Searching for "game"

Epic Games and Digital Reality

Epic Games ‘Metaverse’ Completes $1B Funding with $200M from Sony—Developers to Build a Digital Reality

According to Venture Beat, Epic Games has recently had a successful round of funding, raising a sum of $1 billion for its proposed digital reality world

The metaverse idea of connecting all of Epic Games’ titles is an ingenious way of integrating one game after the other, becoming the common ground for all games, each player with their avatars. This highly resembles “Ready Player One’s” OASIS metaverse, which is a digital, virtual, and augmented reality that leads to different online platforms.

more on VR in this IMS blog

computer games and storytelling

Computerspiele und Literatur Auswahlbibliografie 16.09. – 23.10.2014 Amerika-Gedenkbibliothek

Was haben Computerspiele mit Literatur zu tun?

Narrative Computerspiele als Gegenstände literarischen Lernens


more on computer games in this IMS blog

more on digital storytelling in this IMS blog

Games For Change

  • Introduction to Interactive 3D for Creators
  • “Teach With Fortnite Creative” Workshop:
  • “Teach with Fortnite Creative Level 2” Workshop
  • “Teach with Unreal Engine” Workshop

more on games in education in this IMS blog

3D renderer, Blockchain, Bot, Game, Neural Network, Search Engine, Text Editor

Build your own X, a collection of tutorials to build your own 3D renderer, Blockchain, Bot, Game, Neural Network, Search Engine, Text Editor, and much more! (27 things to build!) from r/programming

Bagchi, M. (2020). Conceptualising a Library Chatbot using Open Source Conversational AI. DESIDOC Journal of Library & Information Technology, 40, 329–333.

more on chatbots in this IMS blog

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