Author Archive

Digital literacy – Can technology and grammar co-exist in class?

Some 30 years ago, there was only “literacy” – the ability to read and write. Then literacy proliferated into a multitude of literacies: e.g. – media (including “new media”), visual, information, computer, digital, technology, data. According to some, up to 20 literacies:

I often receive [mildly put] “unhappy” comments by students when their semester papers are turned with [a large amount of) corrections, involving their use of grammar and style. Students revolt against grammar and academic style NOT having place in a “technology” class. I counter with the fact that a technology class is still a college class and academic IS ABOUT learning how to speak and write and not only learning the “trade” (technology). There is a multitude of articles underlining the ability to write not only for English major but also computer major, e.g.:

Cilliers, C. B. (2012). Student Perception of Academic Writing Skills Activities in a Traditional Programming Course. Computers & Education, 58(4), 1028-1041.

Dankoski M, Palmer M, Gopen G, et al. Academic Writing: Supporting Faculty in a Critical Competency for Success. Journal Of Faculty Development [serial online]. May 1, 2012;26(2):47-54. Available from: ERIC, Ipswich, MA. Accessed June 1, 2014.

To make things worse (for both students and instructors), instructors are inconsistent, whereas some do evaluate students on their “technology” skills only and some (like me) insist on a “complete” academic package.

What is your take? Do you think at least two of the aforementioned literacies: technology literacy and old fashioned literacy need to co-exist in class?
is grammar and academic style in a college technology class important

For Social Media and Presentations: Free Image Sources

53+ Free Image Sources For Your Blog and Social Media Posts

As cited in our blog entry of May 29, 2014, one of the most important steps to secure success of your social media presence is the use of images:
In this blog entry, we share with you a large (53+) sites with free images. Do you know/have you used successfully a site with free images not listed here? Please DO share…

Please have an excellent outline of what “free” means, what is Creative Commons, what is Public Domain + stock sites with images:


Free Digital Photos

Free Images

Free Range Stock

Free Photos Bank


IM Free



Public Domain Pictures

and many more at

LRS and mobile devices: meeting of May 27

Good afternoon,

Tom Hergert, Chris Stanley, Plamen Miltenoff and Marian Rengel discussed various aspects on mobile devices.
It was a great conversation, since we barely touched on technological aspects, but rather brainstormed on how to structure these meetings so most can benefit.
Questions/Issues/Ideas addressed:

how to choose a devices and what to use it for
do/can tablets help you work from home. Similarly to taking a laptop to work at home: how does this reflect on the social stigma of co-workers (“you are not at your office”)
can we expand the conversation beyond LRS and attract more participants by moving the monthly meeting from LRS to any of the coffee shops on campus (iSelf, LRS, Atwood)?
is there a “timer/timing” app, which can help me easily calculate the time was really “busy” with work-related tasks?
the structure of this group: who the we cater to and how
clickers were mentioned

Please feel most welcome to enter your responses to the billeted list above and any other ideas under the following IMS blog entry:

LRS and mobile devices: meeting of May 27

Here are the links to the blog entries from the previous meetings:

LRS and mobile devices: Please join us in exploring…

LRS and mobile devices: Please join us in exploring…

Mobile Devices for Teaching and Learning: A Discussion

SMUG (smart mobile users’ group)

Contact us and contribute via social media:

IMS blog: (keyword: mobile devices)






Google +:


Social Media: 11 Tips for Using Images on Twitter

11 Tips for Using Images on Twitter

1) Take Advantage of the Larger Header Image on Your Profile

2) Humanize Your Profile

3) Share Images Directly to Twitter

4) Put Words on Your Images to Convey Meaning at a Glance

5) Tweet a Video

6) Bright Colors in Images Get Attention

7) Horizontal Images Are Best

8) Tag People or Companies in Images

9) Share Selfies

10) Use Twitter Cards

11) Add Pizzazz to Your Live Tweeting at Events

Social Media: 4 Blog Tools to Get Your Articles In Front of More Blog Readers

4 Blog Tools to Get Your Articles In Front of More Blog Readers

#1: Reveal Content After Shares

Social Locker is a clever WordPress plugin that allows you to show part of a post, and then ask your readers for a social share in order to see the rest. It’s a win-win exchange. Your reader gets access to additional content and you get the social shares you need to reach more people.

#2: Make It Easy for Readers to Share

SumoMe (a WordPress plugin) helps streamline that process for your readers. When a reader highlights a sentence in your article, SumoMe opens a window that’s pre-populated with the highlighted passage—along with Twitter and Facebook share icons. You let your visitors share the most interesting bits of your post with a single click.

#3: Automatically Distribute Articles offers a number of ways to automatically publish your blog posts to popular social platforms. But did you know it can publish Google Alerts in your RSS feed?

#4: Share Evergreen Content

The Evergreen Post Tweeter WordPress plugin selects older articles from your archives and tweets them to your audience for renewed exposure.

Backchannel: is it only K12 moving that direction?

backchannel — a digital conversation that runs concurrently with a face-to-face activity — provides students with an outlet to engage in conversation.

In a recent article by Edutopia:
The Backchannel: Giving Every Student a Voice in the Blended Mobile Classroom. (n.d.). Edutopia. Retrieved May 28, 2014, from

the author brings yet another argument in support of using the BYOD movement in K12 to promote usage of mobile devices and social media FOR the learning process, rather then seeking ways to shut them off.
It seems that Higher Ed is lagging behind in their paradigm shift toward Backchanneling.
What do you think must be done at SCSU to seek the usage of mobile devices and/or social media to involved students in the learning process?
Pollard, E. A. (2014). Tweeting on the Backchannel of the Jumbo-Sized Lecture Hall: Maximizing Collective Learning in a World History Survey. History Teacher, 47(3), 329-354., L. D., Goldman-Levine, J. D., Kostka-Rokosz, M. D., & McCloskey, W. W. (2014). Twitter as an in-class backchannel tool in a large required pharmacy course. American Journal Of Pharmaceutical Education, (3),, H., Bowen, K., & Olesova, L. (2010). Hotseat: Opening the Backchannel in Large Lectures. EDUCAUSE Quarterly, 33(3),

Cronin, J. J. (2011). The Classroom as a Virtual Community: An Experience with Student Backchannel Discourse. Business Education Innovation Journal, 3(2), 56-65.

Pohl, A., Gehlen-Baum, V., & Bry, F. (2012). Enhancing the Digital Backchannel Backstage on the Basis of a Formative User Study. International Journal Of Emerging Technologies In Learning, 7(1), 33.

Jarrett, K., & Devine, M. A. (2010). How to use backchanneling in your classroom. Education Digest, (1), 41.

Reid, A. (2011). Social media assemblages in digital humanities: From backchannel to buzz. doi:10.1108/S2044-9968(2011)0000003019

Blended Learning and Blended Instructional Model

Blended Learning: Resource Roundup

4 Tips for Getting to Know the Blended Instructional Model

Tip #1: Kids Aren’t as Tech Savvy as You Think

Tip #2: Be Wary of Online Textbooks and Online Classes

Tip #3: PowerPoint is for Planning Lessons, Not Delivering Lectures

Tip #4: Get Your Students to Communicate with Each Other

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