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animation for education

video animation program to easily create quick video animations to enhance the learning experience in online courses.

  1. Camtasia
  3. Plotagon 14 days free trial period, $99 for 30 students per year

more on animation in this IMS blog

how to social media for promotion

How to use social media for promotion



coding is blue collar

The Next Big Blue-Collar Job Is Coding


Business Date of Publication: 02.08.17.

In Kentucky, mining veteran Rusty Justice decided that code could replace coal. He cofounded Bit Source, a code shop that builds its workforce by retraining coal miners as programmers. Enthusiasm is sky high: Justice got 950 applications for his first 11 positions. Miners, it turns out, are accustomed to deep focus, team play, and working with complex engineering tech. “Coal miners are really technology workers who get dirty,” Justice says.


more on coding in this IMS blog

tech in China

The uncomfortable truth about tech in China

By Steve Kelman

Only recently, the general view in the U.S. was that the less-free Chinese system created a poor environment for tech innovation. Put somewhat simply, the argument was that in a society without our kind of freedom of speech or unrestricted access to communication such as the Internet, people would miss out on information and ideas that come from a free system and feel more psychologically constrained from venturing off the beaten path with innovative ideas. The Chinese would be limited, in this view, to knock-offs of U.S. technologies.

The government has also cracked down on use of virtual private networks that Chinese, especially young people, have used to “climb the wall” (i.e. find sites outside the “Great Firewall of China”). And recently, there were media complaints that at the top elite universities such as Tsinghua the anti-VPN policy was not being enforced strictly enough.

Clearly, though, Chinese progress has taken place despite these restrictions.

we should not naively assume that all good (or bad) things go together. Maybe freedom of political and cultural expression is not as important as we have thought for advances, say, in information technology. But it still might be more important for development of less technical or scientific ideas such as public policy proposals or cultural expressions.

more on virtual networks for civic activities

video for learning and teaching

Videos in the classroom: fast and easy.

Feb. 10, 10-10:45PM. MC 205. attendees cap is 5.

List of other instruction sessions available here:

more on video editing in this IMS blog

adler maslow rogers

Alfred Adler

Adler examined personality around the same time as Carl Jung and Sigmund Freud. They worked on some theories together until Adler rejected Freud’s emphasis on sex, and maintained that personality difficulties are rooted in a feeling of inferiority deriving from restrictions on the individual’s need for self-assertion.

Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs

by published 2007, updated 2016

Carl Rogers

agreed with the main assumptions of Abraham Maslow, but added that for a person to “grow”, they need an environment that provides them with genuineness (openness and self-disclosure), acceptance (being seen with unconditional positive regard), and empathy (being listened to and understood).

more about psychology in this IMS blog

trump netneutrality

Trump’s F.C.C. Pick Quickly Targets Net Neutrality Rules

more on net neutrality in this IMS blog

social media and community opinion

Ijcsis, J. of C. S., Suryani, M., Ghani, J., & Suryani, M. (2016). IMPACT OF SOCIAL MEDIA ON CLOSED COMMUNITY BY CONSIDERING OPINION MINING. International Journal of Computer Science and Information Security, 14(11), 944–954. Last retrieved Feburary 6, 2017 from
Mining social media has its potential to extract actionable patterns that can be beneficial for business, users, and consumers. Opinion mining from social media can be a faster and less expensive alternative to traditional survey and polling, on which many sustainability researches are based.
Crowd Capital Theory.
ex-post facto design
my opinion:
format-wise – poorly written. No proofreading by the authors, but also by the peer-previewers.
Academic English does not recognize “get” and “put.” Sometimes, the ideas are not presented clearly. In-text citations need work: e.g. p. 946 “Andrews in 2012 said that may researchers indicate that the info…”; instead of “According to Andrews (2012), numerous researchers indicate the possibility of social network information to be used as a tool for spying.”  Similarly, on page 947: ” (Saxton et al., 2012)” must be “Saxton et al., (2012)”
Verbs are missing: e.g. p. 946 “A case study on effect of social networking sites in emergency departments for patient care.”
p. 953 “in all these study” – adjective / subject disagreement.
content-wise, the article also presents ad-hod information, rather then clearly structured and delinted conclusions: e.g., on page p. 947, the authors announce as the goal of this study ” to investigate the role of “social networks” in creating a positive or negative impact on the social, behavioral and educational aspics of our community.”
None of the three links to the surveys are functional:e.g., CI9f9e8/viewform?c=0&w=1&usp=mail_form_link

more on social media in this IMS blog

Netlix and HBO on VR

Netflix and HBO launch virtual reality apps on Google Play

Jacob Siegal

The content itself isn’t VR, just the digital venue.
Along with these three apps, Google has also brought NextVR to Daydream, which is the only app of the bunch that actually offers 360-degree, 3D video. With Netflix VR, HBO VR, NextVR, Hulu VR and Google Play Movies & TV, Daydream has suddenly become the undisputed leader of VR video.
More on on VR in this IMS blog

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