Sizing Up Wearable Tech and IoT in the Enterprise
Kayla Bittner 358 842 843 Twitter:#smartoffice
Det Ansinn speaker
Android Wear (java)
Pebble (C)
Samsung Tizen (HTML5)
Apple Watch WatchKit (Swift, Objective-C support is buggy)
WatchKit is the least mature
limitations: no keyboard, no mouse, no touch screen, battery life, limited usable screen real estate, CPU performance
opportunities: hands-free, speech for text input, sensors (gyro, camera, accelerometer), gesture-based input, BLE (bluetoothSmart)
GOod wearable Design: Recognizes immediacy, leverages context of the wearer
challenging to develop good experiences for these devices.
802.11 will eat short battery life, in addition to bluetooth. Samsung Gear S will get notification even from afar, but usually smartwatch notification is paired only in immediate proximity of the bluetoothed device.
Addon –
industrial uses of wearable: tag and quickmessages, not occupying hands.
keyboard is with swipe gestures.
Frank Schloendorn, Fiberlink, speaker
build in security is limited. Jailbroken / rooted devices are at higher risk> Open to hacking, still in infancy. No real MDM (Mobile Device Management) type solutions available

Do you currently own smartwatch
no management solutions exist today. OS: Tizen, Android, PebbleOS, Apple Watch OS etc
Cameras and other sensors cant be managed, monitored (spy scenario)
Is wearable an independent device or an extension of a smartphone
Best practices:
manage the connected device, not the wearable
be aware of what data can “leak” to a wearable device
if necessary, take more extreme measures (block bluetooth, ban devices)
new security options for mobile devices linked to wearables. bypass lock screen with presence of wearable, content sensitive security.
What Microsoft is getting right with tablets–seamless synching between devices, more computing power, and accessories–and why Apple should go there too.
“The iPad is nearly 5 years old. That product, ever since, has continued to ride a thin dividing line between iPhones and Macs: mobile, and computers.
…Will there be both a 12-inch iPad and a 12-inch MacBook Air in 2015? If so, how will they co-exist? Could they be meant for different customers?
…the iPad needs a change. It needs something to ignite interest. It needs a few new ideas.
Microsoft — with its hardware, and with its upcoming Windows 10 operating system — is actually blazing a bold trail. One that Apple may actually be able to learn from.”
Wearable APP concepts
Apple Watch App Concepts
PR, N. (2014, August 5). Accenture and Philips announce proof of concept app to show how ALS patients could gain greater control of their lives through brain, voice and eye commands. PR Newswire US.
ABI, R. (0002, April). In-vehicle Wearable Integration to Accelerate Convergence; Global Penetration in New Cars to Exceed 90% by 2019, Says ABI Research. Business Wire (English).
P.B. (2003). Is THIS the industry’s next killer app?. Solid State Technology, 46(7), 26.
The competition narrows down between Microsoft HoloLens, Facebook Oculus and Google Glass. Each of them bets on different possibilities, which wearable bring.
Facebook Oculus
Also available as podcast:
Microsoft HoloLens
Google Glass
Pls consider our related IMS blog entries:
Microsoft’s HoloLens prototype has all the innards of a computer built directly into the headset. That means no cords or even a smartphone required.
Just as VR rivals Oculus (owned by Facebook) and Google are trying to reimagine virtual experiences with their head-worn devices, Microsoft wants us to imagine a world without screens, where information merely floats in front of you.
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All the above games have physics in common but they’re also all in 2D. If students love these games, consider challenging them with 3D and even 4D games that put physics knowledge to the test. Valve’s Portal series is a great choice, or look into the equally mind-bending first-person games Antichamber or Quantum Conundrum, both of which go beyond the boundaries of Newtonian physics and Euclidean geometry.
Apple created the A8X processor specifically for the iPad Air 2. The new chip has a second-generation 64-bit architecture, houses 3 billion transistors, and compared to the iPhone 6‘s A8 chip, has a 40 percent faster CPU, while its GPU is 2.5 times faster.
rear 8-megapixel iSight camera boasts a new sensor to capture 3,264×2,448 resolution photos and 1080p HD video.
Apple added an impressive anti-reflective coating to the iPad Air 2, which allegedly reduces glare by 56 percent.
250-gigabyte hard drive, the Surface Pro 3 offers 15GB of online storage through Microsoft OneDrive
12-inch screen’s 3:2 aspect ratio
Intel Core i5 that could crunch large Adobe Photoshop and Microsoft PowerPoint files with ease