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Surveillance Age and Librarians

Privacy in the Surveillance Age: How Librarians Can Fight Back.
Wednesday, December 9, 2015
2pm Eastern (11am Pacific | 12pm Mountain | 1pm Central)
In the wake of Edward Snowden’s revelations about NSA and FBI dragnet surveillance, many Americans are concerned that their rights to privacy and intellectual freedom are under threat. But librarians are perfectly positioned to help our communities develop strategies to protect themselves against unwanted surveillance. In this webinar, Alison Macrina and April Glaser of the Library Freedom Project will talk about the landscape of surveillance, the work of the LFP, and some tips and tools librarians can use to resist pervasive surveillance in the digital age.
About the Presenters:
Alison Macrina is a librarian, privacy rights activist, and the founder and director of the Library Freedom Project, an initiative which aims to make real the promise of intellectual freedom in libraries by teaching librarians and their local communities about surveillance threats, privacy rights and law, and privacy-protecting technology tools to help safeguard digital freedoms. Alison is passionate about connecting surveillance issues to larger global struggles for justice, demystifying privacy and security technologies for ordinary users, and resisting an internet controlled by a handful of intelligence agencies and giant multinational corporations. When she’s not doing any of that, she’s reading.
April Glaser is a writer and an activist with the Library Freedom Project. She currently works as a mobilization specialist at Greenpeace USA, where she focuses on ending oil extraction in the Arctic. Prior to Greenpeace, April was at the Electronic Frontier Foundation, organizing around the net neutrality campaign and EFF’s grassroots programming. April also previously worked with the Prometheus Radio Project, where her efforts helped propel the passage of the Local Community Radio Act, the largest expansion of community radio in U.S. history. She lives in Oakland, California and continues to work with local organizations on a range of digital rights issues.
Can’t make it to the live show? That’s okay. The session will be recorded and available on the Carterette Series Webinars site for later viewing.
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2. Complete and submit the form.
3. A URL for the event will be emailed to you immediately after registration.
Contact a member of the Carterette Series planning team with questions or suggestions:
More on privacy in this IMS blog:

predictive analysis

Driving positive change in the student life cycle

How to make better decisions faster

IBM Predictive Analytics Solutions for Education can help you improve outcomes

Your data is a record of what’s already happened. But did you know that the same data—combined with the right analytical tools—can give you a forward-looking view of your situation, along with recommendations for decision making?

Read this white paper to learn how predictive analytics can help your institution address a range of challenges, from increasing graduation rates student by student to optimizing recruitment, fundraising and the performance measures that matter most. 

online learning and course design

Online learning can work if universities just rethink the design of their courses

Course design is key to improving student engagement

Training teachers in how to design their courses is key to re-engaging individual students and holding back the tide of dropouts.

Five tips for designing an online course:

  1. State your objective: Each lesson should have one concise, action-oriented learning objective to ensure your lesson design process is focused.
  2. Think as a private tutor: Learners today are inundated with media tailored to them and they expect learning to be tailored as well. So think about how the tools available, including new technologies, will help create meaningful learning moments for all your students.
  3. Storyboard before you build: Being able to see a complete lesson, especially one that integrates various mediums, is essential to creating a successful learning experience.
  4. Build towards high-order thinking: Technology in education can go beyond multiple-choice questions and document repositories. Don’t be afraid to integrate tools that let learners create and share.
  5. Remember you’re learning too: Reviewing learner results from a lesson shouldn’t just be about their score, but also evaluating how effectively the lesson was developed and executed so your teaching can adapt and learn as well.

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New Technology Allows Breakout Sessions for Large Online Video Classes

Zoom Breakout Rooms will allow instructors in video classes as large as 200 students to break into as many as 50 smaller groups. By Michael Hart 12/01/15


The Teaching Professor Technology Conference

The Teaching Professor Technology Conference

The Teaching Professor Technology Conference will include sessions on:

  • Faculty Development
  • Course Design
  • Legal Issues and Policy
  • Grading and Feedback
  • Student Engagement
  • Content Delivery

How to Register  Online:  Email:  Phone: 800-433-0499 (US & Canada) or 608-246-3590 (Int’l)

Online Service Learning Project

Exploring innovative service learning activities for online classes is the goal behind How Can I Create an Online Service Learning Project?, the 20-Minute Mentor video from Magna Publications, now available for purchase.

Online classes pose a special problem for faculty wanting to do service learning. These students expect greater flexibility and the ability to fulfill assignments at their computer—conditions that are not particularly conducive to traditional service learning opportunities.

How to structure a call to action activity and how to guide online students in choosing topics that stimulate them. Particular emphasis is given to coming up with a topic that ignites student ambition, but which can be realistically executed in the allotted time. You learn how to help them establish sensible schedules, prepare interim updates, and submit a final report.

on education and gamification

Tom said to himself that it was not such a hollow world, after all. He had discovered a great law of human action, without knowing it—namely, that in order to make a man or a boy covet a thing, it is only necessary to make the thing difficult to attain. If he had been a great and wise philosopher, like the writer of this book, he would now have comprehended that Work consists of whatever a body is obliged to do, and that Play consists of whatever a body is not obliged to do. And this would help him to understand why constructing artificial flowers or performing on a tread-mill is work, while rolling ten-pins or climbing Mont Blanc is only amusement. There are wealthy gentlemen in England who drive four-horse passenger-coaches twenty or thirty miles on a daily line, in the summer, because the privilege costs them considerable money; but if they were offered wages for the service, that would turn it into work and then they would resign.

Twain, M. (2006). The Adventures of Tom Sawyer. Chapter 2.

discounts and funding

Strategies for E-Rate Success: Essential Steps to Secure Funding.

access to watch the virtual presentation on-demand

John Harrington, CEO Funds for Learning

design to support educational technology

Building Learning Spaces for the Net Generation

Facilitating Anywhere, Anytime Learning with Networking Solutions

More on active learning spaces in this IMS blog:

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