2022 archive

Getting the most out of Wikibase4Lib

Getting the most out of Wikibase4Lib

Jim Hahn, Timothy Ryan Mendenhall, Esther Jackson

Monday May 23, 2022 | 9am-12pm EDT | Hayes Hall, University at Buffalo | Conference Website

Workshop Summary

This three hour session will provide an introduction to getting Wikibase, the software that powers Wikidata, configured on your local machine by way of Docker Desktop. The session includes an accessible and newbie friendly introduction to using Docker on your laptop, followed by a necessary (though not overly technical) delineation of the unique technology stack that makes up the Wikibase linked data system.

Formative Assessment

7 Smart, Fast Ways to Do Formative Assessment

Within these methods you’ll find close to 40 tools and tricks for finding out what your students know while they’re still learning.


Entry and exit slips

Exit slips can take lots of forms beyond the old-school pencil and scrap paper. Whether you’re assessing at the bottom of Bloom’s taxonomy or the top, you can use tools like Padlet or Poll Everywhere, or measure progress toward attainment or retention of essential content or standards with tools like Google Classroom’s Question toolGoogle Forms with Flubaroo, and Edulastic,

Low-stakes quizzes and polls: If you want to find out whether your students really know as much as you think they know, polls and quizzes created with Socrative or Quizlet or in-class games and tools like QuizalizeKahoot, FlipQuiz, GimkitPlickers, and Flippity

Dipsticks: So-called alternative formative assessments are meant to be as easy and quick as checking the oil in your car, so they’re sometimes referred to as dipsticks. These can be things like asking students to:

  • write a letter explaining a key idea to a friend,
  • draw a sketch to visually represent new knowledge, or
  • do a think, pair, share exercise with a partner.

Interview assessments: If you want to dig a little deeper into students’ understanding of content, try discussion-based assessment methods. Casual chats with students in the classroom can help them feel at ease even as you get a sense of what they know, and you may find that five-minute interview assessments

TAG feedback 

FlipgridExplain Everything, or Seesaw

Methods that incorporate art: Consider using visual art or photography or videography as an assessment tool. Whether students draw, create a collage, or sculpt, you may find that the assessment helps them synthesize their learning.

Misconceptions and errors: Sometimes it’s helpful to see if students understand why something is incorrect or why a concept is hard. Ask students to explain the “muddiest point” in the lesson—the place where things got confusing or particularly difficult or where they still lack clarity. Or do a misconception check:

Self-assessment: Don’t forget to consult the experts—the kids. Often you can give your rubric to your student

GitHub China Gitee

Gitee, China’s answer to GitHub, to review all code by temporarily closing open-source projects to the public

  • China’s largest open-source code platform will temporarily close public repositories to review their contents before opening them up again
  • The policy change, for which no reason was given, comes as Beijing tightens its grip on internet content


the Chinese government has misunderstood open source.

“It is not about code. It is the community, the people who develop the code,” he said. “If one just copies the code to another platform where nobody contributes to improving it, it’s dead open source.”

Use Fake Social Media Profiles to Spy

Chicago Cops Can Use Fake Social Media Profiles to Spy On You, With the FBI’s Help

Police continue to use social media in questionable ways to monitor and track down protestors in photos and videos, according to a new report.

Manufactured social media profiles, not linked to any real person, are theoretically a violation of Facebook’s authenticity policy.

one-week break from social media


Taking a One-Week Break from Social Media Improves Well-Being, Depression, and Anxiety: A Randomized Controlled Trial

The intervention effect on well-being was partially mediated by a reduction in total weekly self-reported minutes on SM. The intervention effect on depression and anxiety was partially mediated by a reduction in total weekly self-reported minutes on Twitter and TikTok, and TikTok alone, respectively. The present study shows that asking people to stop using SM for 1 week leads to significant improvements in well-being, depression, and anxiety.

3 new techologies

Technologies That Are Going To Change Everything

The future is looking bright.

Vanadium Flow Batteries

limited to mostly stationary applications.

The main issue with Lithium batteries is the lack of profitability for recycling. The elements such as cobalt, nickel, and lithium all need to be extracted and separated, and then reassembled into new batterie

Programmable cells

Xenobots” and have essentially become living nanobots.

Real-World Thinking Skills

5 Ideas for Developing Real-World Thinking Skills


IDEAS—Inquiry, Design, Evaluation, Argument, and Systems Analysis. Let’s unpack these processes:
  • Inquiry is an investigative process that seeks out understandings and explanations—of observations, outcomes, concepts, and events. The process is driven by thoughtful questions that can be researched and explored in different ways—for example, by analyzing data or documents, generating models, or conducting experiments.
  • Design is an iterative process that results in the development of a new product or process for addressing a need, solving a problem, or improving an existing product/process. It includes clarifying a problem or need, generating possible solutions, testing/evaluating solution options, and developing a plan for implementation.
  • Evaluation involves selecting and applying appropriate criteria for assessing the quality, significance, or merit of something. Evaluation can be used to judge things like products (e.g., the strength of a bridge), outcomes (e.g., the accuracy of a stock market prediction), and processes (e.g., effectiveness of group work).
  • Argumentation is a reasoning process for debating and supporting an idea or position. It involves making a claim and justifying it with reasons and evidence. It can also involve critiquing an argument by challenging its claim or the reasons or evidence given to support it.
  • Systems Analysis is a process for understanding a system’s elements and how they interact. It includes analyzing the various elements in a system and predicting how changes to any part(s) of the system can have both short- and long-term consequences.

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