Archive of ‘Library and information science’ category

adler maslow rogers

Alfred Adler

Adler examined personality around the same time as Carl Jung and Sigmund Freud. They worked on some theories together until Adler rejected Freud’s emphasis on sex, and maintained that personality difficulties are rooted in a feeling of inferiority deriving from restrictions on the individual’s need for self-assertion.

Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs

by published 2007, updated 2016

Carl Rogers

agreed with the main assumptions of Abraham Maslow, but added that for a person to “grow”, they need an environment that provides them with genuineness (openness and self-disclosure), acceptance (being seen with unconditional positive regard), and empathy (being listened to and understood).

more about psychology in this IMS blog

trump netneutrality

Trump’s F.C.C. Pick Quickly Targets Net Neutrality Rules

more on net neutrality in this IMS blog

synchronous online learning

Creating Collaborative, Interactive & Engaging Online Learning Environments with Shindig

Shindig Interactive Video Chat for Canvas LMS, February 6, 2:00 – 3:00pm (EST)

Shindig recently announced its integration with Canvas by Instructure, bringing the former’s video chat platform to the learning management system.

Attend this webinar to learn how instructors can instantly schedule, customize and launch Shindig sessions directly from within the Canvas LMS, as well as automatically add the video chat sessions to students’ schedules.

Learn about the positive impact of collaborative and interactive learning environments on student success first-hand from educators and instructional technologists from leading universities. This session will highlight different use cases Shindig can be utilized for, including course delivery, office hours, guest speakers, workshops and more.

Early adopters of the Shindig platform will also be sharing highlight videos of their use of the platform and answering questions attendees may have.

Shindig Early Adopter Guest Speakers:

  • Michael AngillettaProfessor & Senior Sustainability Scholar, Associate Director of Undergraduate Programs, Arizona State University

Note: Watch the brief tutorial video, Canvas for Shindig

The Shindig Canvas plugin is available for free on a public GitHub Repo. Once the plugin is installed in the university’s LMS, IT administrators can contact Shindig for an API key to enable the creation of on-demand Shindig sessions in Canvas. The company is offering each Canvas client institution 10 free Shindig sessions of up to 1,000 attendees.

First-time users: upon entering the room, click “Allow” to the Flash prompt requesting access to your webcam. (Chrome users may need to click Allow a second time).

Note: The Shindig app currently only supports interacting with the featured speakers through text. To fully enjoy the Shindig experience and be enabled to ask video chat questions of the speaker or video chat privately with other participants, please log in from a computer with webcam and microphone capabilities.

social media and community opinion

Ijcsis, J. of C. S., Suryani, M., Ghani, J., & Suryani, M. (2016). IMPACT OF SOCIAL MEDIA ON CLOSED COMMUNITY BY CONSIDERING OPINION MINING. International Journal of Computer Science and Information Security, 14(11), 944–954. Last retrieved Feburary 6, 2017 from
Mining social media has its potential to extract actionable patterns that can be beneficial for business, users, and consumers. Opinion mining from social media can be a faster and less expensive alternative to traditional survey and polling, on which many sustainability researches are based.
Crowd Capital Theory.
ex-post facto design
my opinion:
format-wise – poorly written. No proofreading by the authors, but also by the peer-previewers.
Academic English does not recognize “get” and “put.” Sometimes, the ideas are not presented clearly. In-text citations need work: e.g. p. 946 “Andrews in 2012 said that may researchers indicate that the info…”; instead of “According to Andrews (2012), numerous researchers indicate the possibility of social network information to be used as a tool for spying.”  Similarly, on page 947: ” (Saxton et al., 2012)” must be “Saxton et al., (2012)”
Verbs are missing: e.g. p. 946 “A case study on effect of social networking sites in emergency departments for patient care.”
p. 953 “in all these study” – adjective / subject disagreement.
content-wise, the article also presents ad-hod information, rather then clearly structured and delinted conclusions: e.g., on page p. 947, the authors announce as the goal of this study ” to investigate the role of “social networks” in creating a positive or negative impact on the social, behavioral and educational aspics of our community.”
None of the three links to the surveys are functional:e.g., CI9f9e8/viewform?c=0&w=1&usp=mail_form_link

more on social media in this IMS blog

Netlix and HBO on VR

Netflix and HBO launch virtual reality apps on Google Play

Jacob Siegal

The content itself isn’t VR, just the digital venue.
Along with these three apps, Google has also brought NextVR to Daydream, which is the only app of the bunch that actually offers 360-degree, 3D video. With Netflix VR, HBO VR, NextVR, Hulu VR and Google Play Movies & TV, Daydream has suddenly become the undisputed leader of VR video.
More on on VR in this IMS blog

millennial librarians

Emanuel, J. (2013). Digital Native Librarians, Technology Skills, and Their Relationship with Technology. Information Technology & Libraries, 32(3), 20-33.

The article focuses on a study that examined the technology skills of millennial academic librarians and their attitudes toward technology. The results of a three-part survey indicated that the respondents were most comfortable with technologies that are used rather than those that enable people to create content. There was also a lack of understanding about relational databases among the respondents.

Internet Access

Across The Atlantic, Glimpse An Alternate Internet Universe

a moment when the U.S. decided to go one way and the rest of the world went another

more on Internet Access in this IMS blog

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