Archive of ‘Digital literacy’ category

Software Carpentry Workshop

Minnesota State University Moorhead – Software Carpentry Workshop

Reservation code: 680510823  Reservation for: Plamen Miltenoff

Hagen Hall – 600 11th St S – Room 207 – Moorhead



Jeff – certified Bash Python, John

what is shall and what does it do. language close to computers, fast.

what is “bash” . cd, ls

shell job is a translator between the binory code, the middle name. several types of shells, with slight differences. one natively installed on MAC and Unix. born-again shell

bash commands: cd change director, ls – list; ls -F if it does not work: man ls (manual for LS); colon lower left corner tells you can scrool; q for escape; ls -ltr

arguments is colloquially used with different names. options, flags, parameters

cd ..  – move up one directory .      pwd : see the content      cd data_shell/   – go down one directory

cd ~  – brings me al the way up .        $HOME (universally defined variable

the default behavior of cd is to bring to home directory.

the core shall commands accept the same shell commands (letters)

$ du -h .     gives me the size of the files. ctrl C to stop

$ clear . – clear the entire screen, scroll up to go back to previous command

man history $ history $! pwd (to go to pwd . $ history | grep history (piping)

$ cat (and the file name) – standard output

$ cat ../

how to edit and delete files

to create new folder: $ mkdir . – make directory

text editors – nano, vim (UNIX text editors) .      $ nano draft.txt .  ctrl O (save) ctr X (exit) .
$ vim . shift  esc (key)  and in command line – wq (write quit) or just “q”

$ mv draft.txt ../data . (move files)

to remove $ rm thesis/:     $ man rm

copy files       $cp    $ touch . (touches the file, creates if new)

remove $ rm .    anything PSEUDO is dangerous   Bash profile: cp -i

*- wild card, truncate       $ ls analyzed      (list of the analyized directory)

stackoverflow web site .


head command .  $head (check only the first several lines of a large file

$ for filename in basilisk.dat unicorn.dat . (making a loop = multiline)

> do (expecting an action) do

> head -n 3 $filename . (3 is for the first three line of the file to be displayed and -n is for the number)

> done

for doing repetitive functions


$ for filename in *.dat ; do head -n 3$x; done

$ for filename in *.dat ; do echo $filename do head -n 3$x; done

$ echo $filename (print statement)

how to loop

$ for filename in *.dat ; do echo $filename ; echo head -n 3 $filename ; done

ctrl c or apple comd dot to get out of the loop


$ for filename in *.dat

> do

> $filename

> head -n  10 (first ten files ) $filename | tail  -n 20 (last twenty lines)

$ for filename  in *.dat

>> echo  $filename
>> done

$ for filename in *.dat
>> do
>> cp $filename orig_$filename

history > something else

$ head something.else


another function: word count

$ wc *.pdb  (protein databank)

$ head cubane.pdb

if i don;t know how to read the outpun $ man wc

the difference between “*” and “?”

$ wc -l *.pdb


wc -l *.pdb > lenghts.txs

cat lenghts.txt

$ for fil in *.txt
>>> do
>>> wc -l $fil

by putting a $ sign use that not the actual text.


nano . The entire point of shell is to automate

$ bash (exectubale) to run the program

rwx – rwx – rwx . (owner – group -anybody)


$ file

$path .

$ echo $PATH | tr “:” “\n”








$ export PATH=$PWD:$PATH

(this is to make sure that the last version of Python is running)

$ ls ~ . (hidden files)        

$ ls -a ~

$ touch .bach_profile .bashrc

$history | grep PATH

   19   echo $PATH

   44  echo #PATH | tr “:” “\n”

   45   echo $PATH | tr “:” “\n”

   46   export PATH=$PWD:$PATH

   47  echo #PATH | tr “:” “\n”

   48   echo #PATH | tr “:” “\n”

   55  history | grep PATH


wc -l “$@” | sort -n ($@  – encompasses eerything. will process every single file in the list of files


$ chmod (make it executable)


$ find . -type d . (find only directories, recursively, ) 

$ find . -type f (files, instead of directories)

$ find . -name ‘*.txt’ . (find files by name, don’t forget single quotes)

$ wc -l $(find . -name ‘*.txt’)  – when searching among direcories on different level

$ find . -name ‘*.txt’ | xargs wc -l    –  same as above ; two ways to do one and the same




Link to the Python Plotting :

C and C++. scripting purposes in microbiology (instructor). libraries, packages alongside Python, which can extend its functionality. numpy and scipy (numeric and science python). Python for academic libraries?

going out of python $ quit () .      python expect beginning and end parenthesis

new terminal needed after installation. anaconda 5.0.1

python 3 is complete redesign, not only an update.

jupyter crashes in safari. open in chrome. spg engine maybe

to start python in the terminal $ python

>> variable = 3

>> variable +10

several data types.

stored in JSON format.

command vs edit code.  code cell is the gray box. a text cell is plain text

markdown syntax. format working with git and github .  search explanation in

hackMD (use your GIthub account)

PANDOC – translates different data formats.

print is a function

in what cases i will run my data trough Python instead of SPSS?

python is a 0 based language. starts counting with 0 – Java, C, P

atom_name = ‘helium ‘
print(atom_name[0])                  string slicing and indexing is tricky

atom_name = ‘helium ‘
atom_name = ‘helium ‘
print(atom_name[7])                python does not know how to slice it
synthax of python is        start : end : countby/step
string versus list .   string is in a single quote, list will have brakets
strings allow me to work not only w values, revers the string
atom_name = ‘helium lithium beryllium’
muillyreb muihtil muileh
Atom_name = ‘helium’
len (atom_name)                                     6 .             case sensitive
to clean the memory, restart the kernel
objects in Python have different types. adopt a class, value may have class inherent in its defintion
print (type(’42’)) .   Python tells me that it is a string
print (type(42)) .    tells e it is a string
to combine integer and letter: print (str(1) + ‘A’)
converting a string to integer . : print (1 + int(’55’)) .    all the same type
translation table. numerical representation of a string
print (‘half is’, 1 / 2.0)
built in functions and help
print is a function, lenght is a function (len); type, string, int, max, round,
Python does not explain well why the code breaks
ASCI character set – build in Python conversation
libraries – package:
function “import”
 Saturdady afternoon
reading .CSV in Python
**For windows users only: set up git 
python is object oriented and i can define the objects
python creates its own types of objects (which we model) and those are called “DataFrame”
method applied it is an attribute to data that already exists. – difference from function . is function – it does not take any arguments
data.columns . is a method
print (data.T) .  transpose.  not easy in Excel, but very easy in Python
print (data.describe()) .
%matplotlib inline teling Jupyter notebook

import pandas

data = pandas.read_csv(‘/Users/plamen_local/Desktop/data/gapminder_gdp_oceania.csv’ , index_col=’country’)

GD plot 2 is the most well known library.

xelatex is a PDF engine.  reST restructured text like Markdown.  google what is the best PDF engine with Jupyter

four loops .  any computer language will have the concept of “for” loop. In Python: 1. whenever we create a “for” loop, that line must end with a single colon

2. indentation.  any “if” statement in the “for” loop, gets indented

pedagogically sound Minecraft examples

FridayLive!! Oct 27 THIS WEEK 2:00 PM EDT 

Minecraft for Higher Ed? Try it. Pros, Cons, Recommendations? 

Description: Why Minecraft, the online video game? How can Minecraft improve learning for higher education?
We’ll begin with a live demo in which all can participate (see “Minecraft for Free”).
We’ll review “Examples, Not Rumors” of successful adaptations and USES of Minecraft for teaching/learning in higher education. Especially those submitted in advance
And we’ll try to extract from these activities a few recommendations/questions/requests re Minecraft in higher education.


Minecraft Education Edition:
(more info:


Minecraft empathy skills 

coding w MineCraft

Minecraft for Math

Higher Ed:

Why NOT to use minecraft in education:

College Students Get Virtual Look at the Real World with ‘Minecraft’

Carnegie Mellon University uses the game-based learning tool to help students demonstrate engineering skills. SEP182017

Using Minecraft in Higher Education!topic/minecraft-teachers/cED6MM0E0bQ

Using MinecraftEdu – Part 1 – Introduction

Physics with Minecraft example

Chemistry with Minecraft example


other disciplines


Does learning really happen w Minecraft?

Callaghan, N. (2016). Investigating the role of Minecraft in educational learning environments. Educational Media International53(4), 244-260. doi:10.1080/09523987.2016.1254877

Noelene Callaghan dissects the evolution in Australian education from a global perspective. She rightfully draws attention (p. 245) to inevitable changes in the educational world, which still remain ignored: e.g., the demise of “traditional” LMS (Educase is calling for their replacement with digital learning environments and so does the corporate world of learning: ), the inevitability of BYOD (mainly by the “budget restrictions and sustainability challenges” (p. 245); by the assertion of cloud computing, and, last but not least, by the gamification of education.

p. 245 literature review. In my paper, I am offering more comprehensive literature review. While Callaghan focuses on the positive, my attempt is to list both pros and cons:


  1. 246 General use of massive multiplayer online role playing games (MMORPGs)

levels of interaction have grown dramatically and have led to the creation of general use of massive multiplayer online role playing games (MMORPGs)

  1. 247 In teaching and learning environments, affordances associated with edugames within a project-based learning (PBL) environment permit:
  • (1)  Learner-centered environments
  • (2)  Collaboration
  • (3)  Curricular content
  • (4)  Authentic tasks
  • (5)  Multiple expression modes
  • (6)  Emphasis on time management
  • (7)  Innovative assessment (Han & Bhattacharya, 2001).

These affordances develop both social and cognitive abilities of students


Nebel, S., Schneider, S., Beege, M., Kolda, F., Mackiewicz, V., & Rey, G. (2017). You cannot do this alone! Increasing task interdependence in cooperative educational videogames to encourage collaboration. Educational Technology Research & Development65(4), 993-1014. doi:10.1007/s11423-017-9511-8

Abrams, S. S., & Rowsell, J. (2017). Emotionally Crafted Experiences: Layering Literacies in Minecraft. Reading Teacher70(4), 501-506.

Nebel, S., Schneider, S., & Daniel Rey, G. (2016). Mining Learning and Crafting Scientific Experiments: A Literature Review on the Use of Minecraft in Education and Research. Source: Journal of Educational Technology & Society, 19(192), 355–366. Retrieved from

Cipollone, M., Schifter, C. C., & Moffat, R. A. (2014). Minecraft as a Creative Tool: A Case Study. International Journal Of Game-Based Learning4(2), 1-14.

Niemeyer, D. J., & Gerber, H. R. (2015). Maker culture and Minecraft : implications for the future of learning. Educational Media International52(3), 216-226. doi:10.1080/09523987.2015.1075103

Nebel, S., Schneider, S., & Daniel Rey, G. (2016). Mining Learning and Crafting Scientific Experiments: A Literature Review on the Use of Minecraft in Education and Research. Journal of Educational Technology & Society, 19(192), 355–366. Retrieved from


Wilkinson, B., Williams, N., & Armstrong, P. (2013). Improving Student Understanding, Application and Synthesis of Computer Programming Concepts with Minecraft. In The European Conference on Technology in the Classroom 2013. Retrieved from

Berg Marklund, B., & Alklind Taylor, A.-S. (2015). Teachers’ Many Roles in Game-Based Learning Projects. In Academic Conferences International Limited (pp. 359–367). Retrieved from

Uusi-Mäkelä, M., & Uusi-Mäkelä, M. (2014). Immersive Language Learning with Games: Finding Flow in MinecraftEdu. EdMedia: World Conference on Educational Media and Technology (Vol. 2014). Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education (AACE). Retrieved from

Birt, J., & Hovorka, D. (2014). Effect of mixed media visualization on learner perceptions and outcomes. In 25th Australasian Conference on Information Systems (pp. 1–10). Retrieved from

Al Washmi, R., Bana, J., Knight, I., Benson, E., Afolabi, O., Kerr, A., Hopkins, G. (2014). Design of a Math Learning Game Using a Minecraft Mod.

more on Minecraft in this IMS blog

effective presentations and AR

augmented reality takeover. It’s played out at Snapchat and Facebook, at Google and Apple. Companies are using AR to design carssell furniture, make little digital sharks swim around your breakfast table. What if Prezi could apply that same technology to make better presentations?
the product isn’t ready for a public launch yet. Prezi has enlisted a select group of influencers to try out the AR tools and offer feedback before the company releases a beta version.

more on effective presentations in this IMS blog

digital curation

Digital Curation: Definitions, Tools, and Strategies de David Kelly


Digital Curation: What kind of curator are you? #converge11 from Joyce Seitzinger


Engaging higher education tools via digital curation from Australian Digital Futures Institute



Unger on digital curation

more on digital storytelling in this IMS blog

more on data literacy in this IMS blog

online learning attitudes

online learning attitudes

Students match their preference for hybrid learning with a belief that it is the most effective learning environment for them.

Despite the fact that faculty prefer teaching in a hybrid environment, they remain skeptical of online learning. Nearly half do not agree online 45% learning is effective.


Students asked what technologies they wish their instructors used more, and we asked faculty what technologies they think could make them more effective instructors. Both agree that content and resource-focused technologies should be incorporated more and social media and tablets should be incorporated less.

more on the use (or not) of ed technology in the classroom in this IMS blog

Google in the classroom

How Has Google Affected The Way Students Learn?

con?:with the advent of personal assistants like Siri and Google Now that aim to serve up information before you even know you need it, you don’t even need to type the questions.

pro: Whenever new technology emerges — including newspapers and television — discussions about how it will threaten our brainpower always crops up, Harvard psychology professor Steven Pinker wrote in a 2010 op-ed in The New York Times. Instead of making us stupid, he wrote, the Internet and technology “are the only things that will keep us smart.”

Pro and conDaphne Bavelier, a professor at the University of Geneva, wrote in 2011 that we may have lost the ability for oral memorization valued by the Greeks when writing was invented, but we gained additional skills of reading and text analysis.

conDaphne Bavelier, a professor at the University of Geneva, wrote in 2011 that we may have lost the ability for oral memorization valued by the Greeks when writing was invented, but we gained additional skills of reading and text analysis.

con: A 2008 study commissioned by the British Library found that young people go through information online very quickly without evaluating it for accuracy.

pro or con?: A 2011 study in the journal Science showed that when people know they have future access to information, they tend to have a better memory of how and where to find the information — instead of recalling the information itself.

pro: The bright side lies in a 2009 study conducted by Gary Small, the director of University of California Los Angeles’ Longevity Center, that explored brain activity when older adults used search engines. He found that among older people who have experience using the Internet, their brains are two times more active than those who don’t when conducting Internet searches.

the Internet holds great potential for education — but curriculum must change accordingly. Since content is so readily available, teachers should not merely dole out information and instead focus on cultivating critical thinking

make questions “Google-proof.”

“Design it so that Google is crucial to creating a response rather than finding one,” he writes in his company’s blog. “If students can Google answers — stumble on (what) you want them to remember in a few clicks — there’s a problem with the instructional design.”

more on use of laptop and phones in the classroom in this IMS blog

differences in 3d printing technologies

White paper

  • The differences between the most popular 3D printing technologies, including: fused deposition modeling (FDM), stereolithography (SLA), digital light processing (DLP), and selective laser sintering (SLS)
  • How to understand a 3D printer specifications chart
  • What 3D printing resolution quality mean in 3D printing
  • How educators at universities, high schools, and colleges around the world are using the Form 2 to empower students and conduct research


3D Print – a short introduction from IAAC, Institute for Advanced Architecture of Catalonia

more on 3d printing in this IMS blog

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