‘Price gouging from Covid’: student ebooks costing up to 500% more than in print from r/books
Nearly 3,000 librarians, academics and students have now signed an open letter calling for a public investigation into the “unaffordable, unsustainable and inaccessible” academic ebook market.
Johanna Anderson, subject librarian at the University of Gloucestershire and one of the authors of the letter, says: “Publishers are manipulating the market and price gouging from Covid. We are trying to support students during an unprecedented public health crisis and they are making it so much harder. It is a scandal.”
Caroline Ball, subject librarian at the University of Derby, says one reason librarians are angry is that academic publishing is one of the most lucrative industries in the world, with unusually high profit margins, estimated at around 40%.
more on ebook prices in the SCSU OER blog
Google is going to convert ebooks to audiobooks
more on audio books in this IMS blog
Ithaka S+R US Faculty Survey 2018
Table 1

Table 2

Table 3

Table 4

Table 5

Table 6

Table 7
Figure 29: Are your research publications and/or products freely available online through your institution’s repository, a disciplinary repository (such as arXiv, SSRN, etc.), or available elsewhere online (such as your personal webpage)? For each type(s) of scholarly work(s) listed below, please select all hosting sources that apply. Of the respondents that make each of the following types of publications and/or products freely available online, the percent who indicated their research is hosted in each of the following.

Table 8
Which of the following statements best describes your role in deciding what textbooks and other course materials will be used in the courses you teach? Percent of respondents who selected each item.

Table 9

Table 10

Table 11

Learning Analytics Tools
Table 12

table 13

table 14

table 15

Notes from the webinar: https://umn.webex.com/umn/j.php?MTID=m2f3186267dababf407f36d3c2060f34c
For Librarians
Virginia Connell. Concordia
seems that the “library portion” was only regarding information literacy. I am wondering if the metaliteracy (e.g. visual literacy – how to present) was included and/or is intended to be included
from Plamen Miltenoff to everyone:
I am also wondering if the book can be “templated” and offered to other campuses to be adapted
from Louann to everyone:
I think the value in this could be in faculty exposure –and potential faculty advocates spreading the word
Kathy Johnson from St John’s how much work does it entail. Difficult to quantify. Resize photographs.
Virginia Connell, if there is a WordPress person (myself) and content specialist, it is manageable.
was there already projects going on on the campus. Library-sponsored
Shane Nackerud: need for support when using WordPress,
Terri Fishel to everyone:
Would there be a way to develop a shared FAQ document with issues such as this for the group?
2015 Student and Faculty Technology Research Studies
Report: https://library.educause.edu/~/media/files/library/2015/8/ers1510ss.pdf?la=en
Infographic: ECAR_2015
Study of Students and Information Technology, 2014
report: https://library.educause.edu/~/media/files/library/2014/10/ers1406.pdf
Infographic: ECAR_2014
Higher Ed: EDUCAUSE Releases ECAR Study of Undergraduate Students and Information Technology 2013
Gary Price
Direct to Full Text Report (49 pages; PDF)

ECAR 2011

The Secret You Need to Know About Ebooks
BookBub, a daily email that alerts readers to free and deeply discounted ebooks that are available for a limited time.
To see today’s ebook deals, go to http://www.bookbub.com.
More on ebooks in this IMS blog:
excellent introduction to ebooks, ereaders and eformats here:
BookBub: http://landers.bookbub.com/
Swanson, C. (2013). BookBub closing in on two million members. Publishers Weekly, (49). 6.