Essay on the cover letter for academic jobs
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Inside Higher Ed
Digital Literacy for St. Cloud State University
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Inside Higher Ed
Using to Help Library Patrons
Some 13-Year-Olds Tell Us Why They Think Facebook Stinks
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now that he has a phone, he would rather check out other cooler options, like Snapchat, Vine, and Instagram.
words are less important than images and videos
“I wouldn’t de-activate,” Aidan said. “It’s still a way to connect, I just won’t check it often.”
The take-home message for instructors is that, to maximize student engagement, they should work with instructional designers and video producers to break up their lectures into small, bite-sized pieces.
good graph on the bottom of the article (
1 Use TweetDeck
2 The more you give, the more you get
3 The power of the hashtag
4 Join the #edchatNZ club
5 Focus on following not followers
6 Make use of lists
7 Saving tweets for a rainy day
8 Don’t be a boring tweeter
9 Teaching with Twitter
10 The art of pithiness
Differences between Digital Natives and Digital Immigrants
Teachers on Pinterest – A Great Resource for Teachers ~ Educational Technology and Mobile Learning
Bring Your Own Device/Technology is an initiative meant to increase students learning opportunities through technology.