looking video. It is also an online tool, so you can use it anywhere you have an internet connection, and on any computer that you have access to.
My note: The author forgets to mention that the editor exists now also as an app for mobile devices, thus competing with other “free” mobile apps for video editing such as Splice, iMovie etc.
It can be a great addition to “spice up” videos posted on Instagram, Tweeter and other social media, besides YouTube.
How to Get Twitter Followers for Free – 7 Juicy Tips
1. Follow people who share your blog content
2. Tweet using relevant hashtags
3. Join in on Tweetchats
4. Follow relevant people
5. Tweet great content regularly
6. Share other people’s content
7. Embed Tweets within your blog content
The size of your Twitter following is not as important as the quality of your Twitter followers and the amount of engagement you get. However, if you strategically build your following, deliver great content and engage with your followers, then having a bigger audience is useful.
U.S. Supreme Court to Weigh Threats on Social Media
individuals increasingly face prosecution for alleged threats conveyed on new media, including Facebook, YouTube, and Twitter.”
School administrators are having to face some of those questions, not always as full federal criminal cases, but as disciplinary matters, and the Supreme Court’s decision in the case could affect student cases as well.
from educationweek tweet
How to Use Semantic Markup to Improve Your Search Results
the basics and benefits of semantic markup and how it can make your content stand out in search.
Semantic markup is a fancy way of saying you can use HTML tags to tell search engines exactly what a specific piece of content is.
Search engines index your content faster.
With semantic markup, search engines immediately know what your content is and can index it faster and more accurately.
rich snippets are extra images or information (e.g., how many Google+ circles you’re in) that show up in search results and provide additional information about you or your content.
Don’t mark up data that’s hidden or otherwise not visible on a page.
Figuring Out Which Markups to Use
There are two main sites that will help you figure out which markup types fit with your blog: Schema.org and Google Webmaster Tools.
#1: Authorship Markup
Authorship markup is one of the most important markup types you should use. It gives you the authorship rich snippet, which shows your picture and your name in the search results.
#2: Video Markup
#3: Events Markup
Social Media Management Tools, Channel Dashboards, Crowdfunding / Crowdspeaking platforms
(report to social media committee)
June 17, 2014
- With a myriad of social channels to manage and monitor, you either need to have several staff members devoted to social media or software to take care of your social media management needs. All the better if you have both.
So how do you decide which dashboard is right for your business? Look for these five key features.
- Social Media Management Tools, Channel Dashboards, Crowdfunding / Crowdspeaking platforms, Social Media Marketing software, social media marketing automation,
- Social Media Dashboard benefits to look for:
Top 10 Social Media Management Tools: beyond Hootsuite and TweetDeck
Products to consider (per IMS blog entry):
- Hi-end
- HootSuite
- Buffer
- SproutSocial
- Low end
- GrabinBox
Social Media Help and Reference Links
excellent source of links to contact forms for various social media, privacy policies and terms, debugger and developers.
Do you have similar links? Pls share…