office in VR

  • The pandemic is driving interest in using virtual reality for business.
  • Facebook’s Oculus 2 VR headset will support an application called Infinite Office that allows people to work in a virtual office.
  • Advances are needed before VR can replace real-life interactions, experts say.

more on VR in this IMS blog

more on XR in this IMS blog

more on ASVR in this IMS blog

Coursetune on Future Trends

This week we’re diving into technology and its impact on higher education with the help of a terrific guest.  On Thursday, October 1st, from 2-3 pm EDT, we’ll be joined by Maria Anderson, math professor, futurist, entrepreneur, and previous Forum guest.
Maria is the principal consultant at Edge of Learning and the CEO and Cofounder of Coursetune, an edtech company that builds curriculum design, management, visualization, and collaboration software.

Previously, Maria has been the Director of Learning and Research for Instructure. For ten years she taught mathematics as well as chemistry and social media  full-time at Muskegon Community College.  She was also the Learning Futurist for the LIFT Institute.

I plan on asking Maria about how campuses are using new and emerging technology to improve online or blended learning this fall.  Which technologies have moved to the forefront in this pandemic semester?

And, as always, you will have the chance to ask your own questions. After all, the way the Forum works is that all attendees can ask our guests questions, engage and collaborate with other leaders in education technology, and also invite friends and colleagues to join.

To RSVP ahead of time, or to jump straight in at 2 pm EDT this Thursday, click here:

my notes from the meeting:
CMS do not cut it anymore
class sections are obsolete in online environment

more on future trends in this IMS blog

deepfake Putin

Deepfake Putin is here to warn Americans about their self-inflicted doom. AI-generated synthetic media is being used in a political ad campaign—not to disrupt the election, but to save it. from r/technology

They then worked with a deepfake artist who used an open-source algorithm to swap in Putin’s and Kim’s faces. A post-production crew cleaned up the leftover artifacts of the algorithm to make the video look more realistic. All in all the process took only 10 days. Attempting the equivalent with CGI likely would have taken months, the team says. It also could have been prohibitively expensive.

more on deepfake in this IMS blog

Government by the worst

Warde, I. (2020, August 1). Government by the worst. Le Monde Diplomatique.

Like Alexis de Tocqueville described early 19th century US, this article lays out well the current cancer of the country.

Ubu is a grotesque and shameless character, megalomaniac and authoritarian, an who ‘says stupid things with loutish authority’. Indifferent to the rules he sets and violates, if not contemptuous of them, he is sometimes transparent in trumpeting his designs and methods.
The 20th century had no shortage of putschist generals, bloodthirsty buffoons and other Ubu-like figures who caused havoc in the countries they ruled.
The president-elect flew into a rage when he learned that a fundraiser was being organised to pay staff for his accession into office and screamed at the head of the transition team, ‘You’re stealing my fucking money.’
Kakistocracy in action is personified by the outsized role of presidential son-in-law Jared Kushner
Beyond ‘misgovernment for profit’, kakistocracy serves a political agenda. Grover Norquist, president of Americans for Tax Reform, said the aim of free-market zealots is to reduce the size of the state ‘in order to be able to drown it in a bathtub’, implying it needs incompetence to discredit the idea of public service.

stories from Romania

This story reads as the one about Matthias Corvinus and Vlad Tepes, or Vlad the Impaler., or Vlad Dracula.
After the Ottoman Empire attacked Vlad Tepes from the South, Matthias Corvinus, one of the recognized most educated sovereign in his times, start spreading rumors that Vlad sucks blood from his peasants, to spread demoralization, so he can expand to the East on account of Vlad Tepes’ lands.

digital twin

Consider these 10things that happen on a digital twin virtual reality campus that cannot happen in a real-world, physical campus:

  1. Expand a human organ and step inside it. (Here similar video with Mark Gill in the SCSU CAVE:
  2. Step into a Star Trek-style transporter and beam up to a starship to learn astronomy on a space walk.
  3. Expand the dissectible pig to the size of a school bus and space-walk through the organs and cavities as you learn about anatomy.
  4. View a wooly mammoth skeleton and then step onto a time machine and go back in time 40,000 years to walk among a herd of wooly mammoths.
  5. Travel to the Great Wall of China, stand upon it and learn the history and engineering of this structure — all in the space of one class period.
  6. Select from the world’s greatest paintings and organize an exhibit in a museum — and let every student do this in their own way.
  7. Watch a video about dinosaurs and then watch as the dinosaurs walk out of the screen and into the middle of the classroom.
  8. Learn Spanish language and culture at the Pyramid of the Moon, rather than a four-walled classroom.
  9. Learn molecular biology by expanding molecules to the size of a basketball.
  10. Gain a greater understanding of history by stepping back in time to the Roman Colosseum and touring it as a class just as it stood 2500 years ago.

more on digital worlds in this IMS blog

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