Searching for "twitter"

The Marketer’s Guide to Using Quizzes to Reach and Engage Your Audience

The Marketer’s Guide to Using Quizzes to Reach and Engage Your Audience

Part 1: How to create an intriguing quiz

  • Know your audience.
  • Write to one person.

Write irresistible titles

Craft the questions

  • Let your personality shine.
  • Follow the pub rule.
  • Don’t be afraid to get personal.

Design results that get shared

  • Be positive.
  • Don’t lie.
  • Prepare to be shared.

Part 2: Three ways to use quizzes

To drive traffic from the social web

To generate new leads

To gather valuable information about your visitors

Part 3: How to distribute your quiz

On your website or blog

On Facebook

  • On your timeline.
  • In a custom tab.

On Twitter

Instructional sessions for Adobe Creative Suite and other technologies available

Instructional sessions for Adobe Creative Suite and other technologies available

Good morning all,

Please consider one-on-one and/or team sessions regarding the use of the Adobe Creative Suite as well as the use of other technologies in the educational process.

Please contact InforMedia Services (IMS),, for any questions, scheduling etc.

IMS ( consists of faculty, who are willing and able to help faculty, staff and students with their academic endeavors in technology. We offer one-on-one sessions, workshops, instructional sessions and in-class technology instructions.

Follow us:

IMS blog: (keyword: mobile devices)






Google +:


Since IMS does not have access to the FacultyStaffAll listserv and cannot reach all campus as the message below, please feel welcome and encouraged to forward this email to your colleagues across unions.

Have a successful new academic year.



From: SCSU Information Technology
Sent: Tuesday, August 26, 2014 8:26 AM
To: FacultyStaffAll
Subject: Adobe Creative Cloud Site License


We are pleased to announce that we have renewed the Adobe site license for university-owned computers on campus.  This means that the Adobe Creative Cloud Master Collection (includes Acrobat, Photoshop, InDesign, Illustrator, Dreamweaver, After Effects, Premier Pro, Fireworks, Flash, Lightroom, and more) is able to be installed on any university-owned computer at no additional cost to you.


Campus Use

If you would like the use of these applications, please email with the details of which applications you would like installed on your university-owned computer.  Because it is the first week of the semester and technicians are quite busy right now, we ask for your patience with these installations.
NOTE: Not all campus computers are capable of running these programs. A technician will work with you to make sure your computer is capable of running this software before installing.


Personal Use

In addition, this campus site license includes a copy of Adobe Master Collection that can be installed on a faculty or staff person’s home computer for a yearly fee of $9.75.
Link to purchase personal version:
NOTE: Students are NOT eligible for this at-home use.  Students can purchase Adobe Creative Cloud for a monthly fee of $19.99.


Please contact HuskyTech at 320-308-7000 or with any questions!


Thank you,

Casey Gordon
Technology Support Services Director
Information Technology Services
MC 112C | 320-308-4711 |
St. Cloud State University

7 Things You Shouldn’t Tweet

7 Things You Shouldn’t Tweet

1. “What a workout! #exhausted #seeyoutomorrowgym”

New Years Day has come and gone, and like most Americans, my resolution for 2014 about working out is already nonexistent. Now, don’t make me or anyone else feel even worse about it by tweeting about “your extreme Crossfit session” or your “punishing leg day workout.”

Plus, are you really working out that hard if you have time to tweet about it?

2. “Gosh like 3 people today told me I’m beautiful, but I totally don’t think so. #confused #beauty”

Did you read that with a Valley girl tone of voice?

This kind of tweet is an example of the confusingly popular phenomenon that has been coined as humble brag tweeting. Humble bragging is boasting about something, but undercutting with modest humor. While the violation is mostly a Hollywood kind of offense, everyday Tweeters aren’t immune to the annoyance.

Arrogantly bragging about an achievement laced with an “oh my gosh how did that happen,” will not get you any new genuine followers or retweets. It will only get you unwanted eye rolling and unfollows. Say no to humble brag tweeting.

3. “Love is about finding it in unepected places. #anotherglassofwineplease #turndownforwhat”

If your guilty vice is having a few cocktails, or enjoying your favorite bottle of Syrah, so be it. But don’t let all of Twitter know about it, coupled with an inspirational quote about love, success, or how amazing the world is.

If you’re using Twitter to take advantage of its networking and outreach opportunities, tweeting that you’re under the influence isn’t the way to do it.

4. “I’m at ________”

The dreaded foursquare tweet. Geotagging your Instagram and Facebook photo updates have surged across social media. But unless you’re into the whole stalker thing, don’t tweet out your exact location.

The purpose of this tweet is to invite others to join in, right? But did you know a majority of Twitter users are not in the U.S.? Again, if you like international lurkers, keep on checking into foursquare. But if you’re into privacy like me, keep your geo-tagging tweets to a general, “Hey I’m at Joe Momma’s Coffee.”

5. “RT if you love us plzzzzz”

How to put this lightly? No…one…will…retweet…you. Not only is this kind of tweet spammy and annoying, it screams juvenile. How can any audience take you seriously if they feel like they are following a toddler on Twitter who can’t even spell please?

Okay, I lied. Here are a few more things you shouldn’t tweet.

6. “Thanks for following via ManageFlitter. @i_alexandrarose is now following you.”

Stop reading right now, and go turn off this automated tweet. Nothing screams, “I don’t really even use Twitter, just HootSuite,” more than this nonsense of a tweet.

7. “Thanks for the follow! Now let’s connect on Facebook @i_alexandrarose.”

If I wanted to “like” you on Facebook, I wouldn’t be connecting with you on Twitter. Plus, an invite to your Facebook page sends the message “I’m so important and everything I tweet is so valuable, you shouldn’t miss any of my Facebook selfies.”

Newsflash, no one is that important. Except maybe Neil Diamond.

Sweet Caroline. Bum, bum, bum. Good times never seemed so good.

If you’re at the gym, stay off Twitter. If you’re drunk, stay of Twitter. If you feel like complimenting yourself, do so in the mirror while you’re taking a selfie. Don’t give your Twitter followers any reason to unfollow you. Stick to useful, conversation-fueling tweets, and soon everyone will want to listen to your bird chirping.

Social Media: Yo

Yo Is Now Being Used To Update Israelis On Missile Attacks
Several months ago, people on the streets of Venezuela used “Zello” to replace blocked Twitter and FB:
Political upheavals can provide great ideas for application of social media in daily life

Gaming and Education: Resources

Gaming Learning Society

Report from the intersection of Games, Learning, and Society
Games, Learning and Society conference in Madison, Wisconsin. practical ideas and arguments from GLS to help you get through the roadblocks that stand between you and learning or teaching through games.

keywords: gamification + library in Twitter:
Readers Save Legacy Library Content by Crowdsourcing Metadata Games is Gamification and Why Use It in Teaching? Does the Next-Generation School Library Look Like?
The library now also has reading lounge areas with comfortable modular seating, as well as tables with chairs and stools that students are free to move around; two music studios; a HackerSpace (with high-tech equipment such as a microscope, 3D printer, gaming hardware and software, and a green screen for filming) and a Maker Space that also houses a 3D printer and serves as a “hands-on” craft room where old technology can be disassembled and re-configured with other materials. In short, the Monticello Library Media Center has become a “Learning Commons.”

following now @valibrarian because of MineCraft
Minecraft and the library:

Library Quest Wrap-Up and Post-Game Assessment

If you build it …? One campus’ firsthand account of gamification in the academic library
Straight from CRL News
SCVNGR as a platform was attractive to us for several reasons, including UCSD’s experience. First, it incorporated gaming into students’ experience of the library, which has been widely explored and recommended as a way to engage library patrons.2,3 Second, it would enable us to connect with students early in the year without needing to commit personnel to lengthy tours and other scheduled services during a busy time.

Pls consider former IMS blog entries. Keyword: “game”:


BYOD toolchest: 51 teaching and learning tools for mobile devices

The Epic BYOD Toolchest (51 Tools You Can Use Now)

Formative Assessment

Screencasting and Capturing What Happens in Class

Content-Sharing Platforms

  • Sophia: Nudged along by my friend Todd Nesloney, I use Sophia for my computer applications instruction and am very pleased with the results.
  • Haiku Learning: This is the full content management system that I’m trying to get our school to adopt. It’s multiplatform and robust, which makes it a great fit for our BYOD environment.

There are many other apps like MoodleCanvas, and Coursesites. The point is that you should have one in a BYOD environment.

Assessment Aids

All three of these apps — Quick KeyGrade Ninja, and WISE — are available on iTunes and Google Play, but there are more.

Electronic Note Taking


Students need multiple ways to share and express themselves, particularly verbally and with pictures. This is part of transliteracy.

Cloud Syncing

Graphic Design and Infographics

Color Selection



Written Expression

Link Sharing

More  (from the blog section)

If you’re working with multiple apps like Google Drive, Dropbox, One Drive, Evernote and need to search across them in one shot, take a look at Xendo ( – gives you a personal, private Google-like search across all your apps.

8 Interactive Video Tools for Engaging Learners

Social Media: U.S. Supreme Court to Weigh Threats on Social Media

U.S. Supreme Court to Weigh Threats on Social Media

individuals increasingly face prosecution for alleged threats conveyed on new media, including Facebook, YouTube, and Twitter.”

School administrators are having to face some of those questions, not always as full federal criminal cases, but as disciplinary matters, and the Supreme Court’s decision in the case could affect student cases as well.

from educationweek tweet

Open Source: why are we not allowed to use it?

Why Aren’t More Schools Using Free, Open Tools?

Teachers were complaining that they wanted a simple way to share files and links within the classroom, like a private Twitter app. Rather than having IT professionals respond to the request, Reisinger’s students programmed a solution that they call Paper Plane. ”Those kids have code up on GitHub [a site for open-source code] right now that they’re sharing out,” Reisinger said. Students also designed the help ticketing software that their peers use to request IT support.

oh, my, what a blasphemy; what do we do about SECURITY?…

A lot of people are scared away from open-source software or operating systems like Linux because of the belief that they are harder for teachers and students to use, and are more challenging to support.

a bigger reason people don’t go open-source is that the devices and software aren’t as shiny and exciting as iPads or Chromebooks.

recent concerns regarding third party providers and privacy are less of an issue


How Social Media Is Being Used In Education: excellent infographic

How Social Media Is Being Used In Education

Here is also an IMS blog entry about the use of Twitter in education:

how social media is being used in education

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