Archive of ‘learning’ category

mindfulness not entirely inherent

Researchers find that mindfulness — purposefully paying attention to everything going on around you in the present moment — is not entirely inherent within people but is partly elicited and shaped by situations. from r/science

While metacognitive beliefs aid individuals in higher levels of self-regulation, mental fatigue draws resources away from self-regulation. Meanwhile, how individuals appraise a situation influence how much self-regulation is needed to maintain mindfulness.

“Despite the increasing prevalence of mindfulness in organizational research, we have yet to seriously consider its antecedents: how and why people become more or less mindful from one situation to the next.” In other words, while researchers have previously explored what mindfulness predicts, little to no research has studied what predicts mindfulness, which represents the core contribution of Reina’s study.

“Mindfulness is often assumed to be something that people bring with them into situations, some stable psychological property that is inherent to them,” the study concludes. “The present research helps nuance this assumption. If we instead see mindfulness as arising from the coming together of people and their situations, we can better conceptualize mindfulness and design organizational situations that enhance it.

more on mindfulness in this IMS blog

Higher ed trends 2020 educause

Higher Education’s 2020 Trend Watch & Top 10 Strategic Technologies

D. Christopher Brooks  Mark McCormack  Ben Shulman Monday, January 27, 2020

Top 10 Strategic Technologies

    1. Uses of APIs
    2. Institutional support for accessibility technologies
    3. Blended data center (on premises and cloud based)
    4. Incorporation of mobile devices in teaching and learning
    5. Open educational resources

Technologies for improving analysis of student data

    1. Security analytics
    2. Integrated student success planning and advising systems
    3. Mobile apps for enterprise applications
    4. Predictive analytics for student success (institutional level)

At least 35% of institutions are tracking these five technologies in 2020: Support for 5G; Wi-Fi 6 (802.11 ax, AX Wi-Fi); Identity as a Service (IDaaS); Digital microcredentials (including badging); Uses of the Internet of Things for teaching and learning; and Next-generation digital learning environment

more on educause in this IMS blog

Shared Kitchens and Soviet Politics

How Russia’s Shared Kitchens Helped Shape Soviet Politics

2019 Study of Faculty and Information Technology

EDUCAUSE Center for Analysis and Research (ECAR)

bar chart illustrating faculty teaching environment preferences for specific course-related activities and assignments

Faculty satisfaction declines, but IT support is valued.

bar chart illustrating faculty ratings of connection and communications resources

Faculty continue to ban student-owned devices, but is there a middle ground for effective learning?

Bar graph illustrating faculty classroom policies on mobile devices

more on educause and faculty in this IMS blog


LAK20 – “Celebrating 10 years of LAK: Shaping the future of the field”

23-27 March 2020, Frankfurt, Germany,

We have the pleasure to invite you to the 10th International Conference on Learning Analytics & Knowledge (LAK20)which will be held in Frankfurt, Germany between 23-27 March 2020. This year, LAK20 will feature 80 research and 12 practitioner presentations, over 60 poster presentations, and best-paper presentations from EDM and ACL EDU conferences.

We also have a great lineup of world-renowned keynote speakers:

Professor Shane Dawson, University of South Australia, Australia
Professor Milena Tsvetkova, London School of Economics and Political Science, The United Kingdom
Professor Allyson Hadwin, The University of Victoria, Canada

As it is the tenth anniversary of the LAK conference, LAK20 celebrates the past successes of the learning analytics community and poses new questions and challenges for the field. The theme for this year is “Shaping the future of the field” and focuses on thinking how we can advance learning analytics and drive its development over the next ten years and beyond.

The LAK conference is intended for both researchers and practitioners. We invite both researchers and practitioners of learning analytics to come and join a proactive dialogue around the future of learning analytics and its practical adoption. We further extend our invite to educators, leaders, administrators, government and industry professionals interested in the field of learning analytics and related disciplines.

For the details of the conference schedule, see

Register at

About the Conference


The International Conference on Learning Analytics & Knowledge is the premier research forum in the field of learning analytics and educational technology, providing common ground for all stakeholders in the design of analytics systems to debate the state of the art at the intersection of Learning and Analytics – including researchers, educators, instructional designers, data scientists, software developers, institutional leaders and governmental policymakers. The conference is organised by the Society for Learning Analytics Research (SoLAR) and held in cooperation with ACM in association with ACM SIGCHI and SIGWEB, with the double-blind, peer-reviewed proceedings archived in the ACM Digital Library.

more on learning analytics in this IMS blog

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