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your q/s, our a/s: filter and search for Quiz Submissions and Dropbox Submissions

Question: How do I filter and search for Quiz Submissions and Dropbox Submissions?Answer: This has been confusing to users who expect the filter to run automatically after they select a filter option from the drop-down.  It is necessary to click the Search icon/button to display the filter results.

See FAQ with screen shots at this link:

How to perform Filter and Search in Quiz and Dropbox

(FAQ of the Week links are also published at )

questions and answers

Real-World Thinking Skills

5 Ideas for Developing Real-World Thinking Skills

IDEAS—Inquiry, Design, Evaluation, Argument, and Systems Analysis. Let’s unpack these processes:
  • Inquiry is an investigative process that seeks out understandings and explanations—of observations, outcomes, concepts, and events. The process is driven by thoughtful questions that can be researched and explored in different ways—for example, by analyzing data or documents, generating models, or conducting experiments.
  • Design is an iterative process that results in the development of a new product or process for addressing a need, solving a problem, or improving an existing product/process. It includes clarifying a problem or need, generating possible solutions, testing/evaluating solution options, and developing a plan for implementation.
  • Evaluation involves selecting and applying appropriate criteria for assessing the quality, significance, or merit of something. Evaluation can be used to judge things like products (e.g., the strength of a bridge), outcomes (e.g., the accuracy of a stock market prediction), and processes (e.g., effectiveness of group work).
  • Argumentation is a reasoning process for debating and supporting an idea or position. It involves making a claim and justifying it with reasons and evidence. It can also involve critiquing an argument by challenging its claim or the reasons or evidence given to support it.
  • Systems Analysis is a process for understanding a system’s elements and how they interact. It includes analyzing the various elements in a system and predicting how changes to any part(s) of the system can have both short- and long-term consequences.

Framework for machine-learning model

Framework to describe individual machine-learning model decisions

Researchers create framework to describe individual machine-learning model decisions

more on machine learning in this IMS blog

the Platform Transparency and Accountability Act

Meta, TikTok and YouTube may finally have to start sharing data with researchers

A Senate hearing this week and a new law in Europe show how “transparency” advocates are winning

the Platform Transparency and Accountability Act, was introduced in December by (an ever-so-slightly) bipartisan group of senators.

“YouTube, TikTok, Telegram, and Snapchat represent some of the largest and most influential platforms in the United States, and they provide almost no functional transparency into their systems. And as a result, they avoid nearly all of the scrutiny and criticism that comes with it.”

When we do hear about what happens inside a tech company, it’s often because a Frances Haugen-type employee decides to leak it.

Cruz expressed great confusion about why he got relatively few new Twitter followers in the days before Elon Musk said he was going to buy it, but then got many more after the acquisition was announced.

The actual explanation is that Musk has lots of conservative fans, they flocked back to the platform when they heard he was buying it, and from there Twitter’s recommendation algorithms kicked into gear.

As usual, though, Europe is much further ahead of us. The Digital Services Act, which regulators reached an agreement on in April, includes provisions that would require big platforms to share data with qualified researchers. The law is expected to go into effect by next year. And so even if Congress dithers after today, transparency is coming to platforms one way or another. Here’s hoping it can begin to answer some very important questions.


Mouth Haptics for VR Headsets Are Just Going To Be Used for Kissing


Scientists at the Futures Interfaces Group at Carnegie Mellon University added ultrasonic devices to a standard VR headset. They point at the mouth and target pulses and swipes at the lips, teeth, or tongue. Most haptic devices currently involve our hands and fingers, like cell phone menus and VR accessories. The mouth is the second most sensitive area, thus the researchers focus for enhancing VR. It also means their accessory mounts to the headset and doesn’t add any other equipment.

Learning in Metaverse

new study co-authored by Richard Mayer,

The study took place with about 100 middle school students taking a brief “virtual field trip” to learn about climate science. Some students experienced the field trip while wearing a VR headset, while others watched the same material in standard video on a computer screen.

“higher ratings of presence, interest, and enjoyment,”

The paper noted an obvious logistical benefit to virtual field trips over getting on a bus for an in-person outing. “Virtual field trips make it possible to experience things that are too expensive, dangerous, or impossible in the real world,” it says. The experiment did not address the difference in educational value between a real-world field trip and a virtual one.

for programs like nursing, pharmacy and medicine, VR seems promising for teaching some skills, as a piece of a broader curriculum that includes in-person hands-on learning as well.

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