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How to Master Instagram in 8 Simple Steps

How to Master Instagram in 8 Simple Steps

Read more:

1. Create your story

2. Create your content

3. Put yourself out there.

4. Break down your platform barriers

5. Nurture a clear following

6. Engage with your followers

7. Reward your followers with coupons, contests, or previews of upcoming events

8. Watch it grow

MediaSpace Error while uploading: XPath expression exception evaluating result”

getting an error message when uploading a recording on MediaSpace that says “Error while uploading: XPath expression exception evaluating result” and then gives you a choice to “Retry” or “Exit”. 

From: “Timothy P. VanLoon” <tvanloon@SOUTHEASTMN.EDU>
Date: September 5, 2014 at 9:29:59 AM CDT
To: Desire2Learn Campus Trainers <>
Subject: RE: MediaSpace error meaning
Reply-To: “Timothy P. VanLoon” <tvanloon@SOUTHEASTMN.EDU>

Thanks Kathy.  I agree it is a great system and seems to be very reliable and I like working with it as it is very user friendly.  However, in this last week now I have seen this error message come up twice for faculty and I would like answers and I haven’t gotten any so that is why I sent it out on the listserve today to see if anybody else has seen the error and find out what they know.


We have been using Tegrity for the last 6-8 years and it can be a real pain to work with (as well as very expensive) so I am trying to wean the faculty off of Tegrity on onto MediaSpace, but if word gets out that MediaSpace is throwing them error messages it just make the hill that much steeper for me in this uphill battle to get faculty to try something new.




Timothy VanLoonInstructional Technologist/D2L System Administrator

Southeast Technical

507.453.2722 phone

507.453.1422 fax


From: Kathy Grady []
Sent: Friday, September 05, 2014 8:24 AM
To: Timothy P. VanLoon; Desire2Learn Campus Trainers
Subject: RE: MediaSpace error meaning

Hi Tim – I have not seen this error – I just tried a couple videos, one an mp4 and the other an mov file and they uploaded and processed just fine. We have several people using MediaSpace with very little issues so I guess when you run into these issues – is to email Todd Digby and turn in a HD ticket as soon as you get notice of the issue.


Even with these strange things that periodically happen – I am thankful for this system, it has been a long time in coming. Please take it from me, who managed media streaming servers locally for five years, it was a royal pain and not an easy service to keep functioning at all times.




Kathy Grady
Learning Systems & Services Manager

North Hennepin Community College
7411 85th Ave N
Brooklyn Park, Mn 55445





From: Timothy P. VanLoon [mailto:tvanloon@SOUTHEASTMN.EDU]
Sent: Friday, September 5, 2014 7:57 AM
To: Desire2Learn Campus Trainers
Subject: MediaSpace error meaning


Has anyone else experienced getting an error message when uploading a recording on MediaSpace that says “Error while uploading: XPath expression exception evaluating result” and then gives you a choice to “Retry” or “Exit”.  Hitting “Retry” seems to do nothing and I have not selected “Exit”.  The recording does finish uploading and the message comes up saying it finished uploading and then the recording seems to play normally but the message box does not go away unless you close it out.  I would like to know what this message is about and what I am supposed to tell faculty when this happens and will the recording continue to upload properly and playback properly every time.  I any pushing hard to get faculty moved over to using MediaSpace and this is a little unsettling when I tell them it is a reliable recording/playback tool and then they get this message and I don’t know what to tell them except wait and it should end up fine.






Timothy VanLoonInstructional Technologist/D2L System Administrator

Southeast Technical

507.453.2722 phone

507.453.1422 fax






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Instructional sessions for Adobe Creative Suite and other technologies available

Instructional sessions for Adobe Creative Suite and other technologies available

Good morning all,

Please consider one-on-one and/or team sessions regarding the use of the Adobe Creative Suite as well as the use of other technologies in the educational process.

Please contact InforMedia Services (IMS),, for any questions, scheduling etc.

IMS ( consists of faculty, who are willing and able to help faculty, staff and students with their academic endeavors in technology. We offer one-on-one sessions, workshops, instructional sessions and in-class technology instructions.

Follow us:

IMS blog: (keyword: mobile devices)






Google +:


Since IMS does not have access to the FacultyStaffAll listserv and cannot reach all campus as the message below, please feel welcome and encouraged to forward this email to your colleagues across unions.

Have a successful new academic year.



From: SCSU Information Technology
Sent: Tuesday, August 26, 2014 8:26 AM
To: FacultyStaffAll
Subject: Adobe Creative Cloud Site License


We are pleased to announce that we have renewed the Adobe site license for university-owned computers on campus.  This means that the Adobe Creative Cloud Master Collection (includes Acrobat, Photoshop, InDesign, Illustrator, Dreamweaver, After Effects, Premier Pro, Fireworks, Flash, Lightroom, and more) is able to be installed on any university-owned computer at no additional cost to you.


Campus Use

If you would like the use of these applications, please email with the details of which applications you would like installed on your university-owned computer.  Because it is the first week of the semester and technicians are quite busy right now, we ask for your patience with these installations.
NOTE: Not all campus computers are capable of running these programs. A technician will work with you to make sure your computer is capable of running this software before installing.


Personal Use

In addition, this campus site license includes a copy of Adobe Master Collection that can be installed on a faculty or staff person’s home computer for a yearly fee of $9.75.
Link to purchase personal version:
NOTE: Students are NOT eligible for this at-home use.  Students can purchase Adobe Creative Cloud for a monthly fee of $19.99.


Please contact HuskyTech at 320-308-7000 or with any questions!


Thank you,

Casey Gordon
Technology Support Services Director
Information Technology Services
MC 112C | 320-308-4711 |
St. Cloud State University

Social Media Trivia in infographics

Time spent on social media
time spent

A brand’s story online is best framed online with photos and videos

A brand's story online is best framed online with photos and videos

Which content works on Facebook
Which content works on Facebook

What do you say on social media?
What do you say on social media?

Re-purpose content for social media

Re-purpose content for social media

Best time to be active on social media

Best time to be active on social media
Best time to be active on social media

MOOC Copyright for Educators & Librarians Kevin Smith, M.L.S., J.D., Lisa A. Macklin, J.D.,M.L.S., Anne Gilliland, JD, MLS

Copyright for Educators & Librarians

by Kevin Smith, M.L.S., J.D., Lisa A. Macklin, J.D.,M.L.S., Anne Gilliland, JD, MLS

thread Wk 1 – T2: Copyright: Shortened or Lengthened? – PART 1

Follow the money” was mentioned as a way to understand the concept of copyright and copyright law

Copyright lengths should be shortened.  Term lengths like these rarely benefit actual people.  They benefit corporations, be it publishers or things like Disney.

Karen Lightner: I can see the usefulness of bringing the US into line with the Berne Convention, so that we are in line with other nations’ laws. But the additional 20 years we have added for individuals and the incredibly long period for corporations goes against, I believe, what the founding fathers intended when they specified for a limited time.

Edwin A Quist: There are collections of so-called production music issued with licenses to be used for educational videos.  We have at least two sets of these in our music library (in various styles: rock ,classical, world, electronic, etc.) — but don’t expect great art!  Also WikiMedia Commons has some CC licensed music.

Brad Whitehead: I have no quarrel with protecting corporate trademarks — Disney characters or Nike swooshes, etc. — but maintaining monopolies on creative works for such extended periods primarily  enriches publishers with no benefit to the creators.

Nicholas Theo: There are definitely works created where it can be next to impossible to find the owner, or their descendant 20 years after the creation of the work. I have also witnessed when you do track these people down that they want an exorbitant sum of money for permission to use their creation even when there has been absolutely no interest in it. In the end no deal is made. On the other hand I work with two small non profit organizations whose body of work is of value. The material is actively used, and the body of work is a core asset for the organization. What happens to each organization once the copyrights expire? One organization faces this reality in 2015. The Internet permits an environment where decades of work may be used, and in some instances in ways the original material was never intended to be used. For instance, written passages can be misquoted and there will no longer be a legal mechanism to halt this practice.

Karen Case: I would be curious to know if the Youtube video with Mozart would have been removed if the link was made private.

Susan Martel: I think about The Hobbit which was published in 1937.  The author, Tolkien, died in 1973, and I remember his books being popular in the seventies and the eighties.  It was fairly recently that movies were made based on his books.  It seems fair (and I hope that it is the case) that he left a great legacy behind to his family so that they could continue to receive income from his work.  If Tolkien’s works were in the public domain by the time the movies were made, it is just an easy way for those working in the movie industry to become even wealthier without having to pay anything to the author or his beneficiaries.  Not all works have the kind of potential that Tolkien’s did, but without a crystal ball to predict the future it may be difficult to predict accurately what works will have continued success for generations and which will just be a flash in the pan.

Charles N. Norton: There is something called “Good Faith” effort that many archives hold to that tends to be the “standard” when trying to use copyrighted material for educational use, but it really only applies when you know who the copyright holder is and for whatever reason they simply do not respond to your requests. It does not remove the authors rights and, in fact, many times one does end up having to remove shared material after the fact because the copyright holders finally does get around to denying permission.

Lesli Moore: I’m glad to see some discussion about Open Access to works.  Perhaps instead of shortening the term, creators can circumvent the terms by offering open access using Creative Commons.

Jef Gielen: There are pros and cons. Do we find it reasonable that heirs take benefit from a work they did not contribute to at all ? To me, this is not evident. On the other hand, the copyright can be in hand of foundations trying to continue the work of an author – e.g. by means of scholarships. That’s another story ..

Here is a complete list of all the suggested readings for the Copyright for Educations and Librarians Course. Click here for a downloadable PDF version of the Suggested Readings that contains the full URL links.

Week 1


Week 2

Week 3


OPTIONAL – Resources on music copyright:

Sources for examples:

For the history behind the controversy over “The Lion Sleeps Tonight,” listen to these three YouTube videos:

  • Linda’s “Mbube” – 1939 (start at 0:21)
  • The Weavers with Pete Seeger “Wimoweh” – 1952 (start at 1:13)
  • Tokens “The Lion Sleeps Tonight” – 1961 (start at 0:15)

Week 4

Gaming and Education: Resources

Gaming Learning Society

Report from the intersection of Games, Learning, and Society
Games, Learning and Society conference in Madison, Wisconsin. practical ideas and arguments from GLS to help you get through the roadblocks that stand between you and learning or teaching through games.

keywords: gamification + library in Twitter:
Readers Save Legacy Library Content by Crowdsourcing Metadata Games is Gamification and Why Use It in Teaching? Does the Next-Generation School Library Look Like?
The library now also has reading lounge areas with comfortable modular seating, as well as tables with chairs and stools that students are free to move around; two music studios; a HackerSpace (with high-tech equipment such as a microscope, 3D printer, gaming hardware and software, and a green screen for filming) and a Maker Space that also houses a 3D printer and serves as a “hands-on” craft room where old technology can be disassembled and re-configured with other materials. In short, the Monticello Library Media Center has become a “Learning Commons.”

following now @valibrarian because of MineCraft
Minecraft and the library:

Library Quest Wrap-Up and Post-Game Assessment

If you build it …? One campus’ firsthand account of gamification in the academic library
Straight from CRL News
SCVNGR as a platform was attractive to us for several reasons, including UCSD’s experience. First, it incorporated gaming into students’ experience of the library, which has been widely explored and recommended as a way to engage library patrons.2,3 Second, it would enable us to connect with students early in the year without needing to commit personnel to lengthy tours and other scheduled services during a busy time.

Pls consider former IMS blog entries. Keyword: “game”:


eBook Builder from Softchalk

Coming this summer, SoftChalk will debut these amazing, educator-friendly features in both SoftChalk Create 9 (desktop version) and in SoftChalk Cloud…

SoftChalk eBook Builderbeta gives YOU the power to create and distribute your own interactive eBooks for use on both iPads and Chromebooks.
Major accessibility enhancements including frame-free lessons and fully HTML5-compliant content.
Add Google Analytics to your SoftChalk lessons, allowing you to measure and report student use of your learning content.
Access to thousands of new resources through SoftChalk’s integration with new media libraries including the Khan Academy, Getty Images and more!
SoftChalk’s new fluid layout will automatically adjust your lesson display on any screen size for any device.
Chrome browser support will be available for student viewing of all SoftChalk content.


Register for one of our Sneak Peek webinars today and be the first to see SoftChalk Create 9 in action!

Tuesday, June 24, 2014 2:00 PM EDT
Thursday, June 26, 2014 12:00 PM EDT

Backchannel: is it only K12 moving that direction?

backchannel — a digital conversation that runs concurrently with a face-to-face activity — provides students with an outlet to engage in conversation.

In a recent article by Edutopia:
The Backchannel: Giving Every Student a Voice in the Blended Mobile Classroom. (n.d.). Edutopia. Retrieved May 28, 2014, from

the author brings yet another argument in support of using the BYOD movement in K12 to promote usage of mobile devices and social media FOR the learning process, rather then seeking ways to shut them off.
It seems that Higher Ed is lagging behind in their paradigm shift toward Backchanneling.
What do you think must be done at SCSU to seek the usage of mobile devices and/or social media to involved students in the learning process?
Pollard, E. A. (2014). Tweeting on the Backchannel of the Jumbo-Sized Lecture Hall: Maximizing Collective Learning in a World History Survey. History Teacher, 47(3), 329-354., L. D., Goldman-Levine, J. D., Kostka-Rokosz, M. D., & McCloskey, W. W. (2014). Twitter as an in-class backchannel tool in a large required pharmacy course. American Journal Of Pharmaceutical Education, (3),, H., Bowen, K., & Olesova, L. (2010). Hotseat: Opening the Backchannel in Large Lectures. EDUCAUSE Quarterly, 33(3),

Cronin, J. J. (2011). The Classroom as a Virtual Community: An Experience with Student Backchannel Discourse. Business Education Innovation Journal, 3(2), 56-65.

Pohl, A., Gehlen-Baum, V., & Bry, F. (2012). Enhancing the Digital Backchannel Backstage on the Basis of a Formative User Study. International Journal Of Emerging Technologies In Learning, 7(1), 33.

Jarrett, K., & Devine, M. A. (2010). How to use backchanneling in your classroom. Education Digest, (1), 41.

Reid, A. (2011). Social media assemblages in digital humanities: From backchannel to buzz. doi:10.1108/S2044-9968(2011)0000003019

LRS and mobile devices: Please join us in exploring…


Please join us for our May meeting to discuss mobile devices, we use at work and privately.
We will meet this coming Tuesday, May 27, 10 AM in MC 205.
Please share your topic/issues preferences, if you have any.
Plamen Miltenoff and Tom Hergert

InforMedia Services


Contact us and contribute via social media:

IMS blog: (keyword: mobile devices)






Google +:


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